Guinness Marketing Campaigns Show Their Creativity

Have you noticed that the world of marketing is changing? And rapidly. Traditional media vehicles are losing effectiveness as people communicate in new and different ways. Mass audiences are fragmenting into small segments. Developing a point of difference is harder than ever. This Guinness marketing campaign demonstrates that Guinness marketing has certainly noticed.

Guinness marketing campaign shows selling is not marketing.

Feelings have a critical role in the way customers are influenced.

-David Freemantle

And Guinness marketing has adapted and come up with some cool new marketing ideas. This new ad from Guinness proves that beer commercials can be so much more than guys and bars.

Empty Chair” tells the story of a bartender who leaves a pint of Guinness at an empty table every night amongst birthday celebrations and sports team’s victories. No one sits at the table, and the woman shoots a dirty look to anyone she catches eyeing one of the empty chairs.

Related: Would This Galaxy S5 Marketing Video Persuade You?

Without fail, the frosted glass is there each and every night. It’s a powerful image that serves as a sign of hope for the bartender. But we aren’t exactly sure who the beer is for until the very end. Everything comes together when a soldier finally returns home to claim his Guinness.

The spot finishes with the tagline “The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”

Guinness’s marketing story based on emotion has flipped traditional beer advertising on its head by getting rid of the template and telling a story – a real emotional story – that connects with people. The responses were overwhelmingly positive … customers and particularly the target customers are looking for meaningful stories. The emotion in this marketing strategy certainly is addressing this end state in our opinion.

This Guinness “Empty Chair” commercial salutes the character of a community as they honor one of their own who is out of sight, but not out of mind. They remind us that a true test of character is what you do when no one’s looking.

The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character. Guinness proudly raises a glass to those who are #MadeOfMore.

Guinness has made the message as clean and simple as possible. You cannot over achieve on the simplicity of the message.  A message that the reader will quickly grasp and fully appreciate. Keep in mind that pictures are far more valuable than words. Guinness certainly gets it and tells an interesting story as it weaves the message together.

Many business leaders are uncertain about the future. What will great marketing look like in the years ahead? Guinness’ spot shows the way.

The spot works in many ways.

First, it breaks through the clutter. It is visually arresting, surprising and beautiful. After watching it once I wanted to watch it again. There is no better means of influence or the power of persuasion than emotion. Hands down the best, in our opinion. And enhanced with a great dose of curiosity.

Experiences that trigger our emotions are saved and consolidated in lasting memory because the emotions generated by the experiences signal our brains that the experiences are important to remember.

Second, it has solid branding; it is clear that this is for Guinness and the brand’s personality.

Third, it communicates a benefit. The entire spot revolves around the Guinness commitment to people.  It is very clear that Guinness has something special and remarkable that they want to share.

The ad has generated an astonishing amount of buzz and attention. It is engaging, well branded and focused.

The ad was serious and emotional. It is like they left a note that says:

… there will be a seat left open, a light left on, a favorite dinner waiting, a warm bed made…because in your home, in our hearts, you’ve been missed. You’ve been needed, you’ve been cried for, prayed for. You are the reason we push on.

It touches deep emotions about loss and longing. And the spot worked to build the brand; it made people feel proud of Guinness and its values.

Stories and emotion are the future of great marketing, aren’t they?


 So remember this:

It is not what advertising does with the consumer; it is what the consumer does after digesting the advertisement. After looking over these commercials … how much have you learned?

Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?

Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy improving your marketing, branding, and  advertising?

Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?

Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.

More reading on marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Guinness Marketing Campaign Shows Their Creativity

Secrets to Share on Lego’s Marketing Campaigns

12 Lessons from Ben and Jerry’s Marketing Strategies

BMW Marketing Videos … Effective Campaign Strategy?

Are marketing videos a secret marketing strategy? Probably not. But you can certainly learn from them. These BMW marketing videos do display some great hidden truths.

BMW marketing videos persuade with emotion.

The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.

– Leo Burnett

Have you seen these two recent BMW videos? Watch them both here … each is only 60 seconds. We will then examine each video and what contributes to their strengths and weaknesses and their ability to influence or persuade.

How many times do you hear “I want my video to go viral”? To make this happen you have to create content that is pretty innovative, exciting and cool so that your audience will want to share. Well here’s the kind of video that ticks all those boxes. 

BMW Canada has released these videos which have been viewed over 7 million times (at time of writing). The first one was the most popular and it became the number one worldwide auto video on YouTube after just 2 days. The title of the first video makes you think that you’ll be seeing BMW cars taking on concrete walls and losing. The video is pretty clever and keeps you on the edge of your chair as you watch it.

Marketing or advertising, you need to create information that your customers find interesting and worth talking about and remembering. These videos certainly achieve this goal, don’t you think?

For a different way of marketing see our article on Marriott Marketing.

Let’s evaluate other keys to effective marketing strategy in these videos:

Show … don’t tell

Certainly BMW could have talked about its cars design features, in all its technical glory. But that is not the best way to create a story that holds an audience’s attention. It is a much better approach to show the capabilities in person, but if that can’t be done, then an effective video is the next best thing. It is the only way to effectively to communicate messages to 7 million+ viewers.

