AT&T Social Psychology Guide for Social Media

Have you often wondered about the drivers behind social media psychology? That is, what makes us so focused on Facebook, Instagram, and the like? Well stay tuned, and we will tell you what the AT&T social psychology guide tells us about social media.


Social psychology is the scientific study of how people’s thoughtsfeelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others.
AT&T social psychology guide
Social psychology for social media.
The statement that others’ presence may be imagined or implied suggests that we are prone to social influence even when no other people are present, such as when watching television or following internalized cultural norms.
Social psychologists deal with the factors that lead us to behave in a given way in the presence of others and look at the conditions under which certain behavior/actions and feelings occur.

Hotel Campaigns … Follow these Winning Digital Marketing Strategies

Social psychology is concerned with the way feelings, thoughts, beliefs, intentions, and goals are constructed and how such psychological factors, in turn, influence our interactions with others.
You probably already realize that other people can have a dramatic influence on the way you act and the choices you make. Consider how you might behave in a situation if you were all alone versus if there were other people in the room.
The decisions you make and the behaviors you exhibit might depend on not only how many people are present but exactly who you are around. For example, you are likely to behave much differently when you are around a group of close friends than you would around a group of colleagues or supervisors from work.
There are many ways that people can influence our behavior, but perhaps one of the most important is that the presence of others set up expectations
We do not expect people to behave randomly but to behave in certain ways in particular situations.  Each social situation entails its particular set of expectations about the “proper” way to behave. Such expectations can vary from group to group.
social media psychology research
Social media psychology research.
One way in which these expectations become apparent is when we look at the roles that people play in society.
Social roles are the part people play as members of a social group. With each social role you adopt, your behavior changes to fit the expectations both you and others have of that role.
In the words of William Shakespeare:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits, and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts.
These lines capture the essence of social roles.  Think of how many roles you play in a single day, e.g. son, daughter, sister, brother, students, worker, friend, etc.  Each social role carries expected behaviors called norms.
In 2010 Pepsi pulled its Super Bowl ads and invested $20 million into its Refresh project, which employed crowdsourcing to support good causes.  It was an astounding social media success, with more than 87 million votes cast.
Unfortunately, as this HBR case study points out, it was an abysmal business failure and Pepsi eventually fell to third place in the soda category, behind Diet Coke.  For all of the hype and hoopla on social media, sales suffered dearly.
Research by the Content Marketing Institute estimates that 90% of consumer marketers are investing in content.  Unfortunately, most of those efforts will fail.  In order to succeed, marketers will have to learn to think like publishers.  That will mean more than a change in tactics or even strategy, but a starkly different perspective.  

AT&T social psychology guide … social norms

 Social Norms are unwritten rules about how to behave.  They provide us with an expected idea of how to behave in a particular social group or culture.  For example, we expect students to arrive at the lesson on time and complete their work.

The idea of norms provides the key to understanding social influence in general and conformity in particular. Social norms are the accepted standards of behavior of social groups.

These groups range from friendship and work groups to nation-states.  Behavior which fulfills these norms is called conformity, and most of the time roles and norms are powerful ways of understanding and predicting what people will do.

social norms
Social norms.

Norms provide order in society. It is difficult to see how human society could operate without social norms.

Human beings need norms to guide and direct their behavior, to provide order and predictability in social relationships and to make sense of an understanding of each other’s actions.

These are some of the reasons why most people, most of the time, conform to social norms.

Social psychology for social media … social conformity

Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior to fit in with a group.

This change is in response to real (involving the physical presence of others) or imagined (involving the pressure of social norms/expectations) group pressure.

Conformity can also be simply defined as “yielding to group pressures” (Crutchfield, 1955).  Group pressure may take different forms, for example, bullying, persuasion, teasing, criticism, etc.  Conformity is also known as majority influence (or group pressure).

The term conformity is often used to indicate an agreement to the majority position, brought about either by a desire to ‘fit in’ or be liked (normative) or because of a desire to be correct (informational), or simply to conform to a social role (identification).

AT&T social psychology guide … types of conformity

 Group acceptance

This occurs ‘when an individual accepts influence because he hopes to achieve a favorable reaction from another person or group. He adopts the induced behavior because….he expects to gain specific rewards or approval and avoid specific punishment or disapproval by conformity’. Kelman, 1958 53).

In other words, conforming to the majority (publicly), in spite of not agreeing with them (privately).

Acceptance of group norms

This occurs ‘when an individual accepts influence because of the content of the induced behavior – the ideas and actions of which it is composed – is intrinsically rewarding. He adopts the induced behavior because it is congruent [consistent] with his value system’ (Kelman, 1958, p. 53).

Acceptance of group norms always involves both public and private conformity. A person publicly changes their behavior to fit in with the group, while also agreeing with them privately.

This is the deepest level of conformity where the beliefs of the group become part of the individual’s belief system. This means the change in behavior is permanent

This is most likely to occur when the majority have greater knowledge, and members of the minority have little knowledge to challenge the majority position.

Group membership

This occurs ‘when an individual accepts influence because he wants to establish or maintain a satisfying self-defining relationship to another person or group’ (Kelman, 1958, p. 53).

Individuals conform to the expectations of a social role, e.g. nurses, police officers. It is similar to compliance as there does not have to be a change in private opinion

AT&T social psychology guide … non-conformity

Not everyone conforms to social pressure.  Indeed, there are many factors that contribute to an individual’s desire to remain independent of the group.

For example, Smith and Bond (1998) discovered cultural differences in conformity between western and eastern countries.  People from Western cultures (such as America and the UK) are more likely to be individualistic and don’t want to be seen as being the same as everyone else.

This means that they value being independent and self-sufficient (the individual is more important than the group), and as such are more likely to participate in nonconformity.

In contrast, eastern cultures (such as Asian countries) are more likely to value the needs of the family and other social groups before their own.  They are known as collectivist cultures and are more likely to conform.

The bottom line


There is considerable pressure to conform to social roles. Social roles provide an example of social influence in general and conformity in particular.  Most of us, most of the time, conform to the guidelines provided by the roles we perform.

We conform to the expectations of others, we respond to their approval when we play our roles well, and to their disapproval when we play our roles badly. But how far will conformity go?



Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?
Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Are You Employing the Smashing Value of Creative Stories
How Small Businesses Win Social Media Marketing Wars
The Ultimate Guide to Creative Social Media Marketing
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.

6 Ways Netflix Loyalty Marketing Uses Social Media to Improve Business

 Tony Robbins once said: If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results. Perhaps you want to know what the social media marketing pros are doing today. It is not terribly hard to answer those questions. We’ll share with you how Netflix loyalty marketing does it.
Netflix loyalty marketing
Loyalty marketing is very effective.
Related: Adapting to Major Changes in the Social Media Climate
Keeping up with the latest in social media tactics is not always easy, but always a worthy thing to do for your small business.
How well have you done with the technique?
Social media has provided marketers with some powerful new tools. They are global, potentially viral, and free.
Businesses will often have entire teams dedicated to communicating with followers and will spend a significant chunk of their budget acquiring new leads from the Internet.
But not all of us can afford this approach, can we?
From blogging to pay-per-click advertising, there are plenty of other ways to establish a social media presence. Most businesses will use multiple techniques in order to maximize results; however, as the years go by a new form of marketing has emerged; viral marketing.
Marketing for small to mid-sized businesses is a different animal than it is for big brands.
For the former, the cost is always a factor, they insist on measurable results (even if their metric is as vague as “Do we think it worked?”), and creativity usually takes a second place to cost-effective, day-to-day manageability.
And yet, whether you are Millifiore Skin Care, Black Tulip Restaurant, or Coca-Cola, the challenges are much the same: To grab prospects’ attention; re-explain quickly and memorably how you make life better, and give them good reasons to buy now.
No matter how many zeroes appear on your marketing invoices, there is never enough money to reach the market the way you’d really like to, so all businesses need to experiment with new ways to reach their target markets.
Here are some novel ways to grow small business brand loyalty:
Loyalty marketing … how social media is impacting marketing
social word of mouth
Put social word of mouth to work.

Netflix loyalty marketing … social word-of-mouth

 Social media enables consumers to generate and tap into the opinions of an exponentially larger universe.
While word-of-mouth has always been important, its scope was previously limited to the people you knew and interacted with on a daily basis.
Social media has removed that limitation and given new power to consumers.

Netflix loyalty marketing … hyper-informed consumers

Social media is transforming the way that consumers across the globe make purchase decisions.
Consumers around the world are using social media to learn about other consumers’ experiences, find more information about brands, products and services, and to find deals and purchase incentives.

