What Does It Mean to Be a Google Partner?

If you’ve ever run a business yourself before then you will know that running a business takes a lot of energy, especially if you are a small to medium-sized enterprise (SME). You can’t be an expert in all areas of operations, in fact, the most successful business owners recognize this really early on and will employ the expertise of a partner to help them to drive their business forward. On the subject of online trading, you may have seen adverts now and then inviting you to become a Google Partner but, what exactly does it mean and, how would it benefit your business?

What is a ‘Google Partner?’

Google Partners, formerly known as Google AdWords Certification, is a scheme facilitated by Google which allows businesses to improve their digital, online presence. If you wish to maximize your potential to advertise, market or promote digital content online, then becoming an established, recognized Google partner could be just what your business needs.

It’s no secret that Google dominates the online digital marketing space, their AI ‘brain’ or search engine pretty much has full control over what a user will or won’t be exposed to when they are browsing. It even has the power to manipulate what you see when using social media platforms like Facebook, or YouTube.

Roughly 5.5 billion people use Google on a daily basis for one reason or another, and of those 5.5 billion, roughly 1.7 billion actually have a Google account which in some cases, it’s a necessity if the user owns an Android device preloaded with the wide variety of Google services.

What branding means to a customer

Branding is everything for the majority of people, your brand will determine their level of confidence and trust in your company which can be easily obtained if approached in the right way. Google is a perfect example, if you are of an age that you can recall when Google first came on the scene, you may be able to relate to the fact that you probably trusted the platform from the word go, and why wouldn’t you, it’s great.

When search engines were first introduced there wasn’t much choice and regardless, they were/are required in order to search the internet for specific queries and get to where you want to be in the online marketplace. For most people there wouldn’t have been a second thought, they would have just typed in whatever they were hoping to find with no idea of how their input data would be used.

Branding done properly

The same can be said for companies such as Microsoft, you could probably count the amount of people who actually read and understand each ‘end user agreement’ on one hand, so, either people are just lazy or, they have an unknown trust, faith or, belief that whatever they are agreeing to when they tick the ‘agree’ button is in their best interests.

The fact is that most people have no idea what they have agreed to, but carry on without a second thought as to what might happen in the future or how their data will be used. That is the true power, the pinnacle of company branding.

Habits of the Highly Successful Brad Pitt

In the process of researching what makes people most successful, I read many, many interviews and bios of people I believed to set the standard. These included dozens of successful leaders, from world-class scientists seeking to cure cancer and create new computing architectures, to senior executives at large corporations and entrepreneurs at startups. It was a very diverse group with the habits of highly successful Brad Pitt.

Highly successful Brad Pitt
Habits of the highly successful Brad Pitt.

One of the underlying premises I have concluded is that there is no one “true” path to innovation, so I expected to see a variety of approaches, and that’s indeed what I found.
Some of the people were slow and deliberate, spending years or even decades on a difficult problem. Others were fast and agile, iterating and pivoted toward a viable solution.
However, I also noticed that some remarkably constant themes emerged. Over time, it became clear that while the people were vastly different in background, training, personality type and method, they tended to have four attributes in common.
While none of these will make you a success by themselves, you are unlikely to be successful without them.

Thinking Positive Tips: 10 I Have Learned from My Peers and Mentors

Love the challenge of big problems

The most striking thing I noticed in my research was how successful people approached problems. They didn’t wait for them to arise but actively sought them out. It is that passion for solving problems, rather than any particular personality type or ambition, that separates all of them from most people and organizations.
Experian, for example, set up a special unit to seek out and solve its customers toughest problems. IBM regularly sets up “grand challenges,” like developing a system that can beat humans at Jeopardy!. Steve Blank, whose ideas inspired the Lean Startup movement, encourages entrepreneurs to “get out of the building” and talk to customers.
One of the most interesting people was Jim Allison. Low-key to the extreme, he’s the type of guy who you would scarcely notice in a room. As a boy, he decided to be a scientist because he just liked “figuring things out.” So for more than 20 years, that’s what he did, sought out gaps in our understanding of the immune system and tried to figure them out.
But in the mid-90’s he had what turned out to be a revolutionary idea. His decades of study led him to believe that our bodies were shutting off the immune system too early to fight cancer. It was this insight that led him to develop cancer immunotherapy, which today is considered a miracle cure that saves the lives of thousands of terminally ill patients who once had no hope.
Allison is an extreme case, but I found that most successful people had some version of the same story. Most never dreamed they would do anything important; they were just trying to solve a problem.

habits of successful entrepreneurs
Habits of successful entrepreneurs.

Highly successful Brad Pitt … overcome failure

 Not all of Jim Allison’s story was happy. In fact, after he had his initial breakthrough, he spent three years trying to convince pharmaceutical companies to back his idea. There were no takers.
This is more common than you would think. Often, the stories we hear about great success are fairy tale versions that gloss over the uncomfortable parts. We hear about the triumphs, but not the frustrations and so we mistakenly believe that successes are supposed to come to us as magical epiphanies.
Consider the case of Alexander Fleming. We often hear about how he discovered penicillin when the bacteria colonies he was growing became contaminated by a mysterious mold. What is rarely mentioned is that his discovery couldn’t have cured anyone and that it was another team altogether which made penicillin into a useful drug.
The truth is that success is not a single event and rarely is it ever accomplished by a single person. It often takes decades for a fundamental discovery to have an impact on the world and along the way countless people play a part in making it happen.


Highly successful Brad Pitt … have the vision, yet flexible

When Alph Bingham was a chemistry graduate student at Stanford in the 1970s, he was struck by how many ways there were to approach a tough research question.
So when he first came up with the idea that became InnoCentive at Eli Lilly in the late 1990s, he envisioned a platform that would work much the same way. It would allow chemists to post unsolved problems to attract insights from other chemists.
What he found though was that most of the time answers came from some adjacent field, like physics or biology. So it became important to encourage experts on the platform to cross disciplines.
Something similar happened when Children’s Health in Dallas set out to create a new program that would go beyond simply delivering care by going out into the communities to address the social determinants of health. At first, it seemed clear that the best way to do that would be to leverage the hospital’s primary centers.
Alas, the plan proved to be unworkable. So it created an entirely new infrastructure made up of health care navigators who help families connect with other resources in their community, such as Children’s Health and Wellness Alliance, a nonprofit that weaves together more than 100 community resources such as schools, social service, and faith-based organizations.
Just about every story I came across had an initial vision that was flawed in some way. So to be effective, successful people need to be quick to recognize problems and pivot to add new ideas.

secrets of successful people
Secrets of successful people.

