What are Chiropractor Marketing Solutions?

A lot of markets are very oversaturated right now.  With the advent of the internet and social media, this is hardly a surprising phenomenon.  Still, as businesses and medical practices, it’s something that we really have to think about and plan around in our marketing so;utions.

Chiropractor offices are a bit of a special case considering that there is both positive and negative press about the practice on social media.  To a certain extent, it means that we have to work even harder to get our name out there in a positive manner.  Plenty of studies, such as this one, demonstrate the reliability and credibility of our practice.

All of this begs the question – how can we improve our marketing campaigns to bring in more patients and/or customers?  It’s a bit of a pickle to solve, considering how different the medical profession is to that of marketing.  Don’t worry if you’re not really sure how to move forward or if you’re feeling lost – we’re here to explain how you can up your advertising game!

Understanding Marketing

Now, before you can start to look into external marketing solutions, it’s probably a good idea to get familiar with the terminology that will be involved here.  For one thing, it’s pretty important to know that marketing and sales are two different things.  So, you’ll definitely want to stay on the side of marketing rather than the latter.

What else is there to know, though?  Well, one of the biggest concepts that you’ll want to at least have on your radar if you choose to work with an external marketing company is target audience.  What does this mean?

Target audience is, well, pretty much what it says on the tin.  It’s the group of people that you’re aiming to attract with your campaign.  For a chiropractor, this could be a wide variety of patients.  To a certain extent, it’ll depend on your current clientele as well as who you’re looking to bring in as a customer in the future.

Often, we aim to bring in folks who are having issues with their back or joints in some capacity.  So, that could be a good place to start if your chiropractor marketing agency asks about what your goals are in this context.  Don’t stress about it too much if you aren’t sure how to answer the question, though – they’re here to help you through it, after all!

Other Strategies to Note

Digging in a bit deeper, one thing that you may still be wondering is how online marketing works.  One of the biggest concepts here is “SEO,” otherwise known as search engine optimization.  Any good team will be able to explain this concept to you, but we’ll do our best to cover it here as well. 

This is certainly another concept that is pretty much what it says on the tin.  As you are likely already aware, search engines are one of the biggest ways that patients are able to find medical practitioners in their area.  This leads to the conclusion that we should do our best to utilize it as a marketing tool as well! 

Now, this is certainly something that is easier said than done.  We can understand that, and it’s part of why bringing in external help is so important for many of us medical professionals.  Generally speaking, though, it’s a method that we can use to ensure that our name gets in front of anyone who is searching for a chiropractor nearby.  Be certain to ask your marketing team about how they plan to incorporate SEO into your strategies.

Building Reputation

Another aspect that many of us simply don’t really think about on our initial instinct is this: we need to build up a positive reputation for ourselves.  You can find further details on how it works in this article, but the gist of it is that having a good reputation also boosts our “authority.”

Authority is a fancy word that we’re using here to describe how keen our potential patients and customers are to listen to our advice.  Naturally, it’s a big deal to build ourselves up as a knowledgeable authority in the world of chiropractic care and medicine.  This will help entice more people to our website for sure.


The final marketing strategy that we’d like to discuss with you today is the concept of e-mail marketing.  You see, no matter what type of organization that we run, it’s quite critical that we create a network of new and returning customers to keep patronizing our establishment.  This is one of the main functions of this style of outreach, which you can read about here: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/11/12/261

Emails are an excellent way to keep in contact with current patients.  Sure, snail mail is the “old reliable,” so to speak, and what many people are familiar with.  Phone calls and voicemails are also somewhat useful.  However, at the end of the day, a lot of folks are much more likely to open an email from their practitioner.

Is Marketing Worth Investing in?

To conclude our discussion today, let’s take a look at whether or not this is something worth paying for anyhow.  Based on the rest of what we’ve said today, you can probably guess that our answer to this is “yes.”  However, allow us a moment to explain this conclusion.

The main thing to bear in mind here is that as a medical professional, our job is to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our patients.  There’s a pretty good chance that this eats up most of our time.  How much more can we realistically dedicate to marketing all on our own? That is precisely why so many chiropractic offices have started to turn to external resources to get help with this process.  Bringing in new patients isn’t exactly an easy feat, so having a team of experts who can help you do precisely back is invaluable.  While it may cost some money up front, there’s no denying that it’s beneficial in the long term.

What are Chiropractor Marketing Solutions?