Grab and hold viewers’ attention

Grab attention with interesting information.  Keep in mind that people don’t watch ads … they watch what interests them. Your ad messages must be interesting to your target communities. This video certainly grabs and holds attention based on simple emotion

Be relevant to your target market

Keep in mind that one message does not fit all. It starts with knowing your target market. Here the target market is people who like fast, stylish automobiles with focus on sound driving capabilities. Perhaps they secretly desire to be race car drivers? These videos are certainly relevant to this market.

Define your positioning

Your positioning is your frame of reference.  Make comparisons to your competitors if you can. BMW certainly knows who its major competitors are and but chooses to not take them on in these videos. A good move we believe.

Define a value proposition

Build unique selling points that truly discriminates you from your competition. Give your customers reasons to select you. Maybe not the most significant visible feature, it does illustrate BMW as a company that puts high priority on great automobile design and driving capabilities, which is their clear objective.

Make your messages simple

Simple messages that the reader will quickly understand are the most effective. Keep in mind that pictures are far more valuable than words. And of course a video shows much more than pictures. Creating customer emotion does not get any simpler or more memorable than this, does it?

Consider the end state values to your customers

Customers and particularly the target customers are looking for new and better auto design features. No reason to buy without these and the marketing strategy certainly is addressing this end state in our opinion. The videos do not address any specific design features other than turning and maneuverability capabilities. Show, don’t tell is a great strategy, isn’t it?

 Influence and persuasion

There is no better means of influence or persuasion than emotion. Emotion is the best, hands down the best, in our opinion. This commercial focuses on emotional appeal in grand fashion. It is the secret of these videos success and what makes the marketing strategy most effective.

Remember, it is not what advertising does with the consumer; it is what the consumer does after viewing the advertisement.

After looking over these enablers, we believe BMW has created a very effective marketing strategy. What do you think? Can these videos persuade you?

What are some of your experiences with videos as a component of an integrated marketing campaign?

Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?

Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy improving your marketing, branding, and  advertising?

Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?

Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.

More reading on marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Guinness Marketing Campaign Shows Their Creativity

Secrets to Share on Lego’s Marketing Campaigns

12 Lessons from Ben and Jerry’s Marketing Strategies

8 Tips to Earn More from Affiliate Marketing

Are you reluctant about trying to earn money through affiliate marketing because you think it is hard? Well, if you get a feel of it, it is relatively easy. Most people who have gone this route start by just onboarding on several affiliate marketing programs and adding affiliate links to their blogs.

You must refresh your strategies if you have already started your affiliate marketing endeavor and want to go pro and make more profits. To thrive in the affiliate marketing world, you have to keep up with the emerging trends.

Let us discuss how you can make money out of affiliate partnerships. You can also check out Juicy Stakes casino for free spins and betting opportunities – and their affiliate marketing deals.

1. Find Your Niche  

Most affiliate marketers advertise anything they can get their hands on. It is not the best strategy. Focusing on a specific niche is the best decision you can ever make.

Choosing a niche will determine your content, your tone when creating content, and your earnings.

It is advisable to promote services and products you are passionate about. More so, having a narrow target will make it easy to find customers and earn more money.

As you plan to start affiliate marketing, dedicate time to research and find a niche with a track record of success.

2. Use Facebook Ads

Facebook remains the most prominent social platform, with 3 billion monthly active users. Boasting billions of monthly active users, Facebook Ads are worth investing in. You can use different types of Facebook ads, including single videos, single images, and carousels, to target potential customers for the products you are promoting.

Facebook Ads is an affiliate marketing powerhouse. However, you must create conversion-driven and compelling ads to make the most of them.

3. Use More than One Affiliate Partner

Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. A business may decide to reduce commission rates, reject refunds, or terminate its affiliate program.

For instance, in April 2020, the Amazon Associates program significantly reduced commissions for several product categories. With one week’s notice, Amazon affiliates who promoted home renovation products saw a 5% commission reduction.

As a general guideline, no affiliate partner should account for more than 50% of your sales. Your company can avoid a significant revenue loss if an affiliate network lowers its prices or discontinues its affiliate marketing initiative. Replacing just half of your income is easier than returning all of it.

4. Curate Valuable Content

Successful affiliate marketing requires valuable content to furl it. You must create engaging and compelling content to drive traffic and conversions. You are not restricted to specific content, so you can do product reviews, comparison articles, and more.

You can also use tutorials, videos, emails, social media posts, and e-books.

Your content should provide readers with insightful information rather than just serve as a sales pitch.

5. Optimize Your Channels for SEO

You need a good website that runs smoothly to kick off affiliate marketing. Ensure the content is fully optimized and the site is mobile-friendly, as most visitors will use mobile devices.

Investing time in link building, conducting keyword research, and maintaining the health of your website will increase the frequency with which search engines display your content. More traffic equals more commissions. Optimize your website for more traffic, and you will laugh all the way to the bank.

6. Share Coupon Codes

Retailers frequently list online marketing resources for affiliates to utilize as part of their affiliate program. Usually, email marketing text and banner ads are the ones that make the shortlist. Asking your affiliate partners whether they have current discount coupons that can be used on the products you are marketing doesn’t hurt, though.

Additionally, these discount codes are incredibly effective at persuading those who have yet to try the products you promote to do so.

When you’re ready to share a promotion code with your target audience, share it on social media platforms as a link, update existing content to reference the coupon code, or email your target audience, directing them toward the sale.