Love to collaborate and work in teams

These people are simply happy to pitch in wherever they can be of help. The most successful people tend to be great collaborators.
I think this last attribute is the most telling. If you are working for your glorification, it’s hard to seek out hard problems, to accept inevitable failures, to be flexible and to give credit to others, because all of those things undermine your ego. The most successful people, on the other hand, are motivated by the problems themselves, and that makes all the difference.
Let me give you an example. A little while back, my wife was talking to me about something she was reading. One of the things she said was she found it hard to come up with ideas, given that there’s only so much you can talk about plot and print.
I asked her if she’d ever considered being more personal. Let readers get to know the real person behind the author.
What inspires here; what she’s afraid of; what her goals are beyond common family themes.
From my experience, even though I stopped writing directly about business on my blog in 2014, I still get business inquiries, along with emails and comments on how certain posts aren’t restricted to the personal topic I’ve written about.
Which makes sense – because our whole lives are one big blog post idea.
  • The beauty of the sunset, and how that can inspire a new beginning in business when the next dawn rises;
  • The innocence of children, and how that can make us better business leaders without ego or ignorance fuelling us;
  • The friendly neighbor who’ll do anything to another human, and how that can make us more accountable as colleagues;
  • The love of our pets, and how that can instill the importance of loyalty and reward when it comes to our customers.
These are just some ways that everyday occurrences can result in a business lesson. Which can then be turned into a piece of content?


Highly successful Brad Pitt … success habit strategies

There are many ways to design an environment that promotes success.
Here are three strategies:

Automate good decisions

Whenever possible, design an environment that makes good decisions for you. For example, buying smaller plates can help you lose weight by deciding portion size for you.
A study from Brian Wansink at Cornell University found that people eat 22 percent less food by switching from 12-inch dinner plates to 10-inch plates. Similarly, using software to block social media sites can help overcome procrastination by putting your willpower on autopilot.


Highly successful Brad Pitt … get in the flow

A few years ago, PetSmart changed their checkout process. After swiping their credit card, customers were shown a screen that asked if they wanted to donate to “help save homeless animals.” Through this single strategy, PetSmart Charities raised $40 million in a year.
You can apply a similar strategy by designing an environment where good habits “get in the flow” of your normal behaviors. For example, if you want to practice a musical instrument, you could place it in the middle of your living room.
Similarly, you are more likely to go to the gym if it is literally on the way home from work than you are if the gym is only five minutes away, but in the opposite direction of your commute. Whenever possible, design your habits so they fit in the flow of your current patterns.


Eliminate negative influences

Ancient farmers didn’t have the opportunity to remove the barriers that held them back, but you do. For example, Japanese television manufacturers rearranged their workspaces to save time by eliminating unnecessary turning, bending and swiveling.
You can also reduce the negative influences in your environment. For example, you can make it easier to avoid unhealthy foods by storing them in less visible places. (Foods that are placed at eye level tend to be purchased and eaten more frequently.)


The bottom line


If there’s one thing about the success that I’ve found to be true, both in business and in life, it’s this – people relate to real life.
If your people (your customers, your colleagues, your clients, your readers) can relate to your life and all you learn from it, it’s pretty much a guarantee that the goals you have will be easier to meet.
Try it – you might just find out it’s all you needed to do, to begin with.



Creative great customer experience design.


Need some help in finding ways to grow your customers?  Such as creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers? Or perhaps finding ways to work with other businesses?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of collaborative innovation. And put it to good use in adapting to changes in your business environment.
It’s up to you to keep improving your learning and experience with innovation and creativity efforts. Lessons are all around you. In this case, your competitor may be providing the ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.
When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.
Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
 When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
Check out these additional articles on business and its performance from our library:
The Business Intelligence Process Part 3 Competitive Analysis
Competitive Growth Strategy … the Story of In-N-Out Burger
10 Entrepreneur Lessons You Need to Know
Collaboration and Partnerships Are Key to Business Growth
9 Favorite Work Life Productivity Apps
13 Amazing Facts about Google I’ll Bet You Didn’t Know
 Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.


12 Ideas to Develop Oprah Winfrey Promotion Marketing

Whoever experiments the most with new ideas usually wins. Does your small business utilize promotions in your marketing? Looking for Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing ideas to experiment with?

16 Marketing Tactics Examples to Improve Marketing Campaigns

If so, pay attention to these best promotion examples, you’ll be surprised with some of the cool suggestions. And remember, if you want to engage and interact with current and prospective leads,  promotion marketing is the solution you’ve been looking for.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing
Promotion marketing.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … sweepstakes

A sweepstake is the best type of promotion to run when you’re just starting out in the promotion world. It involves participants simply entering their information on a form for a chance at winning a prize.
It requires little effort from entrants and builds your fan base easily.
Related post: Digital Storytelling … 4 Ways to Employ for Message Persuasion
This contest from Air France perfectly demonstrated the sweepstakes promotion format. It involved participants entering their information as well as a few paragraphs explaining their ideal romantic Parisian getaway.
The winner was randomly selected using Wishpond’s sweepstakes randomization tool.
We love this promotion because it is targeted directly at AirFrance’s audience, uses a prize relevant to their brand (creating loyalty for the future), and engages participants by involving a creative element (the 1000 word description).

Ever tried sweepstakes?

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … vote promotion example

A vote promotion requires entrants to vote for an image or idea displayed by your business. It gets leads interacting with your various products and voting for their favorite, giving you insights into what your potential and current customers want or need.
This vote promotion from Mark’s Work Wearhouse is one of our favorite examples. It required participants to vote on which Mark’s product they would want for Christmas this year in order to be entered to win a $400 gift card.
Related post: Adapting to Major Changes in the Social Media Climate
The gift card prize encourages future purchasing, while the product display allows Mark’s to show off their products and get customers thinking about which ones they want.
This type of promotion can lead to participants eventually purchasing the items they selected even when they don’t win the prize. It also gives Mark’s valuable customer insight into which products they may want to stock up on going into the Christmas season.

Promotion marketing mix … photo promotion

A photo promotion involves participants submitting a photo relating to a specific theme. It gives your business the opportunity to gain information from entrants as well as user-generated content which you can use down the line as marketing and social media ammunition.
It’s a great way to get current and potential customers engaging directly with your brand and your industry.
As a snowboard and winter sports fan, I can’t help but love this Sports Chek photo promotion. First off, the prize is something you can’t buy. They’ve given participants the chance at a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that’s also relevant to the brand.
They also have supplied secondary prizes which are a great idea to encourage submission. A photo promotion is more effort than something like sweepstakes, but for a prize of this value, a photo submission is not a ton of effort.
With a photo promotion, you also have the option to activate a voting feature. This allows entrants to upload their photo and have it voted on by their friends and family, expanding the reach of the promotion.
If participants’ own networks are not aware of the promotion or brand, the voting option creates more awareness for your business.