Netflix loyalty marketing … opportunity for engagement

Consumer attitudes toward advertising on social media are still evolving.
Though roughly one-third of social media users find ads on social networking sites more annoying than other types of Internet advertisements, research suggests that there are opportunities for marketers to engage with consumers via social media.
More than a quarter of social media users say they are more likely to pay attention to an ad shared by one of their social connections.
Additionally, more than a quarter of consumers are ok with seeing ads on social networking sites tailored to them based on their profile information.
Nielsen and NM Incite’s Social Media Report provides some insight into what is driving our collective, global obsession with social media.
In the following paragraphs, you’ll get a more detailed snapshot of what is helping to power the continued growth of social networking around the world.
How consumers’ social media behavior is evolving, and how these changes impact the way brands and consumers engage through social networks.
Don’t stand by while your competitors beat you to new customers. Grow a loyal fan base outside the store.

Netflix loyalty marketing … here’s how to do it:

Capture customer hearts in the first 30 seconds
 What are you doing to make their first 30 seconds on your platform extraordinary? If you can’t answer this question, you need to start here.
First impressions are everything, aren’t they?
Small business brand loyalty … strike an emotional chord
 Make them feel something. If you want to grab my attention on social media, make me laugh. Make me cry. Make me feel something, anything.
When I have a super busy day and I am engaging customers, I have no choice due to the amount of them and time constraints but to choose where and when I am going to respond.
It is an easy choice for me. I respond to the people who grab my attention.
The people who are nice, who make me feel good. The people who are genuine. The people who make me laugh. Pull an emotional chord.
Don’t send snarky tweets trying to get attention. Most people can see right thru the snark and won’t respond. I ignore the trolls and the folks looking only for attention.
Be genuine and offer something of emotional value.

Netflix loyalty marketing … partner with complementary brands

Contests and giveaways are standard tactics on social media for retail brands. You can overcome this challenge through some creative thinking.  Find complementary brands that fit with your objectives … say for contests.
You can also retweet content on Twitter and likes Instagram photos of complementary brands that promote something related to your products and services.
loyal advocates
Customer loyalty is the goal.

Netflix loyalty marketing … reward loyal advocates

Do not run contests on social media to get new followers … run them to reward existing customers.
You’ll find that rather use contests to collect email addresses of current fans for an existing database than inflate follower numbers with people who aren’t true fans of your brand.
Focus on genuine fans. Don’t try to pile up fans. It isn’t about hundreds of thousands of fans; it’s more about the quality, the conversation, and building relationships.
Also reward fans informally by liking their photos on Instagram and giving shout-outs on Facebook and Twitter.
In return, fans will naturally share your content.

Netflix loyalty marketing … educate and tell great stories

Consumers always enjoy good stories and helpful information that educates.
 Use social media primarily to educate fans about your products and services.
Watch the engagement you receive to see what their followers want. The results can be amazing, yes?
When you publish something that’s educational, you should expect an average of three to seven responses.

Netflix loyalty marketing … listen to customers on all online channels

If you’re not using social media to listen to your customers, to what is going on in your industry or niche, you’re missing the point of social media.
The most important thing you can do to better delight everyone who comes in contact with your brand is to listen to them.
Listen with a goal to understand, not just think about the next thing you can shout back at them.
The most successful brands use social media to listen to what their customers are saying about them and to what their customers think about their competitors.  They listen so they can learn more about their consumers’ aspirations, challenges, and concerns.
JetBlue is a great example of a big brand that uses social media to listen to their customers.
They monitor Twitter, for example, and have people who respond to travelers who are tweeting them about issues they’re encountering.
For instance, a passenger arrived in Denver for a connecting flight only to find that there were no gate agents anywhere in site.  Frustrated, he tweeted this to JetBlue and they responded within minutes apologizing and explaining why there was no one at the gate.
This showed the man that JetBlue cared and was listening.
Bottom line, listen more than you talk. You’ll be amazed how much you can learn about your audience when you shut up and listen. Try it!
More learning: An Update to Starbucks Creative Ideas and Innovation

Another example

Taco Bell, the well-known fast food chain is leading the way in how to build up a solid social media presence. The company uses its Twitter account to interact with customers, celebrities and general tweeters alike.
Whilst, over on its Vine page, the Mexican food giant regularly uploads amusing videos to keep its 138,000 followers entertained.
Taco Bell’s social media presence is light-hearted, with references to Mean Girls, a Snapchat account and a heavy sprinkling of humor, and taps into who their customers are (primarily young people) and successfully manages to raise brand awareness.

The bottom line

Bottom line, listen more than you talk. You’ll be amazed how much you can learn about your audience when you shut up and listen.
Try it and you will be amazed by the results.
 Do you have a lesson about making your customer experience better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of business. Find him on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  
 Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
10 Essential Components of a Top Notch Website Design
Adapting to Major Changes in the Social Media Climate
How Steve Jobs Would Change Your Social Media Engagement 
Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.

12 Successful Ways Canva Creates Images That Sell

 The right kind of imagery is the difference between social media graphics and ads that convert, and others that make little or no impact. So you want Canva creates images to sell.
They can also turn customers away if the images aren’t handled just the right way. We’ve all seen it. Blank, glossy eyes, stretched smiles, forced, friendly interactions.
The telltale signs of a stock photo. Over the years, people have become professional stock spotters, and they typically don’t like them.
The thing is, there are times when stock photography is necessary, and with a few tips and tricks, you can disassociate your photos from the generic smiling businesswoman standing in front of a conference table.
For successful visual marketing, it’s important for Canva to have the skills to know how to create images that will sell and convert.
To help you out, we put together this handy guide with many useful tips that will help train your eye and transform you into a visual marketing pro.

Canva creates images  … never compromise on quality

Low quality, pixelated images are a big no-no. Many viewers will click off of a web page if the images are grainy. Make sure your images are clean, crisp, in focus, and have a good resolution (images online should be no less than 72 dpi).
As well as our selection of free, high-quality stock photography to choose from, there’s plenty of great options out there that won’t require you to spend a cent. 


Canva creates images … evoke strong emotions

Humans are emotional creatures. A great way to connect people to your brand is through striking an emotional chord. The emotion you portray should be the one you want your brand to make people feel. If they feel something towards your brand, they’ll build a stronger connection.
An ad drawing attention to the poverty other countries face
This image plays on irony and empathy. You’re curious why a man in the middle of a desert would be holding a glass of beer, and when you read the text, you make the connection. You feel empathy for him, and even a little guilty about drinking your beer while he has little fresh water.


Utilize hashtags and popular search terms

This is one of the most important things you can do with your images.
If you optimize your images, you can create more traffic to your website through search engines (like Google Images). It’s almost like a hashtag in a sense and can be done rather easily.


Canva creates images … images express the message without text

The images you choose should lend well to your message. Make sure they support what you’re trying to say, whether that’s visually representing your message, or acting as an accent.


image picker html
Image picker html.

An audience should see them in the design

If you’re targeting millennials, don’t show images of middle-aged people. Show the people you want to have as customers.
Put them in situations that your viewers can relate to, and try to make them feel as real as possible.


Canva creates images … experiment with Instagram

Instagram can be your best friend. Snap a quick photo with your phone (the quality is often as good as some digital cameras) and post it online.
Take a few more seconds to create an interesting composition, slap a filter on it, and use a few hashtags and you’re on your way to tons of likes.
Topshop’s Instagram page is showing lots of snapshots.
There are a lot of brands that are heavily active on platforms like Instagram, and they have a huge following, like Topshop.
Not everything they post is necessarily a product they sell or related to the company, but it still fits in with the overall theme they have going on.
The Instagram aesthetic is incredibly popular and can be found in a lot of images taken with professional grade cameras.
They’re very easy to construct and edit, and you can see some good examples of the imagery above.


Visual content should always have a purpose

People can smell a generic photo from a mile away. Make sure you’re not just using an image for the sake of using an image.
Sometimes you’re strapped for time and can’t shoot your specific image, but if you have to use a generic one put it into context.
Here’s a good example of what could have been a generic ad for prescription medicine. A blank staring pose and empty frame, yet it was customized just enough to pull it out of that generic, medicine feel.


Canva creates images  … jazz up your images

Don’t feel constrained to the image you have. You can do whatever you want with it. Try cropping it, adding text and filters, and adjusting the colors. Feel free to utilize the image in whatever way works best for you.
An example of a manipulated image
This is a good example of photo manipulation. This is a little more advanced, but a lot can still be learned from it. Odds are, they had the picture of the goldfish sans helmet.
They added in a separate image of the helmet to create one entire image. Feel free to put multiple photos together if it suits your needs.
For more inspiration, check out Canva’s social stream on Instagram.
Here are some examples of adding filters and text, cropping, and changing colors on existing photos to give them a new feel.
Imagery using a punch of color to attract attention
The bright color in this image leads to the freshness of the product as well as the season. It looks pleasant and appetizing and encourages you to visit the market and purchase what you’re seeing.