7. Post Consistently and at the Right Time

Establishing a solid following requires regular posting. Make a content schedule and publish frequently. Your followers will remember you more if you do this. The secret to selling affiliate products to the clients you want to reach is volume.

More posts drive more engagement. However, remember to do it sparingly lest you will annoy your followers. Depending on your strategy, posting three to six times is recommended.

Timing your posts is also essential to make the most out of your marketing efforts. Understand your audience and identify when they are more likely to see and engage with your posts.

8. Disclose Affiliate Links

You want to build trust with your target audience, so disclose your affiliate links. Affiliate link disclosures are also an excellent way to gain users’ confidence and develop relationships. Even if it weren’t necessary, telling people up front that you might make money from them gives the impression that you are a sincere, reliable, and transparent brand.

The Bottom Line

Generating substantial passive income with an effective affiliate marketing plan is possible. You may even manage to get to the position of industry leader. For this to happen, it takes skills, knowledge, and strategic planning.

So, how can someone who has yet to gain experience begin affiliate marketing? Use the guide above to improve your affiliate marketing knowledge and polish your strategy.

A Very Creative Influencing Campaign

When an influencing campaign says the thing people want or need to hear, magic happens. 

Robin Hood

In 2013, H&R Block, with their agency Fallon, responded to something they heard while interviewing consumers. The thing people seemed to care about most was getting taxes done right and getting every dime they are owed back. 

The creative bomb that went off birthed the now famous, “Get Your Billions Back America” campaign, which launched at the start of 2014. 

It was a message consumers heard, understood and were instantly drawn to. 

The genius of the campaign lies in what isn’t stated. There’s no reference to Block’s size and number of locations. No mention of total refunds they’ve secured for their customers. No detail about their processes, services, prices or proficiency of their accountants.

No noise, interference or distractions. 

Sure, these things matter. But every accounting firm markets around the obvious things that make them great. Block took an alternative route and marketed around what people want – a Robin Hood that gets them what they deserve.  

In 2009 and 2010, Discovery Learning, Inc. and Innovative Pathways conducted research to identify and measure influence styles.  Their research derived created five categories: 


Insist that your ideas are heard and you challenge the ideas of others


Put forward your ideas and offer logical, rational reasons to convince others of your point of view


Look for compromises and make concessions to reach outcomes that satisfy your greater interest


Build relationships and connect with others through listening understanding and building coalitions


Advocate your position and encourage others with a sense of shared purpose and exciting possibilities

Each of these styles can be effective, depending upon the situation and people involved.  A common mistake is to use a one-size-fits-all approach. Remember that influencing is highly situational.

Learning from the Best Marketing Strategy Examples

Have you noticed that the world of marketing is changing? A big cliché, yes? Yes, it is, but it is having a significant impact. And the change is rapid. Traditional media vehicles are losing effectiveness as people communicate in new and different ways. Here we will illustrate learning from the best marketing strategy examples.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Walt Disney

Mass audiences are fragmenting into small segments. Developing a point of difference is harder than ever. It takes a lot of creativeness, but it is certainly doable.

Let’s consider a couple of examples to illustrate.

Guinness marketing strategy shows their creativity

This Guinness marketing campaign demonstrates that Guinness marketing has certainly noticed.

And Guinness marketing has adapted and come up with some cool new marketing ideas. This new ad from Guinness proves that beer commercials can be so much more than guys and bars.

Empty Chair,” tells the story of a bartender who leaves a pint of Guinness at an empty table every night amongst birthday celebrations and sports team’s victories. No one sits at the table, and the woman shoots a dirty look to anyone she catches eyeing one of the empty chairs.

Without fail, the frosted glass is there each and every night. It’s a powerful image that serves as a sign of hope for the bartender. But we aren’t exactly sure who the beer is for until the very end. Everything comes together when a soldier finally returns home to claim his Guinness.

The spot finishes with the tagline “The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”

Guinness’s marketing story based on emotion has flipped traditional beer advertising on its head by getting rid of the template and telling a story – a real emotional story – that connects with people. The responses were overwhelmingly positive … customers and particularly the target customers are looking for meaningful stories. The emotion in this marketing strategy certainly is addressing this end state in our opinion.

This Guinness “Empty Chair” commercial salutes the character of a community as they honor one of their own who is out of sight, but not out of mind. They remind us that a true test of character is what you do when no one’s looking.

The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character. Guinness proudly raises a glass to those who are #MadeOfMore.

Guinness has made the message as clean and simple as possible. You cannot overachieve on the simplicity of the message.  A message that the reader will quickly grasp and fully appreciate. Keep in mind that pictures are far more valuable than words. Guinness certainly gets it and tells an interesting story as it weaves the message together.

Many business leaders are uncertain about the future. What will great marketing look like in the years ahead? Guinness’ spot shows the way.

The marketing works in many ways.

First, it breaks through the clutter. It is visually arresting, surprising and beautiful. After watching it once, I wanted to watch it again. There are no better means of influence or the power of persuasion than emotion. Hands down the best, in our opinion. And enhanced with a great dose of curiosity.

Experiences that trigger our emotions are saved and consolidated in lasting memory because the emotions generated by the experiences signal our brains that the experiences are important to remember.

Second, it has solid branding; it is clear that this is for Guinness and the brand’s personality.

Third, it communicates a benefit. The entire spot revolves around the Guinness commitment to people.  It is very clear that Guinness has something special and remarkable that they want to share.