Employ a referral.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … referral promotion

A referral promotion allows you to grow your brand reach as existing fans sign up to win a reward, but can only be entered once they have referred a certain number of individuals.
When the participant signs up they are given a unique link to share with their friends and family to get them to enter.
That URL is then tracked to see how many referrals that individual makes and automatically enters them once they have met their quota.
This makes entrants motivated to share the promotion with their own networks while allowing new groups of people to see your promotion.
This variation of a referral promotion from Coshell Charcoal gets participants to enter to win a July 4th prize pack, while also referring friends and family in order to get more entries and chances to win. While participants get more entries, the company is able to expand the reach of the promotion to new networks of individuals.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … essay promotion

An essay promotion allows you to request entrants to submit text-entries in relation to a certain topic. It is a great promotion format to engage users and get them communicating and discussing a certain product or idea.
With certain providers like Wishpond, you can also allow others to vote on their favorite essay submission.
The essay promotion below is one of our favorite examples as people love sharing their recipes with others. It revolves around the Panasonic brand sold at London Drugs and is relevant and valuable to their customers.
It also includes a pasta recipe as another motivator for Fans to share the promotion with their own networks. London Drugs actually tested the recipe submission idea with their Facebook Fans first before launching the promotion (something which is a great strategy to socially prove your promotion concept before going live).

Promotion marketing examples … link product photos with product pages

Nordstrom’s Instagram fans are looking for a quick fix of the latest trends and products. When fans find a product they can’t live without, it’s not uncommon for them to leave a comment asking how and where to buy it.
While Nordstrom continues to respond to those comments on Instagram, they’re starting to send people to their new Pinterest-esque site that pulls in their Instagram product photos and links them directly to product pages.
Nordstrom created the site with Like2Buy (by Curalate) to partner e-commerce with their significant Instagram engagement. The result is an easier way for fans to buy the products they love right then and there.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … create a familiar space

Whether you’re working with your website or your social media profiles, as a marketer your question is always going to be “how can we make money here?”
For example, Pinterest is a popular site for sure. The site makes it easy to find new ideas and organize your own. Its feed is filled with attractive pictures and the site is easy to use. In short, people love it. But you may not be making money there.
Social commerce site Wanelo is addressing that problem. They’ve created a “social shopping site that resembles a well-designed window display.” In other words, it provides the familiar feel of Pinterest.
Similar to Pinterest, Wanelo visitors can find items they love, tag them and categorize them into neat little collections. When users browse and eventually buy from a store, that store, in turn, sends a portion of each sale back to Wanelo.

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … events

Events and their experiences draw customers for celebrations, product launches, special appearances or presentations, and other activities that combine entertainment with brand and product presentations.
When hosting an event, make sure to go all out. A half-hearted, poorly attended event is worse than no event at all, so plan, decorate, train your staff and publicize accordingly.

Use customers’ feedback

Like the Wanelos out there, Fancy lets users find, collect and buy items from various companies. To set itself apart, it also offers a monthly box subscription (Fancy Boxes) that delivers gourmet food.
So where does the social element come in? Fancy’s 2 million+ members help curate(via voting) the foods that show up in each month’s box.
Encouraging this kind of customer input further reinforces that Fancy truly cares about customers and values their feedback. It’s a great way to build brand loyalty and turn a profit at the same time.
When done correctly, promotions get customers out of a holding pattern by giving them an incentive to take action. Here are some further tips to help execute more successful promotions:

18 Awesome Ways to Improve your Creative Thinking Skills

Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … target your effort

Promotions can spur purchases by established customers, reel in new customers, draw customers from competitors, get current customers to buy differently, and stimulate business during slow periods.
But rarely can one promotion accomplish all of those objectives at once. As a result, you must decide which of the following is most important so that you can target your effort:
Are you trying to lure new customers into your business?
Do you want lapsed customers to give your business another try?
Do you want customers to purchase more frequently, buy in greater volume, or be attracted to new or different offerings?
Do you want to boost business during slow hours, weekdays or particular seasons?
If you offer a time-limited incentive, is it likely that the customers you’ve targeted will respond?

Know what you want to achieve

Promotions work especially well when consumers are in need of a jolt to take buying action. Just be clear about what you want to achieve.
Set the number of sales you want to ring up, dollars you want to bring in, customer names you want to collect, buying patterns you want to change, or any other object you want your promotion to achieve. Then determine what your desired change will mean financially to your business.
 Related post: Target Market … How to Target for Best Marketing Campaigns


Oprah Winfrey promotion marketing … plan your incentive

A well-thought-out, properly targeted promotion prompts customers to take action by offering one of these incentives:
Price savings, including discounts, coupons or added value offers
Samples or trial offers to provide a low-risk way to try new products or services
Events or experiences to generate crowds, enthusiasm, sales, publicity
As you decide on your incentive, keep these facts in mind:
Coupons always make a comeback in penny-pincher markets, which means they’re hugely popular these days. Even young consumers and affluent shoppers–groups that traditionally shun coupons–are using them, boosting the typical 1 to 2 percent redemption rate by nearly 20 percent.
Printed coupons are still the most widely circulated, but printable coupons, distributed on websites and via e-mail, provide a terrific way to test price offers with business friends and fans before incurring costs to promote the offer more widely via other media.


The bottom line

The most successful promotions are those that are creative, unique and intriguing to fans. These are just a few valuable examples to guide your contest experience.
Don’t overcomplicate the process for submission and remember that the more engaged your audience is, the more engaging type of promotion you can run.
Have you run any of the promotion types mentioned above? What was your experience like?
Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy to improving your marketing, branding, and advertising?
Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  
 Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on marketing  strategy from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Marketing Branding … 9 Secrets to a Continuous Improvement Strategy
11 Steps to Media Framing Messages for Optimum Engagement
12 Fundamental Laws of Content Marketing
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Foolproof Pinterest Awareness Techniques for Massive Growth

When it comes to driving purchase-ready buyers, Pinterest comes with a lot of advantages. This is partly due to the longevity of the life of a single Pin and partly due to the buying mindset and affluence of Pinterest users. To successfully convert Pinterest awareness to customers takes strategic planning and lots of it.

find happiness

These Pinterest business tips for driving awareness and sales will help you along the way.

Create your Buyer Personas

It’s a marketing truism that “if you try to appeal to everyone you will appeal to no one.”

To skip the temptation to “sell to everyone,” thus weakening your message for those who really are your customers, it’s important to make sure you understand your customers.  One way to do this is to make what we call Buyer Personas. If you hang around marketers enough, you’re bound to hear several different descriptors for a buyer persona. From avatar to ideal customer to target demographic, all these fancy terms lead back to one concept: pinpointing exactly who your products are for.