Choose images that relate to your objective

JQuery image picker
JQuery image picker.
The things you post personally on social media won’t always be the same as what you post on your business’ social media. It’s important to know where that difference lies to avoid issues.
A brand that relies on humor. And it works.
Taco Bell is very humorous and carefree. They can get away with posting a lot more radical stuff because that is who they are as a brand.
Make sure you know what your brand stands for, and reflect that in your social media and imagery.
Tip: Once you decide what kind of images your brand will use, also decide which ones they will avoid.
Here are some things that are good to avoid (unless you’re someone like Taco Bell).
If you’re not a liquor brand, you probably don’t want to be posting drinks and parties. Keep it professional and keep ‘rants’ on your accounts.

Engage the audience by getting them to generate photos with your product

Another instance where Instagram can be your best friend (along with other social media platforms). You can encourage people to snap their photos and post them online.
Give them a unique hashtag to use, and you’ll have people from all over stockpiling images for your brand.
An example of a brand that posts user-generated photos on Instagram
Benefit Cosmetics often features people who use their products on their Instagram page, and that’s a great way to get people to build a relationship with your brand.
Essentially they’re doing the work for you; you just have to sift through the images and decide what ones you want to feature yourself (but always be sure to mention the original owner).


Canva creates images … find creative ways to optimize images

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so save your breath when you could use an image. If you don’t need to spell something out for someone, don’t. Choose to do it visually.
The images in this ad don’t need further explaining!
Here’s a good example of communicating a message visually. You know exactly what Nikon is trying to showcase: facial recognition. The ad shows different faces being highlighted humorously.


Choose photos that provide a feeling without needing to be explained

In these images, you get the message without seeing words. If you see a blazing red chili pepper, you know it’s hot (the same with flames).
You see the images and understand the feeling they’re giving off without it being spelled out for you.


Canva creates images … create a sense of energy with action images

Show action in your photos; it excites the viewer. It doesn’t matter what the people in the photos are doing as long as it relates to your brand or message, it could be talking, eating, dressing, shopping, etc.
An ad using a still image that still has movement
You can feel the movement in this image even though it’s still. The energy creates an emotion and fuels the message underneath.
It is so much more powerful due to the action, and wouldn’t have the same effect if they chose to show the impact of two vehicles another way.
 Get your viewers excited by choosing images that show action.
All of these images contain action, yet they all show it differently. Some of it is fun and lighthearted, some are intense and adrenaline filled, while some are relaxed and playful.
Action can help enforce the mood and emotion you’re hoping to create in your imagery.


The bottom line


We often talk about purple cows; about why we need to stand out from the crowd, and why it’s important being different. Some people make it their quest to be different.
It’s so much easier to be remembered when you’re different, it’s true, as a person, and as a business. But, being different is not it, when it comes to marketing and business.
If you look at a specific group of people, the individuals inside the group will try to be different from people outside the group.
But, at the same time, they understand that they belong to the group. So, it means that they’re different than the rest of us, but they’re similar to the people inside the group they belong to.
Look at the people in a band. Are they that different from the other people in the band? They’re not identical. No, they’re not. But, you can probably see the same features.
They’re different from you, but not that different from the other people in the band.
Being different is more important than ever. But, it’s still not it.
Harvard Business School professor Gerald Zaltman says that 95 percent of our decision-making takes place in the subconscious mind.
This means that most of the time, we don’t make rational choices. What you should be focusing on is not being different, but the story of how to create the difference for your customers.
That is creating visual content and selecting images that will be remembered because they are so unique.
Want to build a winning advertisement design?
Need some help in improving the creativity of you and your staff? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your toughest competitors?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote for a workshop on creativity. Learn about some options for creativity workshops to get noticeable results.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new creative ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy improving your creativity, innovation, and ideas?
Do you have a lesson about making your creativity better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on creativity from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
10 Different Ways to Enhance Creativity
Secrets to Understanding the Genie in the Creativity Bottle
How You Are Destroying your Creativity and Imagination
13 Motivators for Creating a Change and Adaptability Culture
Mike Schoultz likes to write about the topics that lead to small business success. He also likes to share his many business experiences. Find him on G+, Facebook, Twitter, Digital Spark Marketing, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

Business Pinterest: Case Studies on the Best We Could Find

Today 42% of all online women and 13% of all online men use Pinterest. Those numbers make Pinterest one of the world’s most popular social networking sites — and they’re attracting marketers hoping to reach more readers.
So can you pick the best business Pinterest for marketing?
Pinterest business
Pinterest for business
In case you’re not familiar with Pinterest, it’s a virtual pinboard where you can pin images from other sites, linking back to the source. Other users can re-pin those images to their boards, thus sharing it with their followers.
Just like Facebook or Twitter, it can be a great way to attract new audiences. And it is almost entirely visual.
To give you a sense of how businesses are using Pinterest — and to provide inspiration for your own Pinterest use — we collected a few brands that are awesome in their Pinterest applications.
Pinterest marketing strategy
Using a Pinterest marketing strategy?
Pinterest boards that we selected each have their content strategies, executed with unique goals in mind.
Although we don’t have metrics on each campaign’s performance, we hope these examples can inspire your thinking and experiments with Pinterest.
Gaining momentum on Pinterest isn’t easy. It takes time, patience, and a well thought out strategy. To get good results, you need to see things for yourself, not just read theoretical tips.
The brands below are doing everything right, showing us how Pinterest should be done. Learn from them!

Business Pinterest … Nordstrom (Nordstrom)

An early adopter of Pinterest, Nordstrom started using the service as a way to inspire customers and tell a visual trend story. They added the Save button to their website so customers could easily collect their favorite items, spreading Nordstrom Pins virally across Pinterest.
On their Pinterest account, they curate popular products from, inspirational images from blogs customers love on-trend fashion and helpful tutorials.
What’s interesting in their strategy is:
  • They rarely use hashtags in their pin descriptions. The text is typically short, briefly describing the product, usually with a link back to that specific product’s sales page on their website.
  • The vast majority of their pins link back to their website,  notto third-party This is counter to how most brands are using Pinterest at the moment. With this many followers, Nordstrom must be receiving a hefty amount of traffic to their site thanks to Pinterest.
  • They’re leveraging the most popular topics on Pinterest to great effect. We can see this by looking at their most popular board (based on some repins and followers), ‘Our Favorite Things.’
  • They use their Pinterest account offline. Nordstrom was one of the first companies to use their burgeoning Pinterest presence in their offline stores. Not only do they use Pinterest data (repins, likes, and comments) to help decide which products to stock in brick-and-mortar stores, but they also mount Pinterest badges on actual products in the store to show which products are the most popular online, thereby bringing that social proof offline.
Their Our Favorite Things board is a collection of the top products from and relevant content from third parties.
Their goal is to inspire customers—in the way they shop, share and Pin. One of the things they love most about Pinterest is that customers can get inspired and take action on their terms. They believe that it’s the world’s biggest wish list.
An early business on Pinterest, Nordstrom created content that aligned with the DIY spirit of Pinners.
They tested live-pinning at Fashion Week, created boards for each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall) and added Pins from the Nordstrom catalog early on.
For holiday seasons, they created customer experiences around Pinterest. This included a Top Pinned Gifts category on;
Top Pinned merchandising in-stores and exclusive social media posts from the Nordstrom holiday catalog before it hit homes or the homepage.
Many Nordstrom customers, about 4.4 million of them, have chosen to follow Nordstrom on Pinterest.
The retailer is testing showcasing the most popular items on Pinterest in various departments of its physical stores.
Nordstrom attached signage—hangtags, cards, and clips—with the Pinterest logo to dresses, handbags, and shoes that received the most engagement on Pinterest. Initial feedback was so positive they rolled it out to more stores across the West Coast, Midwest and East Coast.
Now, all 117 Nordstrom stores feature Top Pinned signs on merchandise in women’s shoes and handbags, two of the most pinned categories from


Business Pinterest … Random House Books (random house)

Random House Books is the largest English-language publisher in the world, with Pinterest boards covering every literary interest you may have, from Book Club Picks and Literary Tattoos to  Bookshelf Envy and Game of Thrones.
But let’s look at a few points that stand out in the way they use Pinterest:
  • Unlike Nordstrom, the majority of Random House’s pins link back to third-party websites rather than their site. This makes their account far more attractive to people who have a more general interest in books and literature, rather than people who’re loyal solely to Random House.
  • Similarly to Nordstrom, Random House doesn’t use many hashtags in their descriptions, but rather provide simple, short captions to their images.
  • On their website, Random house gives some quality space to a ‘Discover Your Next Book’ widget, which links to a specific Pinterest page which makes use of the social network’s first API release.  This ‘online bookshelf’ promotes not just Random House’s books, but also their Pinterest account, ensuring they leverage their website visitors to the best advantage. This is where Random House takes advantage of Pinterest’s Business features, using ‘Rich Pins’ to provide more information about specific products, and more direct calls to action that can be found on usual pins.
Random House was among the first businesses to add Pinterest’s API (application programming interface) to their websites, with the goal of making content sharing more integrated and convenient for all users.
The idea is to help site visitors discover new books, as well as to increase the number of readers pinning books. It will also help make the publisher’s websites more colorful.
The integration will begin with but will follow on the publisher’s other sites.
Pinterest marketing tips
Excellent Pinterest marketing tips.