The ad has generated an astonishing amount of buzz and attention. It is engaging, well branded and focused.

The ad was serious and emotional. It is like they left a note that says:

… there will be a seat left open, a light left on, a favorite dinner waiting, a warm bed made…because in your home, in our hearts; you’ve been missed. You’ve been needed, you’ve been cried for, prayed for. You are the reason we push on.

It touches deep emotions about loss and longing. And the spot worked to build the brand; it made people feel proud of Guinness and its values.

Example takeaways

Stories and emotion are the future of great marketing strategy, aren’t they?

12 Lessons from Ben and Jerry’s Marketing Strategies

Ben and Jerry’s marketing is changing the game of social.

What are your favorite brands? Which ones do you follow closely and learn the most from? When choosing to learn from others marketing successes, it is always helpful to choose great brands to follow. We follow Ben and Jerry’s marketing strategies because of their creativeness and unique approach to customer focus.

Meet Ben and Jerry’s. They have been successfully executing their social marketing strategy and plan since the first days of social media and social commerce. For over 20 years their strategies have played a significant role in their growth.

An introduction to Ben and Jerry’s is unnecessary, isn’t it?

With more than 600 retail locations in 34 countries, the ice cream scoop shop is the picture of success.

Ben and Jerry’s rode the baby boomer trend in the late 1980s, the swelling ranks of mid-age professionals that created the need where people could share and enjoy a unique ice cream dessert with friends and colleagues, away from work and home.

In our opinion, the company has changed the way companies market themselves to customers. Here is how we feel they have been so successful:

Market segmentation

The company has stayed with the upper-scale of the ice cream market, competing on product quality rather than convenience or price, which are the case with its closest competitors. They target customers with high-end ice cream tastes and unique flavors.


The company continues to focus on its original product bundle that includes great ice cream, unique flavors, quality service, and a nice environment to hang around. They keep their focus on paying attention to the details of great execution and service.

Social Media

One of the earliest adopters of the use of social media for marketing and social commerce, Ben and Jerry’s has certainly taken a leadership position in social engagement. Their social media strategy is built on their company website and six additional social platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, G+, Instagram, and YouTube.

Adaptation and Innovation

Ben and Jerry’s have clearly embraced the social realm. With a strong presence on multiple social networks, the brand has set a high bar when it comes to being social and engaging its customers. They are at or near the top of nearly every major brand ranking in social commerce.

Ben and Jerry’s ability to wear so many hats on corporate success, “local” favorite, and Internet sensation warrants close examination.

What makes this company so good at being social and executing a great marketing strategy? And what can it teach us?  Here are our thoughts on these questions:

Customer collaboration

Collaboration with customers is used to obtain customer ideas on new flavors. Fans inspired the best-selling Cherry Garcia, Chunky Monkey, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough flavors.

Customer relationships

Instead of solely focusing efforts on accumulating new customers, it cultivates its current relationships. This ensures more fans/followers in the long run, as well as the continued existence of brand advocates. This holds true across the board: in-store experiences are highly valued, along with online engagement, emphasizing the importance of customer service.

Interactive customer engagement

Engagement is a high priority for the brand, and they continually look for new ways to collect inputs from customers.  A good current example is their ‘Scoop Truck’, which travels around the country giving out free samples of new products and soliciting customer inputs.

They believe in letting customer engagement and conversation occur as naturally as possible.  They listen carefully, observe, and apply new ideas from what they learn.

Encourage sharing

Happy customers are eager to share good experiences and offers. For example, frequent promotions garner an extraordinary amount of engagement on social media through comments, “likes,” and shares.

Social mission focus

Ben and Jerry’s brand has always chosen a social mission … to stand for and stand behind. One great example of an issue they got behind was supporting the push to get corporate dollars out of politics …

Experience customization

Ben and Jerry’s provides its unique experience through programs such as personalized ice cream flavors and localized store experiences. Their social sites, in particular, Pinterest and Instagram, encourage users to share their Ben and Jerry’s moments’ which are shared on all their social sites.

Taking a stand

Giving consumers a charitable reason to buy that ice cream cone or package is beneficial for all. The takeaway from Ben and Jerry’s is to know your customer and tie that in with what matters in the world … so, pay attention to how your brand can fit into trending topics.

Showing customer appreciation

Appreciation for their customers. The lead in quote to this article from Ben Cohen says it all about their culture and success at showing customers appreciation.

Whether we are discussing businesses that are social, the best at engaging customers, or being great at a social commerce business, there are few businesses in the class of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream.

Being social is a core component of Ben and Jerry’s marketing strategy. It is the integrating ingredient of their online and online to traditional marketing/media.

Not all businesses can go to the extent that Ben and Jerry’s does. But they can support local issues and do weekly online promotions to increase customer engagement, gain new customers and convert good customers into advocates.

Lots of ideas here that can be easily replicated … which ones do you feel could benefit your business? How could you improve the Ben and Jerry’s marketing strategy for your business?

Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?

Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy to improve your marketing, branding, and advertising?

Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?

Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.

More reading on marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library: 

The Business Intelligence Process Part 3 Competitive Analysis

Competitive Growth Strategy … the Story of In-N-Out Burger

10 Entrepreneur Lessons You Need to Know

Collaboration and Partnerships Are Key to Business Growth

3 Major Challenges Digital Marketing Firms Face in the First Year

The digital marketing industry is a great one to be in right now, and if you can build a solid team around you and deliver quality service to your customers, then you should have no trouble making a space for yourself. With that being said, you can expect your first year to be rocky and demand a lot of adapting if you are coming from another field or working independently. You may also feel a lot of pressure to get your first clients. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest challenges digital marketing firms may have to face in the first year.

