10 Terrible Mistakes That Will Kill your Content Strategy

According to the Ascend2 2016 State of Content Marketing survey of both B2B and B2C marketers, lead generation, customer engagement, and brand awareness rank as the top three most frustrating problems for marketers. Content marketing is an effective way to tackle all three, but it requires a content strategy that fits your business needs. And this is where too many of us fail.

Establishing a content strategy is tough work. Refining and constantly improving it is even harder. As a Column Five co-founder, I’ve lived and breathed this reality for the last decade. I’ve often struggled with it, too. But in working through content strategy for both Fortune 100 brands and tiny startups, not to mention our own agency’s efforts, I’ve found that we all face the same struggles—no matter how big our budget is.

We slave and sweat over content. We try to keep publishing pace, but sometimes the work you’re most optimistic about doesn’t pan out. This is often because one step of the execution was off base.

Just because you have a strategy living in a Google doc somewhere doesn’t mean it’s effective. Over and over, the same easy-to-overlook issues have sabotaged seemingly “solid” content strategies (ours included).

The fix? Reassess your strategy through a fresh lens, on a constant basis. Here are 10 things that I believe will help you craft a successful content strategy for your business, all of which I’ve learned the hard way. I hope you won’t have to.


The is the most crucial part of content strategy that is somehow often overlooked from the get-go. You sit down to craft your strategy and the first question is, “So, what are we going to create?”

(We’ve been guilty of this too from time to time.) You’re so focused on creating, you forget who you’re creating for. The very first conversation—and the most constant conversation—should be focused on your audience.

Their wants, needs, and desires should guide everything you do. I realize sometimes this is murky. You have a general idea of who you want to talk to or who you think you’re talking to, but usually you haven’t done the legwork to figure it out. Understandably, it can be difficult to put the audience before your own marketing goals.

Tip: Carefully crafted marketing personas, which accurately describe the different customers you’re trying to target, are a good starting point. Good personas are highly detailed. They cover the obvious demographic elements, such as age, income, and job title, as well as the not-so-obvious things, such as career aspirations, personal fears, and regrets—the psychographic elements.

This helps you get a sense for who your target audience consists of, what problems they’re facing, and how you might provide the solution to those problems. (I’ve detailed how to craft these personas in under 60 minutes. You can even do it over lunch.) The goal in this effort is to put yourself in your audience members’ shoes, to empathize with them and ask, “What kind of content do they need/want to engage with?”


This one goes hand-in-hand with identifying your audience and developing personas. In fact, it should be treated as the second stage of persona mapping. You can’t create those marketing personas based on guesses. The only way to identify how to help your audience is to get to know them intimately.

It’s important to reach out both to clients and to those who interact with them (e.g., the sales team). That will enable you to gain much-needed perspective and make sure your ideas match with your audience’s reality.

Tip: Identify opportunities to get regular customer interaction and feedback at every touchpoint. These can be both technical (e.g., surveys, project wrap-up reports) or personal. We sometimes have a catch-up lunch or shoot off a simple email to a prospect to get inside their mind. Some starting points:

  • What are your goals this quarter?
  • What do you wish you knew more about?
  • What are the biggest frustrations weighing you down?
  • What resources do you wish you had?

The answers here are a great way to guide content strategy and come up with specific ideas for articles that will resonate with your target audience.


Building out a long-term strategy can seem overwhelming. But identifying content themes helps ensure everything you create aligns with both your short- and long-term content goals. If you’ve done your homework with your audience, this will be easy.

The more you talk with your customers, the more you’ll notice the same themes arise. You’ll be able to identify their pain points, problem areas, knowledge gaps, resource gaps, and more. Some themes will be more effective for you to cover than others (e.g., issues where you can position your product or service as the solution). Map content sprints focused on tackling these issues.

Tip: While you should always retain some degree of flexibility, identifying themes to tackle will help ensure that you 1) are creating targeted content and 2) have a healthy mix of different types of content. An easy way to do this is to choose both a quarterly goal or focus (e.g., lead gen), as well as three specific themes per quarter.

You don’t have to be super detailed here, nor do you need to publish on these themes sequentially. But it will help you make sure you’re covering all bases and angles in a strategic way.

4) Don’t set PRIORITIes

The key to a successful content operation is a solid infrastructure. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a great content operation isn’t either. This is a common trap when it comes to implementing any good strategy. You may have a ton of brilliant ideas and grand plans, but they’re worthless if you can’t properly execute.