Business Pinterest  … Wholefoods (wholefoods)

Wholefoods are the world leader in natural and organic foods, with over 300 stores in the US and Canada, and making some exciting inroads in the UK.
But with little mention of Pinterest on their site (other than an icon in the footer), how have they become so popular?
  • As with Random House, Wholefoods aren’t selling products on Pinterest. They’re selling a lifestyle. Green living, environmentally friendly products,  upcycling. People don’t want to be sold to, they want to be inspired, and that’s exactly what Wholefoods offer on their Pinterest account. This approach means these boards will appeal to a wide range of Pinterest users, from vegetarians and foodies to craft lovers and wine connoisseurs.
  • Being in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) market, Wholefoods avoid posting many links to its products as these change often, so the majority of their pins on most of their boards link back to third-party
  • There are a couple of boards, however, where most pins link back directlyto the company’s website. The most prominent of these boards focus on recipes, which are some of Wholefoods’ most popular pins. According to consultancy, “500,000 visitors from Pinterest have viewed Whole Foods pages 760,000 times. Of that, 80% came from recipes”. This is a strategy they’ve been using for a while, linking pins back to recipes on their website and blog.
  • The company runs various projects which are later incorporated into Pinterest boards. For example, not too long ago, the company published an ‘Urban Farming’ video series on YouTube, which turned into their ‘How Does Your Garden Grow‘ Pinterest board, which now boasts more than 130,000 followers!
  • Finally, Wholefoods have also been making great use of Pinterest’s collaboration features. For example, their ‘Why Austin‘ board now has over 100,000 followers thanks to Wholefoods inviting other Austin-based Pinterest users to collate pins for the board, thereby massively increasing the reach of each
Whole Foods was one of the first brands on the site, debuting a brand account in July 2011. For those out there who don’t see how Pinterest could benefit their business, here’s Wholefoods brief explanation:
It allows us to curate images from across the web that speak to who we are as a company, images that reflect our core values and essentially communicate the essence of who we are.
At a time when consumers are concerned about who they’re buying from and want companies to have a soul, it’s important to convey this information.
Thus, the carefully curated boards capture these values in a visually stunning user interface. You might look at Pinterest and think it’s really simple, but that’s exactly what makes it a great platform:
To make a lasting connection, the goal is not to promote the shampoos, strawberries, and steaks that are sold in the actual stores but to communicate the lifestyle that the Whole Foods team aspires to — an appropriate ambition, given that Pinterest has often been likened to a digital inspiration board.
And by creating an aspirational lifestyle, Whole Foods can convert casual pinners into brand enthusiasts and, hopefully, customers.
What’s amazing about Whole Foods’ use of Pinterest is that their boards, you’d be hard-pressed to find an actual Whole Foods product — that’s not how they curate the site.
Not only does this help to promote the Whole Foods lifestyle, but it also gives a nod to bloggers who devote their time and writing to sustainability, upcycling, DIY projects and the environment by putting their work in front of a new audience with every re-pin.
The lesson? Careful curation of niche board topics can help you attract a much wider audience, via the search function and a pin’s natural course through the Pinterest ecosystem.
For example, when someone searches for “kitchen” and finds an entire board devoted to immaculate kitchens — like Whole Foods’ Super Hot Kitchens board  — they could follow it without also being forced to consume Whole Foods’ pictures of heart-shaped cookies, too.


The bottom line

Of course, there’s no one, single way to use Pinterest effectively. These brands are all having a massive success on the platform, but are each using different techniques and strategies. The important thing is to always think about what your audience wants to see.
After all, Pinterest is addictive to its users, so you need to be thinking strategically. Consider what you can do not just on the platform, but off the platform, too.
Are there companies you love following on Pinterest? Tell us about some that are nailing it!



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Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy improving your enthusiasm?
Do you have a lesson about making your motivation better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics that relate to improving the performance of business. Go to Amazon to obtain a copy of his latest book, Exploring New Age Marketing. It focuses on using the best examples to teach new age marketing … lots to learn. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.
More reading on social media lessons from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples
Best Social Media Campaigns … How to Improve with These Tips
How Small Businesses Win Benefits of Social Media Marketing
7 Favorite Social Media Examples to Learn From
What the Heath Brothers Persuasive Techniques Teach Us
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12 Steps to Ready the Gucci Social Crisis Plan

Do you have a social media crisis management plan for customer crisis or perhaps just normal customer engagement? Maybe you should check out the Gucci social crisis plan.
Gucci Social Crisis Plan
The crisis management plan is key.
It is just logical that you engage with all sorts of customers. No matter how good you are, you need to have a social media response plan.
How well you deal with these customers will determine whether you are dealing with a crisis or a non-issue.

Many people like to say things like “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” or “every crisis is an opportunity,” but the truth is that there is nothing good about a crisis. They are horrible, soul-wrenching things.  You do what you can to minimize the damage, but there’s no way to eliminate it completely.

The one positive thing that can be said about crises is that they eventually end.  Today, the US economy is growing at a decent rate again, our financial system is well-capitalized, housing prices are rising and the Bureau of Labor recently announced that there are more people employed in America than ever before in history.

Can you remember an instance where your business was not prepared for a social media incident? As a result, what action did you take first? Please help us by sharing your story.
Social media has come a long way since then as have the strategies, tactics, methods, and power.
In reality, a successful social media marketing campaign is multi-dimensional.
Actually, it’s kind of complicated. Ask any social media marketer “How do you do social media marketing?” and you’re likely to get the “Um, where do I start?” look.
There are a lot of elements to address and minute details to cover.
Often, the most difficult stage is the initial one. You know, the one when you’re trying to gain traction and pick up momentum.
One of the benefits of social media is undoubtedly its immediacy and its timeliness.
It gives the businesses a better way to be present with their audience in almost any situation. It is all about sharing continuous information from wherever they are.
It also is an awesome means of ongoing discussions that can’t always be limited to a contained period.
Related: Find your Content Marketing Creative Ideas
It is this very reason that social media is one of the most widely-used ways that brands connect with their audiences, particularly in times of crisis.
When hit by complications; difficulties, and perhaps even blind panic, brands need a way to cut through the confusion. They need the means to reach out to their customers.
Social media permits taking decisive responsibility for the matter at hand and laying out a clear plan of action.
So it is wise to prepare a response plan how you would respond before you receive any such comments.
Note that part of the response plan requires action before receiving negative comments from customers.
Here are the key elements of a response plan we recommend to our clients:

Gucci social crisis plan … humanize the brand

Always create a personality through laughter and having fun in the workplace.
Be able to laugh at yourself. Wear your enthusiasm and your passion at all times.

Keep your staff informed

 Provide all information to your staff. Keep everyone in the loop and up to speed.
 Business crisis management plan
Business crisis management plan.

Gucci social crisis plan … build a community

Build followers of passionate defenders for your brand. Let them defend you with their views.
Related post: Social Media Campaigns to Stimulate Learning

Gucci social crisis plan … steer the conversation

In times of negativity, social media will often be the first place customers head.
Not just for information, but to give their insight and perhaps even bash your brand in the process.
Don’t let the conversation get out of control. Select an appropriate hashtag for the events to follow.
Use the hashtag as a symbol across all your platforms for all trustworthy, reliable and honest information surrounding the crisis.
Doing this from the very beginning will inhibit people from devising their illegitimate hashtags which can confuse customers.
It will ensure your brand is the leading, go-to source of information for everything to do with the crisis.

Gucci social crisis plan … listen and accept 

 Avoid censoring at all costs. Listen carefully and try to understand your customers’ viewpoints.


Fix the problem 

Fix the problem if there is one. Acknowledge the issue and communicate your solution.
timing is everything
Timing is everything.

Timing is everything

 Social media is all about timing. The timing of the social media plan.

Business Case Studies: What Should BMW Do Now?

Waste no time diving into the conversation the moment a crisis strikes, and silence should NOT be an option.
The sooner you can prove to customers that you are present and dedicated to addressing an issue; the sooner you will earn your customers’ trust.
If possible, making customers aware of a service disruption or impending blunder before it has even happened is highly advised.
This will this show transparency and garner more respect for your brand.  It will also give you a chance to offer instructions to customers and allow them to make appropriate preparations.