A buyer persona outlines key facets of your buyer that may include age, gender, income level to hobbies, what their challenges are, and more. It’s essential to know who you are trying to reach. Everything from your copywriting to the kinds of Pinterest boards you’ll want to create to what you pin needs to be tailored to appeal to this buyer.

Create Gift Idea and Theme Boards

Now that you know how to give your Pins that extra punch through optimization and converting them to Rich Pins create a way for buyers to stumble upon your products through Gift Ideas and Theme Boards.

Another one of our Tailwind Takeoff Award winners, Wedding Favors Unlimited, uses a similar strategy through creating countless theme boards.  From Edible Favors to Bohemian Weddings, all of their theme boards help direct brides-to-be to their array of affordable wedding favors. Today 80% of the traffic to their e-commerce website comes from Pinterest!

As contradictory as it sounds, once Wedding Favors Unlimited started curating content from both their sites and other sources, including competitors, they saw an increase in followers as well as more sales. Remember, it pays to curate great content for your audience.

Optimize, Optimize, Optimize


Optimizing your pins breaks down into two parts. First, you need to tailor your content according to your Buyer Persona. Now that you know exactly who you’re targeting, optimize everything to attract that unique individual to your storefront.

Sweet Peas and Saffron determined that their target audience gravitates toward vertical food Pins with vibrant pictures combined with easy to read descriptive text.

With those types of images resonating with their audience, Sweet Pea and Saffron converted all of their pins to match.

Secondly, you have the mechanics of optimizing for Pinterest. Similarly to designing images and descriptions to cater toward a specific Pinner, you need to make sure your Pins mesh well with Pinterest’s Smart Feed. The more information Pinterest has about your Pin, as well as the users who engage with it, the better Pinterest can show it to similar individuals.

To jumpstart your efforts, knock out a few quick wins. First, verify your website. By taking the time to authenticate your website, Pinterest recognizes your content as more trustworthy material.

Next, add Pinterest buttons to your website. This gives your customers the ability to Pin your products directly from your website. In the example below Home Depot make it clear they understand the power of the Pinterest button, which makes it easier for people to share your products or content on Pinterest.

Once your website is Pinner-friendly, start building target-rich keywords into your descriptions and board titles. Using what you learned from your Buyer Persona, identify keywords that align with your ideal customer’s interests. Pinterest helps through their Guided Search feature.

When you type a search term into Pinterest, such as “Organic Cleaners,” Pinterest pulls up related categories.

While you are typing in your search, Pinterest will start to autofill suggestions, as well as pull up related boards and Pinners.

Once you gather keywords from Pinterest, you can use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner to expand your selection and see search volumes.

By optimizing your pins you lay the foundation for a strong SEO strategy. We walk through step-by-step how to build your Pinterest SEO foundation here.

Utilize Rich Pins

When Rich Pins first came out, we thought they were Pinterest’s first $1 billion revenue feature. Ultimately, they solved the challenge of creating actionable targeted discovery on Pinterest.

We still stand by our enthusiasm. Rich Pins can bridge the gap between browsing on Pinterest and purchase on your site.

Tailwind Takeoff Award Winner, Project Nursery, masters the art of using Rich Pins to drive sales.  Just take this Pin for their Watercolor Rose Baby Swaddle. Once you click on it, you’re already in a shopping experience. This Rich Pin lists the price, whether it’s in stock, multiple product photos, and links to learn about the return policy.

In fact, you can actually purchase the item through Pinterest with Buyable Pins! Click that “Add to Bag” button, and voila, you’re on your way to having it delivered straight to your door.

Project Nursery took it one step further and created an entire shoppable board dedicated to their “Pins You Can Shop.”  You might consider doing the same.

Implement Pinterest Best Practices

Sending droves of purchase-ready customers to your store means doubling down on all the same measures that boost Pinterest traffic to your website. The more you implement best practices, the better your overall Pinterest performance will be.

When it comes to selling products, one best practice becomes even more important: creating appealing Pins.  

No stranger to commerce marketing, Target’s Pinterest team blends multiple images into a unique and appealing Pin.

Taking advantage of the vertical layout maximizes their real estate, giving this nursery a greater opportunity to stand out. Not only is it a beautiful Pin, but users can also see the individual products at the bottom of the Pin that makes up the gender-neutral nursery. 

Prana illustrates another one of our favorite Pinterest business tips. Show your products in action! Part of the appeal of purchasing an item is adopting the lifestyle it creates. Use your pin to capture that essence.

Notice how both companies used high-quality imagery? Blurry or pixelated photos don’t make the cut in an image-heavy medium such as Pinterest.

To brush up on all the characteristics of a great Pin, download our in-depth guide. In this guide, we dive into the features Pinterest found to go into creating the perfect Pin.

Track What’s Working

Even with the Buyer Persona, consistently attracting buyer-rich traffic will take constant refining. That’s where measuring results come in.

First, check to see what types of Pins perform well by measuring organic traffic through the Domain Insights Tab in Tailwind.

Through your Tailwind dashboard, you can also see how many website visits and how much revenue you’re generating from Pinterest. You can make this easy by integrating Google Analytics into the Tailwind Dashboard.

If you’re new to tracking analytics, check out our step-by-step case study on measuring traffic from Pinterest.

Finally, you want to make sure your efforts are leading to your main goal: making sales. Compare your Pinterest efforts and website traffic against your sales to see which efforts are driving the most sales.

Another important tactic is evaluating what people are saying about your Pins. This can help bridge the gap in the minds of potential customers. One quick way to do that is to go topinterest.com/source/[yourURL].

For example, we did that for our blog by going to the URLhttps://www.pinterest.com/source/blog.tailwindapp.com/. Now we can see who is Pinning our content and what they are saying about it. This helps us refine everything from the type of content we create to the images we Pin.

The bottom line

How are you using Pinterest to drive sales to your business? The goal is to give you all the tools necessary to transition from general pinning to implementing high-performing Pinterest marketing strategies.

Essential Advertising Techniques Every Small Business Needs

If you had to guess the single most important word in advertising techniques, what would it be: free, special, discount, sale, new, improved, bigger, or better?

local businesses
Local businesses.

So many words have lost their meaning or been corrupted by misuse or abuse that it is not an obvious choice. The words luxury, exclusive, and world-class have been rendered meaningless after being applied to everything from eight hundred square foot condos to restaurants that serve microwave frozen dinners. We can’t even rely on light, diet, or low carb to actually describe what’s inside a package.