Be mindful of the volume of content you produce, as well as consistency. It’s tempting to hit the ground running, to want to do everything all at once, but it’s much easier to scale up gradually. You’ll generally get more value from a few stellar pieces than a ton of passable work. Before our team proceeds with an idea, we carefully examine whether we can execute a project that is:

  • High quality
  • Original
  • Useful to our audience
  • Something we can write authoritatively on
  • Produced in a reasonable amount of time

If we can’t say yes to all of these, we table it.

Tip: Start small, then scale from there (e.g., start with written articles, then build up to infographics). Above all, the best way to build your machine is to build the right team. Include the right stakeholders to make sure everything gets done efficiently, on time, and within budget. (Here are some tips on how to build a great content marketing team.)

Remember: Content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. There’s no finish line.


Quality content is the key to content success. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on larger strategy themes and forget that every single piece is meant to support that strategy. Certainly, you might strike gold with a random piece, but that’s not a reliable way to achieve long-term success.

You put so much work into your strategy; it’s a waste not to follow through. Each piece you create should be vetted through the same strategic thinking.

Tip: When you have a great content idea, do as much as you can to ensure its success from the get-go.

1) Measure your pieces accurately: Decide how you’re going to measure success ahead of time. If you’re creating brand awareness content, don’t judge the efficacy of your efforts based on a metric that you reserve for lead gen content, and vice versa.

2) Make the editorial calendar your friend: As you come up with your ideas, vet the hell out of them. For example, we identify the following for each piece of content:

  • Subject
  • Angle
  • Keyword
  • Target persona
  • Pain point
  • Solution
  • Headline
  • Subject line


Your audience will only connect to your content (and, as a result, your brand) if they believe it provides value. It can entertain, educate, or inspire them—but they have to benefit from it in some way. Talking to your audience and identifying those themes can help guide you here. Your job is not just to address a subject; it’s to provide some tip, insight, or new perspective.

Your audience doesn’t want to be sold to or talked at. First, establish that you care about helping them—not helping yourself make money. When you approach content this way, they will be more eager to engage with you, and some of your audience will turn into customers over time.

Tip: Approach all content ideation from a value/benefit perspective first. What problems can you help solve? How can you help enhance their lives? These are the questions that put you on the right path.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume you’re not the only player in your space. There are plenty of competitors trying to reach your same audience through the same tactics. How do you differentiate? By upping the value through your expertise. Odds are you know everything about your industry, you are always looking for new solutions, and you have a ton of experience under your belt.

Demonstrating this in your content is the best way to serve both your customers and your goals.

Tip: Good content is about coupling the right angle, the right value, and the right expertise. As you ideate for a particular subject, ask yourself:

  • What’s already been written? Look for ways to expand or hone in on a topic.
  • Have I failed in this area before? Share what you’ve learned. (See: This entire post.)
  • Did I have a breakthrough or particular success? Help others do the same.

Fun fact: After much reflection about what we’re doing and where we’re blowing it, we identified the very weak points of our content strategy I’m discussing here. After we revamped our strategy accordingly, we doubled our blog traffic in four months.


No one wants to talk to a brand. They want to talk to people. They want to know who you are, what you believe in, and then they’ll decide whether they want to buy in or not. Your company culture is an important part of your identity, and your content is a great conduit to express that.

For example, our agency specializes in data visualization. We also have a long-standing tradition of Beer Friday. We married the two to create this infographic:

This doesn’t mean you should blog a ton about your company BBQ, but you can think of clever ways to express yourselves.

Tip: From your newsletter popups to your articles, showcase your culture at every touchpoint.

  • Create a strong brand voice.
  • Craft a solid visual language to help reinforce your brand.
  • Cultivate a culture that lets you tap into your team’s ideas.

For more, download our free e-book on how your company culture can help your content marketing.


Content marketing is not sales collateral. (Put this on your wall!) It’s about starting a conversation, providing value, and building a relationship. Content is the first step here—it also makes people more receptive to sales collateral. (A recent Nielsen study found that interacting with editorial content made consumers more willing to hear a brand’s hard-sell messages down the line.)

If you do your job well, people will want to work with you, and you don’t have to really sell anyone. You just have to facilitate a great buying experience. Your job as a marketer is to tee excited buyers up for the sales team, and let them handle the rest.