Have a consistent response platform

It is advisable that brands limit the number of places that people feel they need to look to find dedicated information regarding a crisis.
Otherwise, information can become scattered and misinterpreted; and focus can be lost.
Choose one platform to which all of the detailed information will be posted.
 Use your other platforms to direct the flow of user traffic towards your primary source.

Build a call to action

If there’s one thing that customers hate more than a service crisis, it’s being left hanging with no instruction or advice on what to do next.
It doesn’t matter that you can’t provide an explanation for the crisis just yet – people don’t like to be kept waiting.
It’s important to give explicit calls to action in your updates.
These can be as simple as directing customers towards external sources of advice.
Or they can be giving practical tips on what they could do to minimize the impact of the emergency.


Create an opportunity

Try to turn the problem into an opportunity.
Don’t neglect to spend time finding the opportunity from your adversity … it often will not jump out at you, will it?


Keep your cool

There will indeed be cases where illegitimate feeds of information will somehow seep into the airwaves. They will be giving false information or unsourced explanations surrounding the crisis.
It’s tempting to react aggressively towards these feeds by attempts to censor the information. However, it is advisable that you don’t.
Doing so could further think the integrity of your brand and lead users to think you have something to hide.


Know when to back away

If it is a lose-lose situation and you see you are not making headway, be prepared to walk away.
When is the issue no longer valid? Sometimes it is obvious, sometimes not … but monitor closely for a while.

The bottom line

 If you’ve correctly taken charge of the conversation with an appropriate hashtag as mentioned earlier, all other illegitimate information should just be left alone.
If it is necessary, warn your audience against such sources and remind them that for all official updates on the matter, you’re the one to turn to.
All that’s left then is to deliver a trustworthy, responsible and genuinely useful stream of updates that your customers can truly depend on.
customer relationships
Build customer relationships.
Remember that your customers are not always right, but they always have the right to choose. And when they do, they will tell their friends about their experiences and their choices.
Please share one of your experiences with negative on-line customers. Any questions or comments to add?
Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?
Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Improve Telling Stories by Employing These Remarkable Examples
Find your Content Marketing Creative Ideas
Creative Ideas Can Add to Publix Social Media Marketing
Social Media Campaigns to Stimulate Learning
Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.

Instagram Stats : What You Can Learn From Current Data

It is a fact of the internet that every click, every view, and every sign-up is recorded somewhere. And theoretically, available forever. Depending on your view, this is either very creepy or fantastically interesting. As I can be a data nerd at times, I fall firmly in the second camp. With a little effort, you can discover all sorts of interesting stats about most anything. We spend time keeping up with social media sites and users, so we’ve collated the best of them in this Instagram stats list.

Instagram stats
Instagram stats.

Social media use isn’t quite universal—but it’s getting close. Seventy percent of the U.S. population now has at least one social networking profile; more than half use two or more social networks. The number of worldwide social media users is projected to grow from 2.1 billion last year to 2.5 billion by 2018.


For the curious, these represent a series of numbers that boggle the mind, users counted in tens and hundreds of millions, and time in millions and billions of hours.

Related post: Social Media Platforms … The Magic Every Content Marketer Needs


For marketers, knowing the statistics behind the social networks can help define strategy, allowing focused targeting of users.


Instagram is the new star in the zoo of social networks. When talking about influencer marketing what many people are talking about is Instagram influencer marketing. Some people dream of Instagram fame – others already got there.

But what is it about this social network that is all about photos that make it so popular? Who is on there, how active is the audience and what can you achieve by hopping on the bandwagon? Can you start writing your own Instagram success story or is it already too late and the places in the spotlight already taken?

Here are some facts and numbers that can tell you a lot about Instagram and the marketing potential it has.


Over 1/3 of Instagram users are on Instagram for surveillance (yes, surveillance!)

Knowledge-gathering is the No. 1 reason people use Instagram, followed by Documentation

Have you ever wondered why your followers chose to use Instagram? Research says: to keep tabs on you (and your brand).

A research team at the University of Alabama performed a study on the motivation of using Instagram. They asked over 200 undergraduate students how often they use Instagram for each of 20 given reasons such as “to follow my friends,” or “to depict my life through pictures.” Here’s the full list:

After analyzing the results, the research team narrowed down the 20 reasons into four main motivators for using Instagram:


Surveillance – People use Instagram to keep up with or gain knowledge about what others such as their family, friends, and strangers are doing.


Documentation – Many use Instagram to document moments of their lives, and Instagram becomes a virtual photo album for those key moments.


Coolness/Popularity – People use Instagram to appear cool and to gain popularity. Having a following and receiving likes satisfy our psychological need to feel seen and valued.


Creativity – People use Instagram to portray their skills by posting creative posts.

Here’s how I interpret the findings.: When someone chooses to use Instagram, 36 percent of why they use Instagram is because they want to know what others (or your brand) are doing.  10 percent is because they want to document moments of their life.  8 percent is because they want to be cool and popular. Finally, 6 percent is because they want to show off their creativity. The remaining 40 percent was not accounted for by the study.


All four motivators lead to more time spent on Instagram — but in different ways. Here are some points showing the relation of motivations to activities:


People who are driven by any of these four motives tend to spend more hours on Instagram than those who are driven by other motives not accounted for by the study.

Instagram users who want to appear cool or creativity tend to spend more time editing their photos than those who are motivated by other reasons.

Those who use Instagram particularly to appear cool and to gain popularity tend to use hashtags more frequently than the rest of the users.


Instagram Stats … 500 Million Monthly Active Users

By June 2016 Instagram had 500 million monthly active users. That is a rise of a solid 100 Million from September 2015. So far it does not look as if the growth of users on Instagram is slowing down. More and more people enjoy the community around sharing photos.

instagram statistics website
Instagram statistics website.

59% of users use Instagram daily

The community on Instagram has already been active before, but the number of people that use Instagram daily still increases. It seems as if nothing of the shiny new attraction is rubbing off and the user experience is still driving activity.

Instagram’s user base is growing fast

Instagram is still growing insanely fast with 15% growth rate – and expected to keep up growing fast for several years to come.

Are you on Instagram If not, what are you waiting for?

Instagram will make more ad revenues than Google and Twitter in US mobile by 2017

Instagram is very lucrative for its parent company Facebook considering add revenues. Bringing in more than 500 Million $ in ad revenues in 2015. For 2016 the ad revenues are expected to double more than that amount and development will continue in 2017.

Young people love Instagram

While over all Internet users around 28% of people use Instagram, in the age group 18 – 29 Instagram is far more popular. 55% of these young adults use Instagram.


Over 50% of teens between 13 and 17 use Instagram.

In some industries the follower growth rates on Instagram are outstanding

While on some social networks growing a following takes a lot of effort – or even advertising money, on Instagram in some industries growing the following fast is still not only possible.

Especially for B2C industries like apparel, beauty and home goods follower growth rates for Instagram are exceptional.

instagram user statistics
Instagram user statistics.

Instagram Stats … 80% Instagram users are from outside the US

The Instagram community is very global. With 80% of Instagrammers not from the US, the adoption of Instagram outside the US is fairly high – compared to other social networks.


Over 80 Million photos are uploaded every day

The most prominent account right now is Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has a stunning 99,5 Million followers. Since she is right now taking some time off – her last photo dates August 15 – this might change in the future.


50% of comments are posted within the first six hours after a photo was posted

Compared to other social networks that show a fairly long lifetime of an Instagram post. On Twitter, the lifetime of a tweet is around 10 min.


  Approximately 8% of Instagram accounts are fake

Nobody wants to waste time talking to fake accounts. A study by an Italian security firm found that almost 8% of Instagram accounts are fake.

Source: Business Insider

29% of users are inactive

The same study by Italian security researchers also found that 29.9% of Instagram accounts appear to be inactive. These accounts post fewer than one photo or video per month.

Source: Business Insider

Engagement with brands is ten times higher than on Facebook

Engagement with brands is outstanding on Instagram. None of the other big social networks can claim engagement rates anywhere near what is going on on Instagram. The engagement with brands on Instagram is ten times higher than on Facebook – and Facebook is by far more engaging than the other networks.

One-third of Instagram users have used their mobile to purchase a product online

This fact makes Instagram users a group of people that are 70% more likely to purchase a product online than non-Instagram users.

Source: GlobalWebIndex

Over 50% follow brands

53% of Instagrammers follow their favorite brands on Instagram. Again that is the highest percentage for all the major social networks.

Posts with a location see 79% more engagement

Other factors that influence engagement seem to be mentioning other people’s user handle ( an increase of engagement by 56%), and the use of hashtags as posts with at least one hashtag see an increase of 12.6% in engagement.

Despite its success story, only 31% of B2C marketers name Instagram „very important“ as a marketing channel

B2B marketers find Instagram even less important to their marketing with only 8% of marketers naming it as „very important“ to their marketing.