Getting People to Opt-in

Selling digital marketing services will be easier if you’re in a market that’s receptive to them. Hopefully, you have done your research already and know that there is demand. If you haven’t, then you need to start looking at how many people in your area could use your services and see how many firms are already serving it.

Being in a small market is not necessarily a bad thing, but you may have to work harder and look at educating your prospective clients first before you start actively selling them. If you’re in a market with a lot of demand but a lot of competition, then you may have to offer your services for free to some of your first customers so you can use them as referrals and get testimonials.

Attracting and Keeping Top Talent

It’s very hard to retain top employees in this field and recruiting is not simple either. One of the reasons for this is that the pool of talent in digital marketing is not the deepest, and the few people who have the expertise needed to be good digital marketers get courted aggressively by the big players. So, you’ll need to be creative with things like benefits and work arrangements.

Be prepared to have to offer things like remote working and hot desking options to remain competitive. You should also try to focus on development opportunities and have a real health and wellness program.

One of the things you could do here would be to offer a healthy food benefit card. A healthy food benefit card that can be used on nutritious foods and different medications will be appreciated by health-conscious employees, and will also allow you to keep them healthier, and happier.

As far as recruitment goes, it could be a good idea to work with a third-party human resources team if you want to get everything right. This will also allow you to concentrate on what matters the most.

Managing Relationships with Clients

This part is one that many people overlook when they start this kind of business, but managing relationships with clients can get very complicated, especially if you offer a wide variety of services.

If you offer SEO, then you have to be able to monitor results for every one of your clients and be ready to answer their questions when they ask. If you have PPC clients, then you may have to handle multiple campaigns for each of them and have campaigns with widely different objectives, scopes, and budgets. This is why you will need to learn how to manage your clients’ expectations, not be outlandish in your claims, and start getting familiar with things like CRMs.

Running a digital marketing agency can be rough at the beginning, but once you get the hang of it and you’ve built a good client base, things will become much easier. Just make sure that you surround yourself with the right people and get familiar with the back-office part before you start.


Do you know the art of persuasion? Maybe you’re fascinated by how people think, act, and what they need. If that sounds like you, consider pursuing marketing careers.

In today’s business world, good marketing is essential for success, no matter how big or small your venture is. Even if a business has incredible products or services, it won’t do well if people don’t know about them. That’s where marketing professionals play an important role. They create strategies to connect with the right audience and get the word out.

The great thing about a marketing career is that you can take many different paths. If you’re not sure which one suits you best, don’t worry. In this article, we’ll look at five lucrative marketing careers that may help you decide your path:

Brand Manager

Brands are more than just logos and slogans; they’re the personality and identity of a business. Brand managers are responsible for shaping and maintaining a brand’s image and reputation. They oversee everything from logo design and advertising campaigns to customer perception and brand loyalty. It’s a role that requires a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of brand psychology. This role requires creative and strategic thinking, brand analysis, and managing cross-functional teams.

The minimum education requirement to pursue this role is a master’s degree in marketing. Besides, you can even pursue a marketing strategy certificate to learn new skills and become a pro in your niche.

Typical job duties of a brand manager may include the following:

  • Conduct market research and analyze customer behavior.
  • Create, implement, and track brand strategies.
  • Manage budget and allocate resources effectively.
  • Develop and maintain good working relationships with different parties, including vendors, suppliers, influencers, etc.

Digital Marketing Specialist

Over the past few years, the world has gone digital quickly. Today, every business, irrespective of its type and size, has an online presence, and they look for ways to boost it. Businesses are constantly seeking skilled professionals to navigate the ever-changing online world. As a digital marketing specialist, you’ll promote products or services through various digital channels. This includes creating and managing online advertising campaigns, optimizing websites for search engines (SEO), and engaging with customers on social media platforms.

These professionals understand business objectives and leverage tools to devise comprehensive digital marketing plans to meet those goals. So, if you are tech-savvy, a social media enthusiast, and have knowledge of digital marketing, this career path might be an ideal fit for you. Moreover, you must have sound knowledge of all digital marketing channels and tools. Also, excellent time management, communication, and analytical skills are a must to pursue the role of a digital marketing specialist.

The day-to-day job responsibilities of a digital marketing specialist may include the following:

  • Develop and execute digital marketing strategies to drive traffic and increase revenue.
  • Evaluate performance and make necessary adjustments.
  • Oversee different social media accounts of the company and optimize campaigns to increase ROI.
  • Keep abreast of emerging technologies and the latest practices in the industry.

Market Research Analyst

It won’t be incorrect if we say that market research analysts are the detectives of the marketing world. They collect and analyze data to help businesses understand their target markets better. Studying consumer behavior, preferences, and market trends provides valuable insights that drive marketing decisions. This could be your niche if you enjoy uncovering hidden patterns and making data-driven recommendations. This career requires an exceptional analytical mind, strong communication, and data interpretation skills.

Some of the job duties of market research analysts are listed as follows:

  • Develop and assess techniques for data collection.
  • Identify business goals and create surveys to determine potential customers’ preferences.
  • Employ statistical methods to interpret data and subsequently share findings via reports to relevant stakeholders.
  • Offer recommendations based on the findings to the upper management.