Tip: You are a storyteller, not a salesman. Approach content as brand publishing and look for unique stories to tell (not sell)! Employ tactics like data-driven storytelling and visual storytelling to help you do that.

10) EXPERIMENT rarely

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. True. But sometimes things may be broke and you don’t know it.

Like all things in life, you have to evolve if you want to stay competitive and differentiate yourself. This means always being willing to experiment, fail, tweak, iterate, and most importantly, never get complacent. Complacency is the devil.

Another way of putting this: A solid strategy is important, as is staying the course. But you also need built-in room to be responsive and flexible. Allow some room for failure. In my eyes, strategy must be iterative. As you learn, fail, and succeed, you refine and improve over time.

“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”
— Nelson Mandela

Adopt that mantra in your content efforts. Hell, make it your life mantra. It’s liberating.

Tip: Look for opportunities to experiment with new mediums, new distribution platforms, and new editorial approaches. Schedule regular postmortem meetings to assess content performance, what did or didn’t work, where you might improve, and what new tactics you could test.

Doing content well is an ongoing struggle that takes patience and persistence, but you can succeed as long as you remain proactive and flexible.

This post originally appeared on the LinkedIn Marketing Solutions blog.

If you need a little help with your content strategy, we’re happy to chat. To learn more about creating effective content marketing, check out these 5 mistakes to avoid in content creation and find out what content distribution tactic will get your content featured in major publications.

The 8 Steps To Creating A Content Strategy For Your Blogging Website

Content is king when it comes to blogging, and any marketing professional entering the realm of content quickly realizes that creating original content is not a task for the faint-hearted. To create quality content regularly for your blogging website, you need to create a content strategy that helps you plan the content you’d need. Its pertaining purpose helps you accomplish deliverables for yourself and your team.

Creative content writing and blogging are no easy feat and require hours of planning behind them. If you run a blogging website and feel that your content team needs a direction, keep reading to find the eight steps you need to follow to create a content strategy for your blog:

Establish your target audience

Establishing your target audience is crucial for your content strategy. You need to figure out who your blog is for and where do most of your readers come from. If your blog is designed for a particular niche or a business, it would be easy for you to understand your target audience as it would equate with your potential customer.

Once you have established your target audience, you can now spend time figuring out what it is that your audience would like to read and then write accordingly. The internet today is filled with all sorts of content, and what is likely to help you stand out is understanding what your reader needs and giving it to them.

Set your goals

You can’t possibly be blogging for no reason at all – if you spend time blogging you are likely to have goals that you hope to achieve through your blog. Whether you are hoping to increase your readership to get sponsors or to increase your company sales, your goals would be an integral part of your content strategy.

Setting your goals would also allow you to understand whether or not a particular content strategy is working for you as you would be able to develop KPIs and metrics to measure your blog’s performance. 

Perform keyword research

Anything related to content writing more or less always requires sound keyword research, which helps you understand the topics that your relevant audience is interested in. While keyword research is undeniably important in search engine optimization, it also plays a role in determining what you would be writing about and hence what your content calendar would be composed of. You may seek help from a professional or perform free keyword research through tools like Google’s Keyword Planner.

Creating a content calendar

Once you have identified your target audience, set your KPIs, and completed keyword research, the next ideal step is to create a content calendar. A content calendar is essentially a tool that will help you organize the ideas you have for your blog into an actionable plan. It will also help you follow a set schedule and remain consistent in your marketing approaches.

A blogging website that features planned and new content at regular intervals is likely to garner many more readers than a blogging website with no schedule and unpredictable operations. A calendar is also likely to help you accommodate all your topic ideas in a doable schedule, rather than creating an overambitious schedule that you are likely to burn out from and abandon together.

Write well-curated content

Writing well-curated blog posts should be an integral part of your content strategy. Simply writing blogs for the sake of it shouldn’t be your mission rather you should take an active role in creating blogs that are truly unique, informational, and relevant to your target audience. Every blog post written and posted through your medium should be articulate, well-researched, and accurate. Also, be sure to proofread all your content through both in-built spell checkers in word processing documents and external apps such as Grammarly.

Optimize all blogs for search engines

Search engine optimization should be a crucial aspect of your content strategy because if your target audience cannot search for them how on earth do you ever expect them to read it. To optimize your blogs for search engines, there are a few basic things you can do which include using relevant keywords in the webs page URL, including keywords in subheadings, sectioning your blogs, including keywords in image titles, and also in the alt text. You should also pay attention to achieving high authority backlinks and including internal links and meta descriptions in your blog posts.