A lot of markets are very oversaturated right now.  With the advent of the internet and social media, this is hardly a surprising phenomenon.  Still, as businesses and medical practices, it’s something that we really have to think about and plan around in our marketing strategies.

Chiropractor offices are a bit of a special case considering that there is both positive and negative press about the practice on social media.  To a certain extent, it means that we have to work even harder to get our name out there in a positive manner.  Plenty of studies, such as this one, demonstrate the reliability and credibility of our practice.

All of this begs the question – how can we improve our marketing campaigns to bring in more patients and/or customers?  It’s a bit of a pickle to solve, considering how different the medical profession is to that of marketing.  Don’t worry if you’re not really sure how to move forward or if you’re feeling lost – we’re here to explain how you can up your advertising game!

Understanding Marketing

Now, before you can start to look into external marketing solutions, it’s probably a good idea to get familiar with the terminology that will be involved here.  For one thing, it’s pretty important to know that marketing and sales are two different things.  So, you’ll definitely want to stay on the side of marketing rather than the latter.

What else is there to know, though?  Well, one of the biggest concepts that you’ll want to at least have on your radar if you choose to work with an external marketing company is target audience.  What does this mean?

Target audience is, well, pretty much what it says on the tin.  It’s the group of people that you’re aiming to attract with your campaign.  For a chiropractor, this could be a wide variety of patients.  To a certain extent, it’ll depend on your current clientele as well as who you’re looking to bring in as a customer in the future.

Often, we aim to bring in folks who are having issues with their back or joints in some capacity.  So, that could be a good place to start if your chiropractor marketing agency asks about what your goals are in this context.  Don’t stress about it too much if you aren’t sure how to answer the question, though – they’re here to help you through it, after all!

Other Strategies to Note

Digging in a bit deeper, one thing that you may still be wondering is how online marketing works.  One of the biggest concepts here is “SEO,” otherwise known as search engine optimization.  Any good team will be able to explain this concept to you, but we’ll do our best to cover it here as well. 

This is certainly another concept that is pretty much what it says on the tin.  As you are likely already aware, search engines are one of the biggest ways that patients are able to find medical practitioners in their area.  This leads to the conclusion that we should do our best to utilize it as a marketing tool as well! 

Now, this is certainly something that is easier said than done.  We can understand that, and it’s part of why bringing in external help is so important for many of us medical professionals.  Generally speaking, though, it’s a method that we can use to ensure that our name gets in front of anyone who is searching for a chiropractor nearby.  Be certain to ask your marketing team about how they plan to incorporate SEO into your strategies.

Building Reputation

Another aspect that many of us simply don’t really think about on our initial instinct is this: we need to build up a positive reputation for ourselves.  You can find further details on how it works in this article, but the gist of it is that having a good reputation also boosts our “authority.”

Authority is a fancy word that we’re using here to describe how keen our potential patients and customers are to listen to our advice.  Naturally, it’s a big deal to build ourselves up as a knowledgeable authority in the world of chiropractic care and medicine.  This will help entice more people to our website for sure.


The final marketing strategy that we’d like to discuss with you today is the concept of e-mail marketing.  You see, no matter what type of organization that we run, it’s quite critical that we create a network of new and returning customers to keep patronizing our establishment.  This is one of the main functions of this style of outreach, which you can read about here: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-5903/11/12/261

Emails are an excellent way to keep in contact with current patients.  Sure, snail mail is the “old reliable,” so to speak, and what many people are familiar with.  Phone calls and voicemails are also somewhat useful.  However, at the end of the day, a lot of folks are much more likely to open an email from their practitioner.

Is Marketing Worth Investing in?

To conclude our discussion today, let’s take a look at whether or not this is something worth paying for anyhow.  Based on the rest of what we’ve said today, you can probably guess that our answer to this is “yes.”  However, allow us a moment to explain this conclusion.

The main thing to bear in mind here is that as a medical professional, our job is to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our patients.  There’s a pretty good chance that this eats up most of our time.  How much more can we realistically dedicate to marketing all on our own?

That is precisely why so many chiropractic offices have started to turn to external resources to get help with this process.  Bringing in new patients isn’t exactly an easy feat, so having a team of experts who can help you do precisely back is invaluable.  While it may cost some money up front, there’s no denying that it’s beneficial in the long term. 