What advertisers have done is create a hyper cynical marketplace, where the audience for whatever you sell has lost faith in what is being said. The Web with its emphasis on content gives advertisers an opportunity to redeem themselves and to deliver meaningful information to its audience.

All Content Is Advertising, All Advertising Isn’t

Some may cringe at the thought but in the final analysis, all content is a form of advertising. Content is rarely if ever neutral, even if it doesn’t overtly promote a product or service; content always has a point to make or an idea, concept, or position to advance. If content doesn’t provide some perspective, some meaningful knowledge, then does it really qualify as content? The same can be said for advertising, if it doesn’t explain, enlighten or engage, it is just noise.

What Is Advertising’s Most Important Word?

My vote goes to the simple innocuous word “like:” a nondescript word that carries with it all the conceptualization power you need to create a business identity, to form a brand personality, and to position your product or service in the mind of your audience. A previous article of mine “A Website Without Video Is Like…” uses the power of metaphor to illustrate how this little four-letter word can crystallize an idea in the mind of an audience.

Metaphor + Analogy + Stories: The Adman’s Best Friends

A metaphor explains complex concepts and hard to comprehend processes by comparing them to common everyday knowledge. We use metaphors every day without even realizing we’re doing it. We ‘race’ to the office. We work like ‘dogs.’ And we all know,  it’s a ‘jungle’ out there. Metaphors are critical to the way we communicate with each other and to the success of our marketing communication and advertising.

Metaphors can be extended into analogies, and analogies into stories, and stories into campaigns; and campaigns developed in this manner have a higher probability of achieving the elusive status of meaningful content that embeds your message in your

audience’s collective consciousness. There is no better way to overcome a client’s objection than to put that objection into perspective with an appropriate allegorical story.

Overcoming Objections: How Long Is Too Long?

We’ve all heard the constant bellyaching from impatient Web users about how long they have to wait for everything on the Web. Every time I hear this from somebody, I am reminded of the story (perhaps apocryphal) of the early introduction of the Polaroid Land camera.

Before the days of one-hour photo shops, digital photography, and instant video feedback, people had to wait up to a week for their pictures to be developed by the local pharmacy or camera shop. When Polaroid came out with a camera that delivered a finished photograph in sixty seconds, people were amazed; the era of instant gratification had begun.

So the story goes, a group of adventurers traveled deep into the Brazilian Rainforest to learn about the indigenous people. When they came across a tribe that had never seen outsiders before, they befriended them and took pictures of them with the Polaroid cameras they brought along. The natives loved the pictures since they had never seen anything like this before, but they did have one complaint, ‘why did it take so long for the pictures to develop?’

The problem is not technology; the problem is one of perception. Like the natives who perceived the sixty-second development of photographs to be slow, so do many Web- users perceive the Internet to be slow when in fact it is an incredible technological achievement where anyone with a computer and Internet connection can access information from all over the world in seconds or, heaven forbid, minutes.

The Better The Story, The Better The Communication

The solution to the problem is better communication, making yourself and your message instantly understood. People who are truly interested in what you have to say will wait for your Web page or video to load. What gets them frustrated is when they wait, and instead of getting a meaningful message, they get a bunch of nonsense that is irrelevant, self-congratulatory, or completely incomprehensible.

A video or audio message on your website is more easily grasped than a page full of densely written text or cryptic bulleted points. But you will lose your audience quickly no matter what the form of your message if it’s confusing, muddled, overly complex, or buried in b-school platitudes and industry jargon.

You need your message to be understandable, engaging, and memorable and one of the best ways to convey that message is to compare it to something your audience can relate to. It’s like teaching your kids a life lesson by reading them one of Aesop’s Fables.

Finding Your Metaphor

Some people have a knack for expressing things in a way that an audience will instantly grasp and more importantly remember. For those of us in the communication, marketing, advertising, and creative development businesses it is a necessary skill learned over the years. But for those in the day-to-day grind of business’s nitty-gritty, it is rarely an ability that ever gets developed.

Creating a Web video campaign that your audience is going to watch, remember, and pass on to colleagues requires a commitment of time and money, and you want to make sure it communicates your message effectively. Rather than using your traditional approach concentrating on features and facts, try something different; try developing a campaign based on a metaphor that delivers your brand’s personality and emotional value-add.

Where to begin? You need to set yourself free from the concrete and concentrate on the conceptual. If this seems like a difficult thing to wrap your head around, then start with baby steps.

Concentrate On The Conceptual

Any effective marketing campaign whether it’s a series of Web videos, direct emails, magazine display ads, banner ads, outdoor billboards, television and radio spots, or any combination thereof, will only work if it focuses on a single message.

At the heart of all advertising is the promise you commit to delivering to your clients. No matter how clever or memorable your marketing, if you fail to deliver on that promise, you will fail.

Learn a lesson from the politicians. The general publics’ opinion of politicians is about on a par with having a prostate exam. Politicians can’t help themselves, they promise the electorate what the electorate wants to hear, and then fail to deliver on promises that can never be kept. Consequently, people become cynical and distrust everything politicians say.

Failure to deliver on your promise to be the cheapest, the best, or the guy with the most features, is like a politician promising no new taxes. Read my lips! Those kinds of promises are a prescription for a marketing disaster.

Taking the conceptual approach requires a certain degree of confidence and an understanding that you are going to have to give something up to get something in return. If you present your identity as the Timex of widgets, inexpensive and ubiquitous then you are giving up the audience looking for the Rolex of widgets, expensive and exclusive.

Audience Resonance: It’s All About Striking A Nerve

One of the most memorable commercials ever to appear on television was the 1985 introduction of the Apple Macintosh computer. The anti-big brother message said nothing of bits or bytes, or anything else computer-related, but it did establish Apple’s character and personality with its allegorical message, a message that is still valid today.

If your marketing message lacks this kind of power and personality, if your advertising is getting lost, or drowned out by the competition, try finding a metaphor that instantly tells your audience who you are and why they should care.

The Benefits of Social Media Integration on Your Website

By now, everyone knows the benefits of social media as part of a marketing strategy. But how important is it to integrate into your website? Social media integration goes further than just installing a Facebook or Instagram widget on your home page. In this guide, you will learn about the benefits of more advanced social media integration on your website.

 Makes Your Website More Interactive

By adding social media buttons and widgets to your site, you make it easier for visitors to interact with your brand. By having a Facebook “like” button at the end of an article, for example, users can now like the content as well as a bookmark or share it on their wall. You can also create widgets that allow users to search for related content.

It Encourages Conversation

Your website isn’t just for marketing anymore. It’s now the premier marketing tool. If people are able to discuss your products or services on your own page, it encourages conversation and engagement with potential customers. The best part is you’re in control of that conversation. You can delete comments, block users, and moderate posts to make sure that those advertisements aren’t the only ones visible.