Related post: 11 Updates to Starbuck’s Creativity and Innovation


Photos with faces are 38% more likely to get likes than photos without faces

Make it personal. And even if you do not like the selfie hype, they are not very likely to go away anytime soon.

With all of the above numbers, we have to keep in mind that Instagram is still on the rise and growing in many aspects. Brand adoption can pick up speed as Instagram gets even more popular and word gets around about brand’s success stories. There is still a lot of room for marketing success on Instagram. Best practices and case studies will make the headlines, and more brands will adopt them. Bloggers have already found many ways to market their blog on Instagram– and more will follow.



The bottom line for marketers


Understand your audience’s habits and motivations for using Instagram or other social media platforms. This can inform your strategy for each social media platform.

For example, on Instagram, you can fulfill your followers’ desire to know more about you and your brand by revealing more about yourself or your customers (through user-generated content).




Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.


When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.


Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.


Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?


Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.



Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.



More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

6 KLM Airlines Marketing Examples for Winning Campaigns

Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples

Starbucks Marketing … 9 Ways They Employ Social Media Innovation

Instagram Stats … Lots to Learn From Current Data



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Business Blog: 10 Examples to Set the Goals of a Master Blogger

Does your business have a blog associated with its website? Company blogs are now standard in every industry, from car manufacturers to cereal brands. However, not all company blogs were created equal. The best business blog examples are managed much more successfully than others.

business blog
Business blog examples.

More to review: Network Connection … 23 Actionable Tips for Relationships

Social isn’t a new way of marketing; it’s a new way of doing business.

What are blogs?

Blogs, short for weblogs, are online platforms to create specific types of content. Bloggers share them and interact with others around those content objects, known as blog posts. They have some common features such as comment possibilities and trackbacks. Business blogs should focus on non-promotional and regularly updated posts.

Related: Successful Social Media Marketing Tactics You Should Employ

They typically aim to attract prospective customers and other stakeholders. They provide information to pre-defined target audiences or buyer personas. They also drive conversions, including social conversions. While the content typically is not promotional, blogs serve direct and indirect business goals.

Blogs are essential parts of most social media programs and still often the hubs of content marketing strategies. We see this content marketing view coming back in the approaches of many organizations. This view is the blog as the hub and different other channels and content formats. The real hub of any content marketing strategy is the customer value.

business blog
Business blog examples.

Company blogs have great potential value. They can use these platforms for a range of purposes. These include developing a reputation as an industry thought leader. They also include engaging with customers and building brand loyalty.

One of the most difficult aspects of running a good company blog is generating the right kind of content. Posts need to be consistently interesting and innovative. They need to remain on-brand without resorting to generic sales-speak.

Here are our favorite corporate blogs we highlight to customers for examples of blogging success:

marriott international
Marriott International.

Marriott International

One company which always strikes the right tone is Marriott International. Their blog, ‘Marriott on the Move’, is universally recognized as an excellent example of corporate blogging.

Bill Marriot founded and grew the hotel group into one of the largest in the world, and his blog is one of the best around. He doesn’t always write about the hotel business, which is a good thing. The posts are a mix of his insights on the hotel industry. They also have tips for business success and celebrations of Marriott milestones. He even includes instances of his personal life.

He also uses the blog to share his insights on current affairs. For example, after the 2013’s Boston Marathon bombings, he posted a message of condolence and support.


Whole Foods

Whole Foods is one of our favorite social online sites. It is one of the best brands when it comes to health food in the world. It also has an excellent blog that is well-designed and packed full of interesting content.

Food blogs have always been huge online. This one fits into that space nicely with tips, recipes, and company news.

Virgin Atlantic

The Virgin Group and Richard Branson are marketing experts. Their social media accounts are always full of dynamic and interesting content. Hence it comes as no surprise that their company blogs show the same creative flair. Although all of Virgin’s blogs are excellent, the Virgin Atlantic blog is one of the best.

The Virgin brand as a whole is about the experience. For example, holiday upgrades become ‘Mojo Boosters,’ and Virgin Galactic’s on board safety measures are the company’s ‘North Star.’ The Virgin Atlantic blog follows an awesome brand tone.

Visitors enjoy posts about extreme sports, fine dining, and the airline’s myriad destinations. They do also write about their services and products, but these posts are in the minority.

Ikea Design Blog 

The Design Blog team is a group of IKEA co-workers sharing DIY and home decorating tips and ideas. Check out their diversity in blog categories. For example: before and after, behind the scenes, colors, done in a day, sustainability, and organization.

Some cool ideas, yes?

Southwest Airlines

One of the most original airlines in the world has been blogging for a while now. It shares tons of information about itself as well as travel content. You’ll hear about new services it’s offering as well as tips on keeping children happy while flying.

While the company clearly focuses on aviation, Southwest Airlines’ content is more diverse than you would initially assume. Covering any area that is linked to travel, its posts are lighthearted and easy to read.

One diverse example is a two-part series on roller coasters.

How to create a business blog … Zappos

Zappos has built its entire culture around social media and wonderful customer service. And it has some well-written blogs. Its main one is where it shares information about products and services and selects the best from the others. Lots of contributors.


ComScore in one company we checkout consistently. It is an online company first and foremost so you would expect it to have a very good online presence. Its blog is so original and features such good content that it always pops up in the mainstream news.

Business blog examples … Dell

Another company we follow closely for its ability to do new things. Its goal is proving that more can be better.

Dell has a vast number of blogs which it links up together in the one landing page to create a comprehensive resource. They deal with enterprise IT, customer tips, consumer service and education. New articles are regularly posted, so you’re always kept up to date with new topics.

Adaptive Path

This San Francisco design company focuses on the technical side of things, covering design and development. It keeps a personal touch and makes sure most of its employees contribute. This means that you will get something different every time with lots of viewpoints.

Here is another good reference:



Like Dell, Adobe makes great use of its employee blogs. They allow them to post tutorials, guides, and other bits and pieces that help enrich the reader experience. Another important part is that they’re not required to reference Adobe products. This means the reader gets more value as a result.

More to study: The Business Intelligence Process Part 4 SWOT Analysis


It starts with researching your target readership thoroughly. Understand who your audience is, and what type of content they’ll enjoy reading. Most importantly, this clues you to which posts they’re likely to share on social media.

If you have expertise, share it. Sharing your insights can drive traffic to your blog, and raise the profile of your brand.

Be authentic. Personality is a vital ingredient for any company. It separates great companies from the rest.

Find the story. Top bloggers find interesting angles, and approach stories in unusual and innovative ways. If your product or service isn’t exciting on its own, find a way of making it dynamic.

Blog about current affairs. Blog readers always appreciate diversity, and topical posts often tend to do well regarding page visits.

Do you have a lesson about making your customer experience better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you.


It’s up to you to keep improving your customer attention and focus. Lessons are all around you. In many situations, your competitor may be providing the ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.

When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.

Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy to improve your marketing, branding, and advertising?

Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.


More reading on business process from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Change Management Case Study… 7 Volatile Challenges to Overcome

Network Connection … 23 Actionable Tips for Relationships

10 Growth Hacking Tactics … What Would Peter Drucker Say?

  Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.

11 Ways the Facebook Business Page Will Improve Social Marketing

Yes, your best competitors are making their business better and better all the while. And their growth is all about their social marketing strategy. Of course, if you pay attention to competitors, you know this.  What would you do to your Facebook business page if you were trying to improve your social marketing?

Facebook and business
Facebook and business.

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all but goes on making his own business better all the time.

Henry Ford

Check out our thoughts on team leverage.

Social media has come a long way since then as have the strategies, tactics, methods, and power associated with social media.

In reality, a successful social media marketing campaign is multi-dimensional. It’s complicated. Ask any social media marketer “How do you do social media marketing?” and you’re likely to get the “Um, where do I start?” look.

There are a lot of elements to address and minute details to cover. Often, the most difficult stage is the initial one, when you’re trying to gain traction and pick up momentum.

5 Content Marketing Strategies to Engage Your Customers

Lots of advertisers wonder if Facebook advertising works. Take a look at these numbers: 85% of new WordStream users are already advertising on Facebook;

Facebook ads get 22 billion clicks a year, and those ads reach a total of 1.6 billion active monthly users. It’s clear Facebook is an attractive channel for advertisers — that many users can’t be wrong.

Related post: Social Media Plan … Successful Tactics You Need to Employ

Have you noticed? It is hard not to see, isn’t it? Let’s examine the ten ways Facebook would recommend improving your social marketing strategy:

Facebook business page … tagline and Brand

The heart of any businesses’ marketing strategy is their brand. The brand is built into and reflected by its tagline … spend enough time to find a good one. As an example, we like the one used by the Morgan and Morgan law practice: For the People. Or, the longer version, representing the People, not the Powerful.

