The Many Paths to a Creative SEO Strategy

I  suggest that you focus on these 3 fields for a creative SEO strategy:

Influence marketing – there is nothing more valuable then contact with people who already have popular website. Do not try to ask them to promote you, better option is to to some ego-bait stuff (like interview) with them ) then ask them for guest blog. See this also: Ivan Muljevski’s answer to How do you find and get guest blogging opportunities?

In depth 10X content

Forget about writing average blog posts. Instead of this write some 10X stuff – 10X Content is the Future.

source: How to Create 10x Content – Whiteboard Friday

Combine techniques

It is a mix of skills you already know, but from your perspective. For example I used to check volume of keywords trough Google PPC and Bing PPC program then make new content map strategy.

Monitor competitors

Tools designed for spying on your competitors cover just 50% of this job. Check every post, comment and article your competitors push. This way you can measure what strategy could be fruitful for your business.

Content promotion

No matter how good your content is, you won’t get any benefit from it unless you promote it. Hard. Remember: 99% of perspiration and 1% of inspiration.

Content comes first

A website with brilliant content can do great with or without SEO, a website with bad content will not survive with or without SEO, a website with good content can become even better with SEO!

So, what is considered good content?

Content that includes text as well

 Try to have text to accompany your non-text content. For example if you post videos on your website try to add a text description as well. If you add images try to describe in words what the image is all about.

Well researched content

Readers don’t want to read quickly prepared posts and neither does search engines. If you are writing about a certain topic or answering a question make sure that what you write is justified and covers both sites of a story. Long articles are proven to rank better than short articles.

Posting frequency

2 things are important when it comes to posting frequency.

First is to have fresh content on your website and second to establish a publishing strategy and stick to it.

Keyword research

Keyword researchis the main driver of successful SEO. In order to improve your search engine ranking, you’ll need to first analyze keywords that are relevant to your industry.

Sound link building

Link building is simple: High-quality link building produces greater results. Having an influencer and content marketing strategy will help you develop backlinks to your website, but it is also important to actively be seeking ways to get people to link to you. Some of the best ways to do this are to write for a large publication, do industry interviews and recommend your powerful content to people who matter. In addition, you can also use tools like Majestic SEO to see who is linking to your competitors. Once you identify the links to your competitor’s sites, you can analyze these links, learn how they got them and implement a similar strategy for your website. For example, did they donate to a charity causing the charity to link to their site? You can do the same thing.

Creating quality content

Don’t let poor content affect your site’s search engine rank. It’s vital that you offer engaging and useful information to keep your visitors coming back.

Content-marketing strategy

Every website should have a content strategy focused around your top keywords. When you create content such as blog posts, videos, whitepapers, research reports and webinars, it gives people something to link to. In addition, the content you create can rank by itself in the search engines.

 For example, if you write a blog post on “How to Pick an SEO Company,” there is a possibility it will rank for some of the keywords you use in the title and in the body post, especially if the post gets linked to from other websites or shared a lot on social media. It also helps if your website as a whole already has significant high-quality links.

This results in high domain authority, which translates into better rankings for all of your content. In addition, regular content creation shows Google that your website is alive and active. By sending this fresh content signal to Google on a continual basis, it will result in better rankings for your website as a whole.

Make your website mobile-friendly.

In 2015, there was a major Google update known as Mobilegeddon. This meant that if you did not have a mobile version of your website by April 21, 2015, you lost a significant amount of your rankings in the mobile version of the Google search listings.

Moving into 2016, your website needs to be mobile-ready. There are three types of accepted options for a mobile site in Google’s eyes: responsive design, being set up on a mobile subdomain or use dynamic serving. Google also now ranks websites higher that apply SEO for their apps. So if you have an app, make sure you are taking the time to implement application SEO.