Product Marketing Manager

Product marketing managers gain a deep understanding of the company’s products. These professionals learn the products’ features and benefits and craft effective marketing strategies or campaigns to promote and sell the items. Not only do these individuals need to study the company’s products, but they also must understand the target audience. Only then can they get the word out and create marketing plans to increase sales. Product marketing managers are adept in strategic planning, critical thinking, teamwork, communication, and interpersonal skills.

Below are the common job responsibilities of a product marketing manager:

  • Learn about the company’s products and manage their positioning and branding.
  • Collaborate with various teams to develop campaigns for each product.
  • Create compelling messages for products for all the target audience.
  • Determine the effectiveness of campaigns by evaluating and reporting on key performance measures.

PR Specialist

Public relations or simply PR specialists, as the name suggests, are professionals who manage the company’s reputation and image. Since public perception is crucial for companies, these professionals will always be in high demand.

That said, your primary job duties as a PR specialist will be to handle media relations, write press releases, manage crisis communication, and cultivate strong relations with influencers and journalists. Hence, organizational and communication skills, public speaking, and attention to detail are a must if you wish to succeed in this job role.

Some of the everyday job duties of these professionals may include the following:

  • Draft compelling press releases, white papers, case studies, and media summaries.
  • Build and maintain good relationships with industry stakeholders and media contacts.
  • Organize and supervise events, conferences, and interviews to promote the company’s initiatives.
  • Keep track of media coverage and generate reports to evaluate the success of PR activities.

Summing Up      

Pursuing a career in marketing is both personally and financially satisfying. So, if you have a creative mindset, communication skills, and love interacting with people, a marketing career is an ideal fit.

Now that you’ve explored these diverse marketing careers, how do you choose the right path? Start by reflecting on your interests, strengths, and passions. Consider your skills and qualities and what type of work environment suits you best.

Don’t forget that the world of marketing is ever-evolving. Continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends are essential. You might also consider pursuing relevant certifications or degrees to boost your career prospects.

6 Tips to Create a Visual Marketing Strategy for Your eCommerce Business

Since the inception of marketing, when it was confined to posters and banners, one strategy that has stood out is the ‘visuals over information.’ Even today, conventional marketing is all about visually aesthetic images displayed on billboards. That’s because visuals and imagery draw the audience’s attention, fostering brand awareness.

Today’s digital landscape looks at visual marketing as the new way forward. Brand managers have started to use images, videos, and other visual elements to promote their product and service offerings. It enables them to enhance brand recognition and convey unique selling points without bombarding them with information. So, are you ready to get creative with your marketing campaigns?

As a marketer, you may begin by posting captivating images on social media and then move to visual advertisements in the form of engaging videos. Remember to keep the videos brief and crisp since digital consumers have a short attention span. It will deliver a persuasive experience that resonates with your target market and encourages them to take action.

Do you need more ideas? If so, keep reading. Here are six tips to create a visual marketing strategy for your eCommerce business.

1.    Design Interactive Infographics

If you have lengthy blog posts and articles on your website, turn them into interactive infographics to attract higher traffic. Interactive infographics draw users’ attention instantly and convince them to look for more information by tapping and clicking on the graphics. Now, the question is how to make an infographic interactive. First, add headings and one-liner information to give context to the readers. You can integrate a few slider images that pop up once the visitor clicks on the text.

Similarly, add a few high-quality stock photos to the infographics for a better visual appeal. You can also hide text behind these images, which will be visible when users click the picture. Besides boosting the engagement rate, it will educate the audiences about your product and service offering. In addition, such unique content will help you stand out from the competitors and establish credibility.

2.    Run User-Oriented Campaigns

The primary goal of visual marketing is to engage customers on digital forums. You could post videos and graphics or design user-oriented campaigns. Let us explain how this works. A few months ago, Apple created a similar campaign with the hashtag #shootoniPhone, and millions of people participated. They shared pictures and videos taken from their iPhones, enabling the company to generate high sales.

As a brand manager, you can also think of something similar. Let’s say you own a coffee brand where you sell coffee beans. You can ask people to share their coffee recipes with the hashtag #incompletemorningswithoutcoffee. It will boost recognition while helping your business attract new customers. Also, the catchy hashtags encourage people to share their pictures with the product, spreading your brand message across.

3.    Design Visual Brand Stories

Almost every brand has a story of how they started, their beliefs, their vision, and what they want to achieve. These stories go beyond promoting products and services; it is about the brand itself. While most brands mention these stories on their “about us” section of the website, it doesn’t reach a wider audience. So, why not create a visual story? You can make a video of the founder and co-founder sharing their journey and the brand’s vision.

You can also add visually appealing images and other relatable graphics to build the story and captivate audiences. A well-crafted brand story will help the audience resonate with your brand. In addition, you can define your brand’s value to target the audience more specifically. For example, you can talk about your contribution to reducing the environmental footprint, which can attract eco-friendly consumers.

4.    Curate an Engaging Customer Journey

Often, people don’t know what to buy while visiting a website. Some browse and explore, whereas others cannot find what they want. Here, your visual marketing tactics can do wonders for the business. You can guide potential customers by designing a visually engaging customer journey. Here are a few tips.