They clearly understand that their brand is not about them. Rather it is about how the potential client community sees them, feels about them, and talks about them. They realize that their brand represents their current and future relationships. Their goal is to deliver an emotional connection to their services. And they are doing it very well. Got the idea?


Media commercials

You should use both TV and radio ads building and reinforce the brand. Educating the public on important issues that are important to them. Doing almost no selling. Make them a short 15 seconds with one simple message. Make as many as possible and use them all. You don’t want to swamp potential customers with repeats. Create a very personal image in these commercials and use them on your social media channels.


Facebook business account… website

Google would tell you to make the site the physical center of your firm’s marketing. Make the design simple but as elegant and eye-catching as you can. Give it the means to contain all the strategy elements discussed today. Encompasses several ways to allow two-way client engagements, including live chat, email, and telephone.

Again little to no selling. Your strategy should reflect the belief that pushy sales pitches turn customers off, but personally relevant and interactive engagement switches them on. Make customers notice that all the material is put into their language.


embrace public issues
Embrace public issues.

Facebook business page tips … embrace public issues

Keep several public concerns front and center in your marketing strategy at any one time. Let your senior leadership take their messages on the issues of potential clients via community speaking engagements as well as all the marketing channels at their disposal. All of the items on the agenda represent those that the public majority supports.

Advocacy advertising

Most of the issues that you decide to support should be used in the commercials as advocacy advertisements. These create very strong brand reinforcement.

Facebook business page tips … content marketing

Put content marketing to very practical use on your blog and other social media platforms, starting with your Facebook page. They typically recommend at least have 8-10 blogs on various topics per month to help educate potential clients.

The blogs should be archived by multiple categories and by month and year. With proper search engine optimization on each blog, the blogs do an excellent job of driving new potential customers to the website.

Adapting to change

Facebook recommends being very progressive, keeping up to speed on customer trends, problem areas, and social media technology. Certainly, always be eager to adapt your business marketing expertise to new areas. And certainly always look to try new things throughout their company marketing, with a particular focus on social media.


Social media  

what would you do youtube
What would you do youtube?

Facebook believes businesses should start with the Facebook platform and then add 3-5 more (Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube) over time to increase your customer engagement.  All channels should be utilized to share all their material in a conversational manner. Always looking to engage.


Short and sweet messages

80-90% of the marketing messages should be 15 seconds. Very simple and to the point or objective. As we said previously, many topics are used to produce many notes so as not to over saturate the market with the same messages.

More learning6 KLM Airlines Marketing Examples for Winning Campaigns

Integrating the elements

All 10 of these strategy elements complement the firm’s brand and messages. The integrating elements? The brand and the client educational element. The key is to have a central theme to the brand. This is the most important part of the strategy.

The bottom line

The next big thing always starts out looking like nothing at all. If it was easy to see coming, everybody would be doing it already and the market impact would be minimal. So you can never create something truly new based on what you already know. The only way to find it is to start looking.
Not all who wander are lost. The trick is to wander with a purpose.


Here’s the thing, social isn’t just a new way of marketing, it’s a new way of running a business. Facebook certainly has figured this out and are using social marketing to rapidly grow many of their client’s business.


Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?

Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.

More reading on social media design from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:  

Creative Tips for Stunning Infographic Design

 Social Media Graphics …9 Great Ways to Improve Your Marketing Designs

Facebook Design … 8 Secret Factors for Most Successful Marketing

Creative Stories … Are You Employing the Best Smashing Value?

Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.


Social Media Monitoring and Marketing Tools: Keep Track of Competitors

Are you listening to members of your audience? There are lots of ways to listen, yes? These ways include many social media monitoring and marketing tools.

As I have said many times, all of us need to treat social media more like a telephone and less like a megaphone. This is an important fact to know about social media monitoring and marketing tools.

social media monitoring and marketing tools
Social media monitoring and marketing tools.

However, some might not know how or where to listen. This is important because you want to know what’s being said about you and where are they saying it. You’ll also want to know how to respond. It’s an essential part of online marketing.

Finding and tracking conversations on social media was once a hurdle for digital marketers. Now, with a range of tools available, the challenge is finding the ideal one.

And since listening to social conversations can deliver clear business benefits, many community managers are quickly looking for an option. Luckily, social media monitoring tools that differ between price, user experience, and tracking capabilities are filling the market.

Before listing my recommended social media monitoring and marketing tools, it’s important to set a few definitions.


What Is Social Media Monitoring?

Don’t think of social media monitoring as a one-time, or sporadic, activity.

Also called social listening, it’s the ongoing process of tracking online conversations to find information about customers.

The goal of this process is to understand better different target markets, ranging from prospects to competitor customers. Specifically, digital strategists can use social media monitoring to determine how a brand is perceived, analyze consumer behavior and identify issues those consumers may have.


Now that we’ve clarified the definition, here’s our list of the top tools:


TweetReach is a great monitoring tool for your business if you’re interested in checking how far your Tweets travel. TweetReach measures the actual impact and implications of social media discussions.

It is a good way of finding out who are your most influential followers, implicitly guiding you towards the right people you should be targeting when aiming to share and promote online content.


HowSociable is a handy tool for measuring your and your competitors’ social media presence.

A free account allows you to track 12 social sites, including Tumblr and WordPress. However, if you’re interested in 24 more, such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc. a pro account is required.

HowSociable’s approach to social monitoring is a bit different as it breaks down scores for different social media platforms, allowing you to see which social media platforms work best for you and which ones need further development.

Use HowSociable to measure a keyword’s “magnitude score” — its level of weekly activity, given on a scale of 0 to 10. The tool provides the keyword’s score on 36 sites, ranging from major social platforms to forums such as 4chan and Reddit. Pay extra to receive historical data going back to the platform’s launch in May 2008.



Klout is probably one of the most controversial social media monitoring tools. There are those who hate it and claim that its scoring system is completely inaccurate and that trying to interact with them is an impossible mission (a curious thing as they provide interaction-measurement services).

On the other hand, some people find it useful, as it measures influence through engagement on Twitter. It is a good means of keeping an eye on what people think about your brand, and to see what influences them the most.

Using the Klout score, you can adjust your posts according to your target audience’s interests and increase your engagement rate.

Widely known as an influence measurement tool, test out Klout to monitor which types of posts and topics are most talked about. By grading your ability to engage on each social platform and giving you a mark out of 100, you’ll learn which content pieces best drive conversation and resonate with your audience.


Social listening platforms.


Use Keyhole to track URLs, hashtags, keywords and @usernames on Twitter and Instagram. It collects data and posts in real-time, offering historical data separately or in advanced plans.

The platform gives a timeline that illustrates flows and spikes in posting frequency. It provides a stream of posts to complement this feature. Along with sentiment data, Keyhole has demographic information such as heat maps that measure activity levels across the world and United States.


If aiming to get an overall view of a brand, Addictomatic can be very useful and as straightforward as Twazzup. The only difference is that Addictomatic focuses on a variety of platforms, including Flickr, YouTube, Twitter, WordPress, Bing News, Delicious, Google,, etc.

It’s useful for keeping an eye on recent industry developments and brand reputation.

Type a keyword into Addict-o-Matic’s search bar to scan platforms such as YouTube, WordPress and Bing News for mentions. The results are somewhat customizable — if you don’t value a given platform, you can delete its feed or move it to the bottom of the page. Bookmark the page and visit again whenever you want.


Social Mention

Quite popular among social media enthusiasts, Social Mention monitors over one hundred social media sites. It is probably one of the best free listening tools on the market, as it analyses data in more depth and measures influence with four categories: Strength, Sentiment, Passion, and Reach. It also displays top keywords, hashtags, and sites.

Use Social Mention as a search engine with a complementary analytics suite, collecting data such as sentiment. Inputting a keyphrase will generate results pages filled with user-generated content up to a month old from more than 100 platforms. But since the program doesn’t continuously monitor your terms, you’ll have to start a new search when you need an update.



social media monitoring software
Social media monitoring software.

Try CyberAlert if you need to monitor mainstream news. Along with some popular social media platforms, the tool can track keyword mentions from 60,000 online news sources in more than 250 languages. It allows you to segment these mentions by brand, campaign, media type and more criteria.



Twazzup is great for social media beginners looking for a Twitter monitoring tool. You just enter the name you want to track, and you instantly get real-time updates, meaning the most active top influencers, most retweeted photos and links, and most importantly, the top 10 keywords related to your search.


Give Brandwatch a shot to monitor and collect data from 80 million sources. These include blogs, forums, review sites, news sources and popular social platforms such as Facebook. It adds context to online conversations by measuring analytics such as audience interests and gender ratio. You can also receive alerts whenever specific terms are mentioned.




