Marketing to Millennials—What Businesses Need to Know

Millennials are the current dominating generation. By 2020, it is projected that their spending in the United States will grow to $1.4 trillion annually and represent 30% of total retail sales. They are the ones which we want to read our stories, buy our products, and get interested in our services. But how do we get their attention so as to optimize marketing to millennials?

For effective Millennial marketing, you need to know how to adapt your writing to their needs and desires. The approach you take will determine the success of your copy. If you want to master content writing for Millennials, you need to know these several crucial things.

Define your target Millennial group

Millennials are present in so many different social and economic groups. That is why you should narrow down your target audience and think about who you want to write for.

Do you want to reach out to college students? To working force? Young women? Men in their 20’s or 30’s? They are all a part of that famous demographic group we call Millennials.

Narrowing down your people of interest will help you to write content which will appeal to them.

How you should master this step is to do some research and find out what type of people is interested in what you have to offer.

Take into consideration age, gender, social status, economic status, educational background, and any other information that comes up.

Speak their language

If you want to get the interest of Millennials you need to sound like them. Making strong connection demands that you find the same language.

It is easier to establish some sort of relationship with your readers if your writing seems like something they would say. And we all know that triggering emotions is the key to successful marketing.

They mostly like approachable, inclusive language with a dash of humor and sometimes even sarcasm which is very popular in this generation.

Even if you get stuck in your writing or if you are unsure if you are headed in the right direction, you can always resort to some writing service such as which can help you out.

Millennials are not a generation to be feared when communicating with. In fact, it is quite the opposite. They support what is different and interesting so you should also let your creativity run widely.

Be aware of their predominant characteristics

Like every generation before, Millennials also have some general common traits that can be applied to most of them.

Use these characteristics to understand their behavior and therefore, create content which will represent what they feel and believe.

Here are some of the values, beliefs, and attitudes of Millennials:

  • They demand authenticity
  • They like recognition
  • They’re very socially conscious
  • They like to belong
  • They’re open minded
  • They support diversity
  • They like flexibility and convenience
  • They aim for independence

Marketing to millennials … Embrace social media

There are no words that can express how crucial is social media for marketing. In this era of technology, no matter what you do, you need to include social media if you want to achieve real success.

Millennials are actually the generation that started it all so if they are your target readers, you know what is to come.

Whether you are writing copy for a blog, website, ad, or even if you plan to write a novel, include social media platforms in your marketing strategy.

It doesn’t matter if you’ll use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or even combine all three, but you need to evoke awareness in Millennials and let them know that you have something important to say.

Just keep in mind that content you publish on social media has to be adapted to the corresponding platform.

Marketing to millennials … KISS for Millennials

As you are probably aware of, KISS stands for keep it simple stupid. Don’t take this in the wrong way because this doesn’t mean that Millenials aren’t intelligent enough for more complex wording but they just prefer the immediacy of value.

All the social media platforms they spend hours on, dozens of obligation and responsibilities, have affected the Millennials power of concentration.

Nowadays, content that provides focused and scrupulous information performs best.

You need to grab their attention and offer direct and clear sentences which will ensure that they don’t lose you along the way.

Be careful that you don’t dumb down your content too much. Keep in mind that typically the most viral content lives at a reading level of 6th to 8th-grade level English.

Aim for authenticity

Everything can be found on the Internet which has its flaws as well as benefits. People are getting overwhelmed with different content that pretty much sounds the same.

Millennials seek for something original. They want to be motivated. They want to be inspired. And you can’t achieve that if you don’t step out of your comfort zone.

Even if you need to market some product or service, avoid writing copy that feels sales-y or is overly self-promotional. Millennials will see right through it.

Be creative and let the artist within you to express what needs to be said.

The key is to have a content marketing strategy that outputs value-based material which also offers unique and thought-provoking ideas.

Over to you

Every great writer that works in the field of marketing knows that their skill is never fully perfected. You need to constantly keep track of the demand and adapt your writing accordingly. Currently, the spotlight is on Millennials.

Despite what some may say, Millennials are actually astute readers and information consumers. That is why as long as you keep the above mentioned tips in mind, you’ll easily win them over.


Digital Spark Marketing
Digital Spark Marketing’s Firestorm Blog

Linda Grandes is a former journalist who found her passion for blogging. She is a successful blogger at Moreover, Linda is a highly-appreciated writer at Linda is best-known for her marketing experiences and for the passion she puts in her writing pieces. She enjoys sharing her learnings with her readers and enjoys hearing success stories of her readers applying her tips and tricks on various areas.

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Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

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More reading on marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library: 

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