It Expands Your Social Following

People love the idea of free stuff. So when you offer your visitors access to special content, coupons, giveaways, and so on through social sharing services like Facebook and Twitter, you’ll be able to increase your following exponentially. Not only will this help to engage with current customers by giving them more opportunities to communicate with you outside of the website itself, but you’ll also see a great boost in sales.

It Enhances Your User Experience

At the end of the day, you have to provide a great user experience on your website. To do so, you need to get new people there. Social media integration gives these potential customers an easy way to learn more about your company and what it has to offer. It transforms the web from a cold medium into one that feels more personal.

It Generates (and Saves!) Traffic

Social media is a great search engine optimization tactic, not that we’re still in the dark ages of SEO or anything like that. It’s simple: people use social media to find websites and information about products and services they want to purchase. So, when your website offers these things through social media channels, you’re ensuring that your website is constantly being seen by new people who want to buy.

It Works Well With Other Marketing Channels 

Since social media integration works well with other marketing channels, you can make sure that you’re only spending money on the promotion techniques that give you the best return. In addition to SEO and PPC, it can also enhance your email marketing campaign by giving people a way to spread the word through social sharing services. You could even integrate social media with GOP fundraising software to drum up support for a political campaign. The possibilities are near endless.


If you’re interested in increasing your business, social media integration should be a consideration for you and your website. These 5 reasons alone prove that it can benefit any industry, big or small. You’ll attract new visitors while ensuring that existing customers have the tools to interact with you more frequently.

The Best Ways to Grow Your Creativity

According to cognitive psychologist Robert J. Sternberg, creativity can be broadly defined as “the process of producing something that is both original and worthwhile.” Creativity is all about finding new ways of solving problems and approaching situations. This isn’t a skill restricted to artists, musicians, or writers; it is a useful skill for people from all walks of life. If you’ve ever wanted to grow your creativity, these tips can help.


Commit Yourself

The first step is to fully devote yourself to developing your creative abilities. Do not put off your efforts.

Set goals, enlist the help of others, and put time aside each day to develop your skills.


Be Willing to Take Risks

When it comes to building your creative skills, you need to be willing to take risks in order to advance your abilities.

While your efforts may not lead to success every time, you will still be boosting your creative talents and building skills that will serve you well in the future.

Make Time for Creativity

You won’t be able to develop your creative talents if you don’t make time for them. Schedule some time each week to concentrate on some type of creative project.

excessive time
Do you take excessive time?


Become an Expert

One of the best ways to develop creativity is to become an expert in that area.

By having a rich understanding of the topic, you will be better able to think of a novel or innovative solutions to problems.


Enhance Your Curiosity

One common roadblock to developing creativity in the sense that curiosity is an indulgence. Rather than reprimanding yourself, reward yourself when you are curious about something. Give yourself the opportunity to explore new topics.

While rewarding yourself is important, it is also important to develop intrinsic motivation. Sometimes, the true reward of creativity is the process itself, not the product.


Build Your Confidence

Insecurity in your abilities can suppress creativity, which is why it is important to build confidence. Make note of the progress you have made, commend your efforts, and always be on the lookout for ways to reward your creativity.


Overcome Negative Attitudes that Block Creativity

According to a 2006 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, positive moods can increase your ability to think creatively. According to Dr. Adam Anderson, senior author of the study, “If you are doing something that requires you to be creative or be in a think tank, you want to be in a place in a good mood.”


Overcome Your Fear of Failure

The fear that you might make a mistake or fail in your efforts can paralyze your progress. Whenever you find yourself harboring such feelings, remind yourself that mistakes are simply part of the process.

While you may occasionally stumble on your path to creativity, you will eventually reach your goals.

Brainstorm for New Ideas

Brainstorming is a common technique in both academic and professional settings, but it can also be a powerful tool for developing your creativity.


Take Advantage of the Fact That Most Problems Have Multiple Solutions

The next time you approach a problem, try looking for a variety of solutions. Instead of simply going with the first idea you have, take the time to think of other possible ways to approach the situation.

This simple activity is a great way to build both your problem-solving and creative thinking skills.


Keep a Journal

Start keeping a journal to follow your creative process and track the ideas you produce. A journal is a great way to reflect back on what you have accomplished and look for other possible solutions. This journal can be used to save ideas that can later serve as future inspiration.


Create a Mind Map

As you start to develop a new project, create a flow chart to track the presentation of the project from start to finish. Look for various paths or sequences of events that might occur.


Challenge Yourself

Once you have developed some basic creative skills, it is important to continually challenge yourself in order to further advance your abilities. Look for more difficult approaches, try out new things, and avoid always using the same solutions you have used in the past.

In addition to challenging yourself, you also need to create your own opportunities for creativity. This might involve tackling a new project or finding new tools to use in your current projects.


Experiment with the “Six Hats” Technique

The “six hats” technique involves looking at a problem from six differing perspectives. By doing this, you can produce more ideas than you might have had you only looked at the situation from one or two points of view.

Red Hat: Look at the situation emotionally. What do your feelings tell you?

White Hat: Look at the situation objectively. What are the facts?

Yellow Hat: Use a positive perspective. Which elements of the solution will work?

Black Hat: Use a negative perspective. Which elements of the solution won’t work?

Green Hat: Think creatively. What are some alternative ideas?

Blue Hat: Think broadly. What is the best overall solution?


Look for Sources of Inspiration

Never expect creativity to just happen. Look for new sources of inspiration that will give you fresh ideas and motivate you to generate unique answers to questions.

Read a book, visit a museum, listen to your favorite music or engage in a lively debate with a friend. Utilize whatever strategy or technique works best for you.


Consider Alternative Scenarios

When approaching a problem, utilize “what if…” questions to consider each possible scenario. If you take a specific approach, what will the outcome be?

By looking at these alternatives beforehand, you’ll be better able to develop creative solutions to problems.


Try the Snowball Technique

Have you ever noticed how one great idea often leads directly to another? You can take advantage of this by utilizing a “snowball technique” when you are generating ideas for your project.

If the idea isn’t appropriate for your current work, set it aside to work on later or implement it in a future project.




How Craft Post Titles Can Make the Difference in Your Blog Readership

Those few words at the beginning of your blog post can be the difference between the blog readership and spread like a virus through the web like a wildfire and it languishing in your archives, barely noticed.

We’ve been talking about how to ‘craft’ blog posts and are looking at key moments in the writing of blog posts that it is important to pause and put a little extra effort into.

While there will usually only be a handful of words in your post title – they are the most powerful words that you’ll write because for most of your readers the decision as to whether to read the rest of your post rests upon them.