TweetDeck covers the basic needs of any Twitter user, so is a good option for beginners. It’s a great tool for scheduling tweets and monitoring your interactions and messages, as well as tracking hashtags and managing multiple accounts. There is a web app, Chrome app, or Mac app. The Windows app ceased functioning in April 2016.



 Track your mentions on major social media platforms, including Twitter and Facebook, with the aptly-named Mention. Not only can you interact with posts using your tracked keywords directly from the dashboard, but assign them to different team members. The platform can also alert you whenever someone includes your keyword in a post.

Mention monitors million of sources in 42 languages, helping you stay on top of all your brand mentions on social networks, news sites, forums, blogs or any web page.

The app lets you keep track of your team’s actions, share alerts and assign tasks. Generating reports and exporting mentions can help you get a snapshot of your mentions by source or language over a selected period. They offer a 14-day free trial.



 Twitonomy offers a range of metrics for free, with premium features enabled for $19/month. Simply sign in with your Twitter account for robust monitoring and metrics about your account.

You can add your competitor’s Twitter handles to gain insights about their activity too.

Twitonomy shows you details of your Twitter lists, followers and followings, your most popular Tweets, engagement statistics and much more.

You can track conversations on Twitter based on hashtags, users, or lists. The details are displayed in graphs and easily digestible stats.



Focusing specifically on Twitter, Followerwonk is the right tool to find, analyze and optimize your online presence for social growth.

The tool is perfect for planning outreach campaigns by allowing you to search Twitter bios, connect with influencers or fans and break them out by location, authority, the number of followers and more.

Interestingly, with Followerwonk you can compare your social graph to competitors, friends or industry leaders and measure how well you are doing.

Little Bird

Described as an influencer marketing tool, use Little Bird to monitor close-knit social media communities. For example, you can identify and listen to conversations topic thought-leaders are having about a relevant keyword. This allows you to spot social trends before they become widely popular.



Acting as a blog and Twitter search engine, try IceRocket if you value a range of results filters. You can narrow results by domain, author, language, publishing date, and secondary keyword use. But since you can’t save or continuously update your mentions, you’ll have to perform a new search whenever you want an update.

This tool offers a blog, Twitter and Facebook monitoring in 20 languages, as well as results graphs that you can play with. It allows you to choose the period you are interested in monitoring.

It can be used for keeping an eye on blog activity mentioning your brand, as they have around 200 million blogs in their database and they also provide the possibility of finding the latest trend terms related to your search.

Social media monitoring and marketing tools … NetBase

Targeting enterprise-scale brands and agencies, use NetBase to read and analyze social media posts in 42 languages. The platform tracks keyword mentions from millions of sources around the world, advertising that it processes posts nine-times faster and 50 to 70% more accurately than other tools. Subscribers can also receive up to 27 months of historical data.



Another social media monitoring tool that targets enterprise-scale brands and agencies try Synthesio to track mentions from more than 195 countries and 100,000 websites. These include niche social networks in China, Russia, South America and the Middle East. The tool delivers analytics such as activity heat maps and common phrases used with your keywords.


Use the Sysomos “Heartbeat” tool to monitor up to two years of historical data, along with real-time conversations in almost 190 languages. It scans major social media platforms, plus blogs and news media sources. You can tag different conversations to analyze and compare against each other, helping identify engagement opportunities.

The bottom line


For social analysts with general needs, there might not be a clear, must-use option. But as your focus grows more specific, some platforms should emerge as favorites.

Use this list as a guide — you’re sure to find a social media monitoring tool that tracks the platforms you value and delivers the information you need.




Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.


When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.


Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.


Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?


Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  


Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.


More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Improve Telling Stories by Employing These Remarkable Examples

Find your Content Marketing Creative Ideas

Creative Ideas Can Add to Publix Social Media Marketing

Social Media Campaigns to Stimulate Learning


Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.


Blogging Tips: Follow These to Becoming a Master Blogger

Any fool can know. The point is to understand. Well said by Albert Einstein. There are many very good bloggers on the internet, aren’t there? The term “master blogger” seems to pop up now and then, and it is something that many bloggers aspire to be. In my eight years as a blogger, I would say that the definition of “master blogger” has changed. And anyone can notice, but only the masters can

blogging tips
Follow these blogging tips.

understand, appreciate, and adapt and learn from these blogging tips and blogging changes.

Check out our thoughts on team leverage.

When I think of a master blogger, here are the skills and qualities that I would suggest they have:


Blogging tips … connect with audience

For an audience to read and return, bloggers must learn about people in the audience and engage/connect with as many as possible.  This is not just about finding out their interests, but it is finding out who they are.  It is essential that we get to know our audience, learn their passions, and help them find out how we can engage them in their interests.  If you are not able to do this as a blogger, the following characteristics will be moot.

 An interesting articles to check out: How to start a business blog? 

Clear and simple messages

To be a successful blogger one has to have a clear understanding of what he/she is blogging about. That’s the first and the most important equation. Select a niche and stick to it as much as you can. If you have a clear understanding of what you are writing about, then I must say that you are 25% successful.


Educate and entertain
Educate and entertain or be ignored.

Educate and entertain

Bloggers must ensure that they differentiate learning and work to meet the needs of each reader and understand how they each like to engage and be entertained.  I believe that people have different engagement styles, and if we can best figure out how to help them meet their needs, the audience will be easily captured.

Quality over quantity

Quality is the only factor that drives visitors back to your blog. Create a strategy and focus on it to impress your readers every time you write an article. Every single article should clearly show your superiority in the niche you are dealing with. I know only a genius can do that, but who knows there might be a genius hiding behind your darker side. Wake him up and try something new to introduce your creativity to the blogosphere.


Blogger design tips … promoting your work

A blog without targeted traffic is worth nothing, even if you can write ten articles every single day. It’s vital that you market your blog in all possible ways to drive targeted traffic. Comments on popular and active blogs, forums posting helps a lot in the beginning but remember it’s not the end. You should make sure that you get some new visitors by writing guest articles, article marketing and by social bookmarking submissions.

Consistency is a key

To be 100% successful, all you have to do is to write quality posts consistently. Make sure you maintain the quality and standards your readers are looking for. Stay patient and work hard. Blogging is a slow process, but once you get attention, you will never look back.

draw relevance
Draw relevance in blogging.


blogging tips … draw relevance

The question of each post, “What does this have to do with real life?” is something that I would prefer never be said.  Not because it is not a legitimate question, but because bloggers should show the relevance before there is an opportunity for it to be asked

Not only is it essential that we draw relevance to the subject matter of what we write, but it is also essential that we use mediums that are relevant to where the audience hangs out on the internet.   A master blogger knows that it is essential to use technology and mediums to enhance interest in a way that is relevant to their audience.


Master blogger … embody lifelong learning 

A master blogger knows that they will never become the “perfect” blogger since that is unattainable.  They will look at ways that they can grow along with the members of the audience and develop their skills.  Writing and learning will always change, and a master blogger knows that they need to change with it. I have seen bloggers that have proclaimed that they are master bloggers but have not changed their practice in years.  Growth is essential as a blogger.  Society changes continuously and so do its needs.  We need thinkers on the internet and bloggers must show that they are on the leading edge of this.


Learning versus performance

In “Drive” by Dan Pink, he talks about the difference between performance and learning goals.  A performance goal would be similar to having a reader wanting to be completely entertained, where a learning goal would be a reader wanting to become fluent in the subject at hand.  A master blogger sets his goals based on both learning and performance, depending on his audience.


Passionate about their content

If a blogger works in the area of math and LOVES the subject area that passion will spill over to the audience, he/she works with.  As a marketer and blogger, I work hard to help my clients and audience work in subject areas that they are passionate about because I believe that enthusiasm is infectious. A master blogger shares their passion and enthusiasm with those they work with.  However, if you are a blogger in an area that you do not “love”, it is important that you find ways to spark that passion for yourself.


Strong communication skills 

Obviously, it is important that bloggers can communicate with the audience they target.  Sharing knowledge, back and forth with colleagues is essential to the growth of the reader as well as the collective.  It is important to continuously develop these skills.

The bottom line


These are the characteristics that I believe make a master blogger.  I know that these are the skills that I work towards every day and want to embody.  The one thing that I know for sure is that my learning is nowhere near complete, and I can still grow.

Learning from you, what areas do you think I missed on this list?  I would love to hear your thoughts as I continue to grow.
Need some help in improving the creativity of you and your staff? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your toughest competitors?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote for a workshop on creativity. Learn about some options for creativity workshops to get noticeable results.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new creative ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy to improve your creativity, innovation, and ideas?

Do you have a lesson about making your creativity better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.


More reading on creativity from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

10 Different Ways to Enhance Creativity

Secrets to Understanding the Genie in the Creativity Bottle

How You Are Destroying your Creativity and Imagination

13 Motivators for Creating a Change and Adaptability Culture