Evaluate KPIs and improve strategy

You are bound to make mistakes in the first draft of your content strategy. However, instead of feeling disappointed, this is your chance to learn from your mistakes by evaluating your KPIs and understanding whether or not you met your goals. You can do so by using Google Analytics to understand how well your blog did or did not do by the goals you established earlier.

If you see signs of community engagement and social media shares, you might be on the right track. If not, you may have to revisit your strategy and make changes as required.

Focus on promotion

The final step in your content strategy should be the promotion of your blog. In addition to optimizing your blog for search engines, you should also focus on marketing your blogging website. You could use sponsored ads, email marketing, and public relations to promote your blogs. Another common way of promoting your blogging website is by finding relevant questions and queries on Quora and answering them while linking your blog below for further reading.

You should also consider guest posting on other websites and in a way promote your blog by linking to it. If you have any social media channels, be sure to insert a “link in bio” in your profile’s description which links to your blog while also creating a social media post for the same. You could also consider converting your blog post into a series of social media posts for better reach.

The bottom line

Blogging can feel like a cumbersome task if you aren’t getting the results you expected and aren’t fulfilling your expected target reach. Blogging often requires you to assess the quality of your content and revisit content terms to understand what is or is not contributing to your blog’s success. A well-written content strategy would be able to assist you in terms of understanding and implementing your goals, and pivoting as and when needed.

Tips to Enable your Content Strategy Success

According to the Ascend2  survey of both B2B and B2C marketers, lead generation, customer engagement, and brand awareness rank as the top three most frustrating problems for marketers. Content strategy is an effective way to tackle all three, but it requires a tactic that fits your business needs. And this is where too many of us fail.

Establishing a content strategy is tough work. Refining and constantly improving it is even harder. As a Digital Spark Marketing designer, I’ve lived and breathed this reality for the last decade. I’ve often struggled with it, too. But in working through content strategy for both Fortune 100 brands and tiny startups, not to mention our own agency’s efforts, I’ve found that we all face the same struggles—no matter how big our budget is.

The fix? Reassess your strategy through a fresh lens, on a constant basis. Here are 10 things that I believe will help you craft a successful content strategy for your business, all of which I’ve learned the hard way. I hope you won’t have to.


This is the most crucial part of content strategy that is somehow often overlooked from the get-go. You sit down to craft your strategy and the first question is, “So, what are we going to create?”

Their wants, needs, and desires should guide everything you do. I realize sometimes this is murky. You have a general idea of who you want to talk to or who you think you’re talking to, but usually you haven’t done the legwork to figure it out. Understandably, it can be difficult to put the audience before your own marketing goals.

Tip: Carefully crafted marketing personas, which accurately describe the different customers you’re trying to target, are a good starting point. Good personas are highly detailed. They cover the obvious demographic elements, such as age, income, and job title, as well as the not-so-obvious things, such as career aspirations, personal fears, and regrets—the psychographic elements.


This one goes hand-in-hand with identifying your audience and developing personas. In fact, it should be treated as the second stage of persona mapping. You can’t create those marketing personas based on guesses. The only way to identify how to help your audience is to get to know them intimately.

It’s important to reach out both to clients and to those who interact with them (e.g., the sales team). That will enable you to gain much-needed perspective and make sure your ideas match your audience’s reality.

Tip: Identify opportunities to get regular customer interaction and feedback at every touchpoint. These can be both technical (e.g., surveys, project wrap-up reports) or personal. We sometimes have a catch-up lunch or shoot off a simple email to a prospect to get inside their mind such as:

  • What are your goals this quarter?
  • What do you wish you knew more about?
  • What are the biggest frustrations weighing you down?
  • What resources do you wish you had?


Your audience will only connect to your content (and, as a result, your brand) if they believe it provides value. It can entertain, educate, or inspire them—but they have to benefit from it in some way. Talking to your audience and identifying those themes can help guide you here. Your job is not just to address a subject; it’s to provide some tip, insight, or new perspective.

Your audience doesn’t want to be sold to or talked at. First, establish that you care about helping them—not helping yourself make money. When you approach content this way, they will be more eager to engage with you, and some of your audience will turn into customers over time.

Tip: Approach all content ideation from a value/benefit perspective first. What problems can you help solve? How can you help enhance their lives? These are the questions that put you on the right path.


