5 Reasons Why Your Website Needs an Email Capture

A lot of webmasters do not include email captures on their lists of websites neds because they feel like they take up too much valuable space, aren’t necessarily beneficial to their cause, or simply because they don’t think they are attractive. You’re missing out on a possible big chunk of converting customers if you do not have an email capture handy for your visitors to subscribe to. Here are five reasons why you should implement one and why you should do it now

1.      Keep Visitors Coming Back for More

While businesses generally concentrate on organic and unique traffic, retargeting will always pay off in converting visitors into paying customers. The first time a visitor navigates your site, they’ll likely get a taste for what you’ve got to offer. They may use your subscription form to subscribe to content updates. Once they’re alerted there’s new content, you’ll find that they will come back for more. The more times they visit your pages, the more chance you have of converting them into paying customers. For example, here’s a perfect example of a freebies website that entices customers so it can capture their email address in order to sign them up for new deals.

2.      Easy to Market Future Ideas

One way so many webmasters are benefiting from simple email capture forms is through easy marketing channels for other products/services/ideas. If you have an email list containing 1,000 emails, you’re going to have a quick and easy way to directly contact your subscribers to update them with new products and services. It’s one of the best ways of marketing and, although you will only get an average percentage of people who actually read the emails – it’s those people who you could turn into paying customers.

3.      Expose Your Brand

If you’re good at creating entertaining emails or your website actually has something of value to offer your visitors, you’re going to have yet another easy way of marketing to other potential customers. You can ask your subscribers to share content on your site and, if they do that, you’re exposing your brand even further. You could benefit from even more email subscribers and the list could just keep growing, giving you even more subscribers.

4.      Geo-targeting for Higher Conversions

You can take your marketing methods to the next level if you have a list of valuable subscribers. There are many email marketing software tools out there that can not only help you manage your list but also provide you with features such as geo-targeting. Geo-targeting will help you send emails to the people who are most relevant to the content you’re providing. It will also help you send emails at the right time in different countries/regions, giving your emails more chance of being read.

5.      Repeat Sales

Repeating sales is something all businesses are after. These customers become loyal and spend more money over a period of time. They might not be regular visitors or even regular buyers, but they will continue to buy products/services from your business if you provide a good service and you’re always around. Sending out emails regularly to previous customers is an effective way to get them buying again. The chances are, they’ve forgotten about your business and they need a simple reminder to let them know you’re still around.

Email captures are simple and easy to implement – so why miss out on all of the above benefits if you don’t have one? A good email capture in the right place could prove to be the difference in taking your business forward and, should you not have one currently, you’ll find that your competitors are doing better business than yours.