  • The first step is to gain users’ trust and showcase you are a credible eCommerce business. For this, put customer reviews and testimonials on your homepage. It will be your previous customers sharing their shopping experience with your brand.
  • After this, integrate high-quality visuals on the rest of the pages to represent your products better. You can also add “how-to-do” video tutorials so that users can visualize your products and make more informed decisions.
  • Add multiple call-to-action buttons to encourage users to complete their shopping journey.

5.    Upload Unboxing Videos

Recently, unboxing videos have become a trend on social media forums. Almost every blogger posts videos of opening PR packages, making it a popular way to engage people and generate interest in the products. How about you also upload a few unboxing videos? It will show people what they can expect from their purchases – the size, packaging, colors, etc.

Similarly, you can contact influencers to post unboxing videos of your product offerings. They can also do a live stream while unboxing to respond to people’s queries and tell them about the product’s benefits. It will help you reach a wider audience while raising awareness about your eCommerce business. However, you must keep these videos short so they are shareable on other social forums.

6.    Launch In-App Ads

Digital ads haven’t been fruitful for eCommerce businesses since people find them disruptive. Imagine watching a 15-second-long ad while browsing social media; it will be super annoying. As such, brands should consider launching in-app ads. It could be a short animation or an image that pops up within the app. You can also include some content with the graphic to provide valuable information to the users. It will improve traffic flow while boosting newsletter sign-ups.

Remember to make your ads interesting; otherwise, people will close them. You can highlight your best-selling products or discount offer that makes an impact on your prospects. It will ensure people can recall your brand or business later, even when they leave the app.


Visual marketing has become the need of the hour today as customers demand an exceptional shopping experience. Visuals and graphics help gain users’ attention and keep them engaged while exploring products. Therefore, brands should start investing in visual marketing by launching ads, making aesthetic videos, and generating interactive content. It will position your eCommerce store as a market leader, helping you stand out from the competitors.

Data-driven decisions: How analytics shape effective digital marketing

Data-driven decisions are becoming increasingly commonplace in the modern digital marketing landscape. Through the correct use of analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights and information into customer behavior and use those insights to shape highly effective strategies that maximize revenue.

Analytics refers to the systematic collection and analysis of data from various sources. It involves understanding underlying information within large datasets using statistical techniques such as machine learning and AI algorithms. This type of analysis provides insights into customer behavior patterns which can be used to identify opportunities for improvement or optimization that would otherwise have gone unnoticed. By taking advantage of these insights, businesses can make decisions that have a direct and measurable impact on their bottom line.

Introducing data-driven decisions into digital marketing

Data-driven decisions can be introduced into digital marketing in several different ways. The most common approach is to use analytics tools like Google Analytics to follow website traffic and user behavior. It allows marketers to identify which channels drive the most conversions and adjust their strategies accordingly. Meanwhile, A/B testing provides an effective way to test different advertising campaigns or web designs and measure which performs best with customers. Finally, predictive analytics can forecast future customer trends based on past data.

The benefits of data-driven digital marketing

Data-driven decision-making allows digital marketers to make informed decisions based on collected customer information and statistics. This type of analysis enables businesses to improve their targeting capabilities, increase efficiency, and save money in the long run. Additionally, it eliminates much of the guesswork involved in forming successful campaigns and ensures that all efforts are concentrated in areas with the best chance for success.

Using data to shape digital marketing strategies

Analytics can shape digital marketing strategies from initial conception through post-implementation analysis. During the strategy formation stage, businesses can use data sources such as customer surveys and web analytics to understand their target audience and learn how to get more leads. It allows them to craft campaigns tailored to their customer’s needs and desires.

Additionally, analytics can be used during implementation to measure the effectiveness of various tactics and adjust plans accordingly. For example, if a tactic is not generating desired results, marketers can quickly identify which elements need improvement or alteration to achieve optimal performance. This type of iterative process ensures that resources are utilized most effectively.

In post-implementation analysis, analytics can measure campaigns’ success and identify improvement areas. By doing so, businesses can establish a continuous cycle of optimization that allows them to continually refine their strategies and maximize overall ROI.

Identifying suitable data sources

To leverage the full potential of data-driven digital marketing, it is essential to identify suitable data sources. One of the most commonly used data sources is customer surveys, which allow businesses to gain insights into their customers’ wants and needs. Social media analytics can also provide valuable insights into user demographics and interests. Web analytics, such as website visits or page views, provide further information regarding visitors’ behavior that can be used to refine campaigns and tailor messaging accordingly.

By combining these methods, businesses can compile a comprehensive picture of their target audience. It allows them to shape strategies with highly targeted messaging that resonates with their audience and drives desired results. Additionally, analytics can measure customer engagement through metrics such as click-through or conversion rates.

In addition to gathering customer information from external sources, businesses should also pay attention to internal data points such as employee performance or financial records. This information provides insight into team efficiency, campaign costs, and profitability. By tracking these data points over time, businesses can create an environment where decisions are informed by facts rather than intuition alone.

Utilizing automation and AI in analytics

The world of analytics is rapidly evolving, introducing new methods that allow businesses to gain even greater insights into customer behavior and preferences. Automation and AI tools are becoming increasingly commonplace in digital marketing, allowing marketers to automate data collection or analysis tasks. It helps maximize efficiency by freeing employees from mundane tasks and enabling them to focus their attention on more complex aspects of campaign management.