How Blog Post Titles Matter

Blog post titles appear in:

  • Search engine results
  • RSS feeds
  • Links from other bloggers
  • Social media sites
  • On your archive pages (depending upon how you format them)

On each of these occasions, the title can be the only thing that people see and the sole thing that people make the decision to visit your post on. Write a boring, complicated or confusing title and it doesn’t matter what you’ve written in the post – very few people will ever read it.

What should a Good Blog Post Title Do?

There are many techniques that copywriters use in crafting titles or headings both online and offline – but there’s generally one common goal behind them all. It can be summed up in the words of David Ogilvy who in Oglivy on Advertising (a great copywriting book) again and again echoes the refrain that:

“The purpose of a title is to get potential readers to read the first line of your content.”

This is one of the lessons that has helped me the most in my own blogging and I’ve seen its power again and again.

Write a captivating and intriguing title and you’ll draw people into reading it every time.

8 Tips to Craft a Blog Post Title

How do you craft a blog post title that gets people to read your blog posts opening lines?
There are many techniques for crafting blog post titles that will draw readers into them. Below I’ll outline a few (you won’t be able to do all of them in every single post).

Before I share them – let me give one universal tip – Don’t Rush – this is the main point of this whole series on crafting content. If there’s nothing else you come away from today – take away that if you rush your titles you could well be wasting the time that you invest into your actual posts. Invest time into your posts, it’s something that will pay off!

Now that we’re taking our time – here are 8 tips that I use in the creation of blog post titles. 

Note: you’d not be likely to use all of them in the one post (although for fun I did my best to get quite a few of them into the image title above). Different techniques will work better in different situations.

Communicate a Benefit

Must communicate well.

This is SO IMPORTANT. If a potential reader comes across your post in Google search results or your RSS feed or on a site like Digg and they see a title that promises to meet a need they have – they’ll click that link on almost every occasion.

Identify a need in potential readers and communicate that your post will solve this problem or need in your title. This is why posts with titles like ‘How to Hold a Digital Camera’ and ’10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits’ (LINKSSSSSSS) have driven hundreds of thousands of readers to my photography blog in the last year.

They are not clever or ‘cryptic’ titles – they simply SCREAM at those that see them what they’ll get if they visit the post. These titles don’t draw everyone that see’s them to them, but they’ll certainly draw in people with the needs that you’re aiming the post at.

Create Controversy or Debate

Another technique that can be very good at drawing people into a post is to set the scene for controversy, debate, or a strong opinion.

You need to be willing to back these types of titles up with posts that reflect the title – but controversy is one of those things that tends to pique people’s interest. Keep in mind that when you create controversy you’ll attract strong reactions in people.

Ask a Question

When you ask a question those who read it are wired to respond (or to see what the response is). I find that questions at post titles can be very popular at not only drawing in readers – but particularly effective at getting readers to leave comments – particularly if the comment directs a question AT the reader (ie use the word YOU in the question) rather than just being a random question. I’ll write more on personalizing titles below.

Personalize Titles

When you write blog posts you are potentially writing to vast audiences of many thousands of readers – however, readers can feel like the post is laser targetted in on their own specific situation, particularly if you personalize the language that you’re using.

One of the easiest ways to do this is simply to use the word you in your posts. I wrote a little about this in First Person Blogging about ‘You’ but mainly talked about using the word you in the post itself but in the title of your posts, it can have an even bigger impact.

Example – 21 Ways to Make Your Blog or Website Sticky.

Use Keywords

improve your keyword search
Improve your keyword search.

Keywords in titles are good for two main reasons:

Firstly they grab the attention of readers who are scanning content – I noticed this recently when I was in a buying mode looking to get an iPhone. Anytime any post in my RSS feeder had the word ‘iPhone’ it was like a flashing light and attracted my attention to it. I could hardly help it but because I was on the lookout for information to help me with that purchase the keyword was a great attention grabber.

Secondly – keywords are important for the long-tail life of your blog post as they tell search engines what your blog post is about and will help it to rank highly for those words. Search engines pay particular attention to titles to ascertain what a web page is about – particularly if you use the words in your page ‘title tags’ as well (read more on title tags and SEO).

So use keywords that relate to your post in your titles. This is a particularly useful tip if you write about products, people, or companies as these types of ‘names’ are some of the most searched for terms on the web.

One more tip for keywords – if you can include them at the start of your title they can have more impact with SEO than if you include them at the end of a title (particularly if the title is long).

Use Power Words

Not all words are created equal – some evoke a powerful response in readers and it can be well worth your while to find out what they are.

It’s difficult to compile a list of these ‘power words’ but a few that I’ve found that can work (although read my disclaimer below):

Free – there’s something about the idea of getting something for nothing that triggers a response in most of us.

Stunning – I use words like ‘stunning’ on my photography blog a lot. These words are ‘big claim’ words that draw people into the post to see if it matches up (see below for more on ‘big claims’)

Discover – everyone likes to make discoveries. Another related word is ‘revealed’.

Secrets – this triggers a response because it promises to show you something you don’t yet know. Similarly – you could use ‘Little Known Ways to…’ as an alternative to ‘secrets’.

Easy – similarly to ‘free’ – we all like ‘easy’ don’t we? – also use ‘quick’. Better still – what about quick and easy?

Disclaimer – power words can be very beneficial, however, they can also trigger negative reactions. Some people get skeptical when they see titles with these types of words and will resist clicking them – others will click them but get angry if the post itself doesn’t live up to the title. Proceed with caution.

Big Claims and Promises

I’ve mentioned this technique already but it does deserve a little further exploration as it is a definite way to draw people into a post. Making a bit claim or promise really extends upon my first technique – ‘Communicate a Benefit’ – but takes it to a place where the benefit being shared in the title just cannot be ignored.

These sorts of ‘big claims’ make guarantees that even people without a real need in your topic will want to check out.

The only problem with big claim posts is that if you can’t actually back them up with the post itself, you run the risk of putting readers offside.

Humor Titles

The humorous title is yet another technique that can be very effective at drawing readers into your blog – that is IF you pull it off.

The risk with humorous posts is that they can also fall flat on their faces and leave you with a post title that not only fails to draw loyal readers in but is not optimized well for search engines (unless you manage to incorporate some keywords).

Learning Creativity, Change, and Our Education System

Have you ever done any reading about learning creativity or ways to improve our educational system?

Creativity is the key.

Unless you walk out into the unknown, the odds of making a profound difference are pretty low.

–       Tom Peters

One of the outside interests of this agency is learning creativity. We want to start this article with a very creative 3-minute video done by a young student. His subject?  The need for change in our education system.