Marketing Solutions: 19 Smart Strategies for Digital Success

Suppose you’re in the market to hire the best digital marketing agency. Or perhaps your goal is to become the world’s best digital marketer.  What are the attributes of digital marketing solutions success? Would you be satisfied with doing the common thing uncommonly well like Rockefeller says?

marketing solutions
Go after marketing solutions.

After spending many decades developing marketing messages, advertising, and integrated digital marketing campaigns, here are 19 attributes and skills of a great digital marketer that stand out to me. You can use them to help your own self development or as criteria to find the best agency for you to hire.
Related post: Visual Content … 13 Remarkable Marketing Examples to Study


Great marketers are like six–year-olds; they always want to know why. Curiosity is the gateway to clarity. As Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.“



Marketing solutions … clarity

The difference between a marketer and someone who writes is that the former enlightens the reader while the latter tends to confuse the reader.




Further down, I’m putting words like “boring” and “trivial” in quotations because to great marketers , nothing is boring or trivial if that’s what they’re marketing.

its personal
Its personal.



The manager who motivates a marketing copywriter to write by screaming, “WRITE!” has yet to be born.



Marketing solutions examples … self-editing

Arrogance undermines quality. Great marketers know when their own messages stink and treat them accordingly.

Go for versatility.


Some marketers are uncomfortable with the concept of a hard sales pitch; others are uncomfortable with “boring” assignments. Both are uncomfortable when not working campaigns.



Quick on the uptake

Because of deadlines, marketers often have to learn on the job and on their own – and quickly.


Knows when to ask for help

A good marketer has two choices: struggle endlessly with a vexing problem or get help from a subject matter expert. The latter option improves speed and accuracy.



Has perspective

Great marketers don’t make mountains out of molehills. Those who continually get hung up on small matters of style or approach infuriate coworkers and bosses.



Knows when to skip the rules

Selectively breaking rules is a sophisticated technique for capturing attention. Apple’s “Think Different” campaign succeeded in part by departing from the boring and pedestrian phrase, to think differently.
Related post: How to Frame Marketing Messages for Optimum Engagement


Marketing solutions company … understands the business world

The best marketers are ones that work best with what they know. Thus, a first-rate marketer understands the business process, customer behavior and basic business concepts such as features and benefits.



Anticipates reader questions and concerns

Because great marketers understand the business world, they are able to identify probable reactions from the target audience – and address them in the marketing strategy. In addition, this knowledge enables them to discard messaging points that are not pertinent. An ounce of anticipation is worth a pound of verbosity.



Tells stories

Today’s content strategies have circled back to perhaps the oldest technique of all, storytelling. The ability to spin yarns is essential for grabbing and holding attention as well as influencing audiences.




Most great marketers I know are better at listening than talking – maybe because they are often introverts by nature. Listening is crucial to many aspects of business, including content creation, because it is the surest way to understand the needs of a company’s leadership and its customers.



Think logically

Most business writing is aimed at influencing action – influencing prospects to buy, customers to stay, investors to invest, etc. Since business decisions are made in part based on compelling arguments, marketers must be able to lay them out logically.



Influences with emotion

Because business decisions are also based on feelings, marketers must be able to provoke emotional responses in  their messages. Warm prospects freeze when exposed to cold messages.



Digital marketing success … not a desk jockey

Great marketers aren’t just about reading and writing. Instead, they go out into the real world and talk to employees, customers and even competitors. Without this, they lose their feel – or never acquire it.



Is imaginative

Although in some business situations, imagination may be seen as a negative, employers should not come down too hard on marketers who appear to be daydreaming or throw out lots of ideas.
 Related post: 14 Jaw-Dropping Guerilla Marketing Lessons and Examples 


Have a sense of humor

Sylvia Plath and Edgar Allan Poe were brilliant writers, but neither would be particularly effective or happy writing an infomercial script for miracle meat slicers. A lighthearted spirit helps marketers plow through “boring” and “trivial” assignments, connect with readers and work well collaboratively.
What would you add to the list?
So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth marketing created by remarkable customer service. And put it to good use.
It’s up to you to keep improving your creative marketing strategies. Lessons are all around you. In this case, your competitor may be providing the ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.
When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.
Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy improving your marketing, branding, and advertising?
Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.
 More reading on marketing  strategy from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
13 Extraordinary Marketing Lessons from Taylor Swift
Learning from 2 of the Best Marketing Strategy Case Studies
7 Secrets to the Lego Blog Marketing Campaigns … Effective Marketing?
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