Additionally, automated systems can analyze large datasets and draw meaningful conclusions faster than manual methods. For example, AI-powered programs can identify correlations between variables that may not be immediately obvious upon inspection. By leveraging these technologies, businesses can optimize campaigns more accurately than ever.

Prioritizing data security and privacy

Businesses must consider data security and privacy when utilizing analytics in digital marketing. Companies should ensure that all collected information is stored securely and accessible only to those with the proper authorization. Additionally, they must ensure that customer or employee data is not being inappropriately used or shared without consent. Failing to adhere to data security regulations can lead to severe repercussions both in terms of financial penalties and loss of customer trust.


Data-driven decision-making is essential for digital marketing success today, providing invaluable insights that help marketers craft strategies tailored to their customer’s needs and desires. By leveraging analytical tools and processes, businesses can identify critical areas for improvement, better target customers, automate mundane tasks, and maximize their ROI from campaigns. With the right analytics platform, businesses of any size can reap the rewards of data-driven digital marketing.

Creative Marketing Ideas For Small Businesses

Unlike in the past, businesses are no longer restricted by borders. Globalization has made the business playing field bigger than ever before. However, it has also increased competition, especially for small businesses. With limited resources, they have a hard time competing with giant corporations. Well, that is where robust marketing can help you. Creative marketing ideas help small businesses break through the noise and create visibility.

If you are like most small business owners, you probably wear multiple hats and manage various operations. This means you may have little to no time to learn about creative marketing tactics. Guess what? We have already done the legwork for you. Read on to come to terms with out-of-the-box marketing ideas for your small business:

  1. Offer discounts

Discounts trigger a psychological response that appeals to consumers’ desire for perceived savings. Getting something for less than its usual price creates a sense of satisfaction and gratification, making customers more inclined to purchase items.

You can use discounts to introduce customers to other products or services within the business. For instance, a small café offering a discount on coffee might entice customers to also try their pastries and sandwiches. This cross-selling approach can lead to increased average transaction values. If you cannot afford to give discounts to everyone, you could stick to specific demographics who are not keeping up with steady income, like seniors or service members.

The timing of the discount is also crucial. Many businesses consider it one of the best business anniversary ideas. So if your company’s anniversary is around the corner, planning a discount promotion can make it more memorable and profitable.

  •  Set up a pop-up shop

Pop-up shops enable businesses to temporarily open a storefront. Depending on business and marketing objectives, the duration of these pop-up stores might vary anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Pop-up stores can add to your marketing efforts in several ways.

To begin with, pop-up stores allow buyers to try products before purchasing. This tactile experience can build trust and authenticity, particularly for businesses that primarily operate online. Pop-up shops also generate excitement and urgency among consumers. The temporary nature of these shops encourages potential customers to visit and make purchases while the shop is open. You can fuel this FOMO by offering limited-time promotions or special event collaborations.

The success of your pop-up shop hinges on the location. Pay attention to footfalls, nearby businesses, and the overall ambiance of the area. High-profile spots like shopping centers, busy streets, or event spaces can amplify your shop’s exposure.

There are a host of ways to spread the word about your company using social media. Be it LinkedIn paid ads or Instagram stories, the options are virtually endless. However, hosting contests is arguably one of the best ways to gain traction on social media.

According to a study, the conversion rate for contests is nearly 34%. It is because almost 62.13% of participants recommend the contest to their peers to join in on the fun. When you organize a social media contest, you create a buzz and draw attention beyond your regular audience. The potential rewards associated with contests encourage participants to interact with your brand, share your content, and tag their friends.

It bears worth mentioning that the success of this activity depends on the winning prize. While the reward must be worthwhile for participants to take the contest seriously, it should also be financially feasible. So you must strike the right balance between value and affordability.

Micro-influencers have a very active fan base on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Unlike traditional celebrities or macro-influencers, micro-influencers typically have follower counts ranging from a few thousand to around 50,000. But they have a more focused audience. Therefore, partnering with micro-influencers will help you target a specific demographic that aligns with your products or services.

Authenticity is another USB of micro-influencers. Since they have a smaller follower count, it enables them to engage with their audience on a personal level. So when a micro-influencer promotes your business, the endorsement feels less like a paid advertisement. This authenticity and trust lead to higher conversion rates.

The cost-efficiency associated with micro-influencers makes them a perfect match for small businesses. Sometimes you do not even need to pay them in cash. They even accept products in exchange for recommending your business to their followers.

Many business owners assume that the local community events have outlived their utility. Well, it could not get any further from the reality. Though any brand can get worldwide exposure through online platforms, customers still crave face-to-face interactions. Attending a local event allows attendees to engage with their senses. In other words, they can see, hear, touch, and taste your offerings. This multi-sensory engagement triggers emotional responses that are hard to replicate through a screen.

Moreover, when a small business invests in a community event, it does more than just associate its name with the event. This level of involvement highlights a genuine commitment to the locality.

Once the event is over, express your gratitude to the event organizers for the opportunity and provide feedback on the experience. Stay in touch with attendees interested in your products, perhaps through a follow-up email or special offer.


Growing your company’s customer base and maximizing its lifetime value starts with a well-planned and executed marketing strategy. However, as a small business owner, you may feel overwhelmed by the abundance of marketing options out there. If that is the case, you may use the information in this post to get clarity and necessary guidance.