We are ones that believe that not enough is being done to increase the learning of creativity in our schools. So, therefore, we like to read and engage in discussions on ideas on learning reform and creativity in our schools.

Change and learning creativity.

Banks used to open and operate between 10 and 3. Now, who can bank between 10 and 3? The unemployed. They don’t need banks. They got no money in the banks.

Who created that business model? And it went on for decades. You know why? Because the banks didn’t care. It wasn’t about the customers. It was about banks. They created something that worked for them. How could you go to the bank when you were at work?

It didn’t matter. And they don’t care whether or not a customer was upset he couldn’t go to the bank. Go find another bank. Yes and they all operate the same way, eh? 

Now, one day, some crazy banker had an idea. Maybe they should keep the bank open when people come home from work. They might like that. What about a Saturday? What about introducing new technology?

And so technology can contribute to change. Things can change. Yet not in education. Not even with the introduction of technology. Why? 

Poor kids lose ground in the summertime. The system decides you can’t run schools in the summer. Why?

You know, I always wonder, who makes up these rules?  Did we ever do it? Well, it just turns out in the 1840s we did have, schools that were open all year. They were open all year because we had a lot of folks who had to work all day. They didn’t have any place for their kids to go. It was a perfect place to have year-round schools. So this is not something that is ordained from the education gods.

So why don’t we?  

Educators and those who want to contribute, there’s some stuff we can do. And we’ve got to do better. We have to start with kids earlier, we have to make sure that we provide support to young people. We have got to try new things much more often. We’ve got to be creative and we have to let the students be creative to learn creativity. We’ve got to give them all of these opportunities. 

Here is another short 2-minute video we would like to share. It is about the next generation learning in our education system. Also done by children. Even younger.


Kids bring to the curriculum vast differences – differences in gender, maturity, personality, interests, hopes, dreams, abilities, life experiences, situation, family, peers, language, ethnicity, social class, culture, probable and possible futures, and certain indefinable qualities, all combined in dynamic, continuously evolving ways so complex they lie beyond ordinary understanding.

Today’s reformers seem unable or unwilling to grasp the instructional implications of those differences and that complexity. They treat kids as a given, undifferentiated except by grade level, with the core curriculum the lone operative variable.

It’s dumping creativity on the street.

So here is the thing. Our students recognize the problem. Why can’t education leaders?

Remember … we can truly understand facts about learning only in contrast to other facts.

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Can Prototype Testing Help You Experiment With New Ideas?

Creative Collaboration is the Solution for the Toughest Business Problems

How to Use Custom Packaging as a Marketing Tool

When people receive products in personalized packaging, they feel more special and unique. In addition, it also becomes easier for individuals to find the packages that they have ordered online. This article will show you what you need to know about custom packaging and how it can help boost your company’s success!

Custom packaging.

The Basics of Custom Packaging

Custom packaging is a type of packaging that you can create yourself or with the help of professionals. You can use a variety of different materials, such as paper, plastic, glass, and metal. In addition to customizing your appearance for your product, you can also add features such as laser etching and other personalization options to easily identify who the product belongs to. What you’ll need is a good design for your custom box, glitter or plastic window options, a high-quality printer, and a good quality cartoner that can produce both cartons and trays on a single machine. When you start making your packaging, keep in mind that you should also be able to print on the packaging itself.

Including Custom Packaging with Your Product

When you’re selling your product, it’s a good idea to include custom packaging with what you sell. You can add your company or brand logo to the outside of the box and return address labels for each person who has ordered from you. You can also offer different personalized options that are unique to each product, such as including the recipient’s name on a gift card inside.  You can also pack with a custom minifig collection for example Lego Marvel Minifigure if your client is a marvel avengers fan. These types of customizations can help you to create your brand and make it easier for customers to remember who they’ve ordered from, especially if you sell products online.

Custom Packaging and Marketing

One of the main reasons that custom packaging is used is because it works as a marketing tool. When consumers receive their products in beautifully designed boxes, they are more likely to develop positive feelings towards the company or brand. These consumers are then likely to recommend that brand or product to others, which can lead to more sales. In addition, consumers will be more likely to purchase from you in the future and spend more money on your products because they feel like they’ve received personalized service and that they are valued by the company or brand.


Another way that custom packaging can help your company is by strengthening your brand. When you include personalization features with your product, such as including the recipient’s name on a gift card, consumers will develop positive feelings towards the company and create memories every time they use or open their product. You can also include other elements in your design, such as including the company’s logo on the outside of the packaging.

Branding generally refers to your company’s name and all of its logos and other visual elements. For example, if you think about Coca-Cola, you’ll recognize their red bottles and unique logo. Branding is the art of creating a specific design for your products to help consumers easily identify them as coming from that company or brand. This branding is exactly what should be seen on your packaging. So, when designing the outside of the box, be sure that it includes your logo or some other type of branding element that will help consumers identify the brand. Also, if you are including different customization options for your products, such as including the recipient’s name on a gift card, be sure that these designs look good together to create a unique and cohesive design that enhances your branding efforts.

Customer Experience

The main reason why custom packaging is such a great marketing tool is that custom packaging can also help you to create a great customer experience. This is especially important for online businesses since customers cannot see the product they have purchased in person. When customers receive their products in beautiful boxes with custom designs, it can increase their positive feeling about your company or brand and make them feel more comfortable ordering from you.

In addition, you can design your custom boxes so that they are very easy to open. If your products are wrapped in bubble wrap or other types of packaging, consider putting the actual product on top of the custom box. That way, it’s easier for your customers to get into their products once they have taken them out of the custom boxes. Custom packaging emphasizes the customer experience and can help you to boost your sales.

Letting Customers Personalize Their Packaging

One of the best ways to use custom packaging as a marketing tool is by letting customers customize their purchases. This will give them the impression that you truly care about each customer and that what they want matters. Many companies allow their customers to choose different options, such as including the recipient’s name on a gift card along with boxes for adding personalized messages. There are a few different ways that you can personalize your products, such as including a gift card with a printed message from the sender or including the recipient’s name on the packaging.

This will make them feel special and create positive feelings about your company or brand. In addition, this is great for business because consumers who feel valued will be more likely to order from you in the future. The way that you personalize your packaging can vary depending on who is buying the product. For example, for children’s toys, including a personalized message or name on the outside of the box can make it seem like an exciting new game or toy that is just for them! You can also create special customizations for men and women, such as including their full name on the packaging. Personalized messages like this show that you value each individual customer and that creating a product designed specifically for them is important to your company or brand.


Packaging is a great way to market your company or brand. Consumers will develop feelings for your business when they receive their products in beautiful custom boxes, which can lead to more sales and brand recognition. If you are looking for something new to offer your customers, try custom packaging and see what a difference it makes in your business!