The key to a successful content operation is a solid infrastructure. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and a great content operation isn’t either. This is a common trap when it comes to implementing any good strategy. You may have a ton of brilliant ideas and grand plans, but they’re worthless if you can’t properly execute them.

Be mindful of the volume of content you produce, as well as consistency. It’s tempting to hit the ground running, to want to do everything all at once, but it’s much easier to scale up gradually. You’ll generally get more value from a few stellar pieces than a ton of passable work. Before our team proceeds with an idea, we carefully examine whether we can execute a project that is:

  • High quality
  • Original
  • Useful to our audience
  • Something we can write authoritatively on
  • Produced in a reasonable amount of time

If we can’t say yes to all of these, we table it.

Tip: Start small, then scale from there (e.g., start with written articles, then build up to infographics). Above all, the best way to build your machine is to build the right team. Include the right stakeholders to make sure everything gets done efficiently, on time, and within budget.


Quality content is the key to content success. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on larger strategy themes and forget that every single piece is meant to support that strategy. Certainly, you might strike gold with a random piece, but that’s not a reliable way to achieve long-term success.

You put so much work into your strategy; it’s a waste not to follow through. Each piece you create should be vetted through the same strategic thinking.

Tip: When you have a great content idea, do as much as you can to ensure its success from the get-go.


Building out a long-term strategy can seem overwhelming. But identifying content themes helps ensure everything you create aligns with both your short- and long-term content goals. If you’ve done your homework with your audience, this will be easy.

The more you talk with your customers, the more you’ll notice the same themes arise. You’ll be able to identify their pain points, problem areas, knowledge gaps, resource gaps, and more.

Tip: While you should always retain some degree of flexibility, identifying themes to tackle will help ensure that you 1) are creating targeted content and 2) have a healthy mix of different types of content. An easy way to do this is to choose both a quarterly goal or focus (e.g., lead gen), as well as three specific themes per quarter.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and assume you’re not the only player in your space. There are plenty of competitors trying to reach your same audience through the same tactics. How do you differentiate? By upping the value through your expertise. Odds are you know everything about your industry, you are always looking for new solutions, and you have a ton of experience under your belt.

Demonstrating this in your content is the best way to serve both your customers and your goals.

Tip: Good content is about coupling the right angle, the right value, and the right expertise. As you ideate for a particular subject, ask yourself:

  • What’s already been written? Look for ways to expand or hone in on a topic.
  • Have I failed in this area before? Share what you’ve learned. (See: This entire post.)
  • Did I have a breakthrough or particular success? Help others do the same.


Content marketing is not sales collateral. (Put this on your wall!) It’s about starting a conversation, providing value, and building a relationship. Content is the first step here—it also makes people more receptive to sales collateral. (A recent Nielsen study found that interacting with editorial content made consumers more willing to hear a brand’s hard-sell messages down the line.)

If you do your job well, people will want to work with you, and you don’t have to really sell anyone. You just have to facilitate a great buying experience. Your job as a marketer is to tee excited buyers up for the sales team and let them handle the rest.

Tip: You are a storyteller, not a salesman. Approach content as brand publishing and look for unique stories to tell (not sell)! Employ tactics like data-driven storytelling and visual storytelling to help you do that.


No one wants to talk to a brand. They want to talk to people. They want to know who you are, what you believe in, and then they’ll decide whether they want to buy in or not. Your company culture is an important part of your identity, and your content is a great conduit to express that.

For example, our agency specializes in data visualization. We also have a long-standing tradition of Beer Friday. We married the two to create this infographic:

This doesn’t mean you should blog a ton about your company BBQ, but you can think of clever ways to express yourselves.

Tip: From your newsletter popups to your articles, showcase your culture at every touchpoint.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. True. But sometimes things may be broken and you don’t know it.

Like all things in life, you have to evolve if you want to stay competitive and differentiate yourself. This means always being willing to experiment, fail, tweak, iterate, and most importantly, never get complacent. Complacency is the devil.

Another way of putting this: A solid strategy is important, as is staying the course. But you also need a built-in room to be responsive and flexible. Allow some room for failure. In my eyes, a strategy must be iterative. As you learn, fail, and succeed, you refine and improve over time.

“I never lose. I either win or I learn.”
— Nelson Mandela

Tip: Look for opportunities to experiment with new mediums, new distribution platforms, and new editorial approaches. Schedule regular postmortem meetings to assess content performance, what did or didn’t work, where you might improve, and what new tactics you could test.