6 Best Examples of Marketing Storytelling

We hear lots of talk these days about the examples of marketing storytelling —and why it’s so critical for businesses and brands. This is as we continue to rush forth in the digital marketing age.
examples of marketing storytelling
Find stories to tell.
Check out our thoughts on creative marketing.
More on storytelling: Stories and Storytelling Examples: 8 Simple Things You Should Improve
Stop interrupting what people are interested in, and be what people are interested in.
But like so much of this other stuff that is discussed in the marketing and branding realm, storytelling has always been important. It has been the essence of the greatest and most successful communications since the beginning of man.
If you want to effectively build your personal brand, you have to center everything around a story. And not just any story, your story.
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For decades, marketers plied their craft according to a simple formula:   Advertising creates awareness which in turn produces sales.  This was not, as many would argue, a mistaken belief.  Virtually all of the great brands of the 20th century were built using that model and many still prosper with it today.
However, it has become incomplete.  A variety of trends, including community marketing, storytelling, digital technology, social media, and mass personalization—just to name a few—have conspired against the traditional view that message and media are sufficient to create sales.
So today’s marketers have a serious challenge.  If the old model is broken, what should replace it?  Unfortunately, there is no easy answer.  Media budgets continue to play an important role in successful marketing programs, just as many of the trendy new tactics often fall short.  What we need is not a new model, but a more strategic way of thinking.
It can be daunting for a marketer to plan out a piece of brand storytelling – and yet it looks so natural when it is done right. The five companies below range in popularity but the lessons in there apply to all brands; there is so much to be gained from examining exactly why the stories were so useful.

Examples of marketing storytelling … Guinness I

Guinness is no stranger to effective brand storytelling. This video reached three million views within four days of online release. This is another exercise in concise brand storytelling with a big heart – the concept sees a group of guys playing wheelchair basketball.
A simple plot; a game of wheelchair basketball followed by a pint of Guinness. The twist is that only one of the men in the group is an actual wheelchair user – the rest, it seems, are his friends who are playing wheelchair basketball so that they can all play together.
So what on Earth does this story have to do with Guinness?  It is when the voiceover kicks in that the storytelling ramps up, though: “Dedication, loyalty, friendship – the choices we make reveal the true nature of our character,” says a gravelly voiced chap.
The choice the men in the ad make to play wheelchair basketball is a testament to their character, and so is the choice they make when they are at the beer taps. It almost tells viewers to be the best person they can be, and drink the best quality drink they can get their hands on.
You just cannot argue with that as a memorable and evocative piece of brand storytelling – and the image of the group walking (and wheeling) away from the court will stick with you.

Examples of marketing storytelling … Guinness II

Have you noticed that the world of marketing is changing? And rapidly. Traditional media vehicles are losing effectiveness as people communicate in new and different ways. Mass audiences are fragmenting into small segments.
Developing a point of difference is harder than ever. This Guinness marketing story demonstrates that Guinness marketing has certainly noticed.
And Guinness marketing has adapted and come up with some fresh new marketing stories. This new ad from Guinness proves that beer commercials can be so much more than guys and bars.
“Empty Chair,” tells the story of a bartender who leaves a pint of Guinness at an empty table every night amongst birthday celebrations and sports team’s victories. No one sits at the table, and the woman shoots a dirty look to anyone she catches eyeing one of the empty chairs.


Without fail, the frosted glass is there each and every night. It’s a powerful image that serves as a sign of hope for the bartender. But we aren’t exactly sure who the beer is for until the very end. Everything comes together when a soldier finally returns home to claim his Guinness.
The spot finishes with the tagline “The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character.”
A simple yet powerful way to add meaning to the story.

Build Customer Trust: The Subtle Art in This 9 Step Process

Examples of marketing storytelling … Google

If you haven’t seen this Google story, you can watch it here …a short 3+ minutes.
The story is this: a man in Delhi tells his granddaughter about his childhood friend, Yusuf. He hadn’t seen Yusuf since the Partition of India in 1947 when India and Pakistan became separate countries, and the two friends were forced to separate. The man’s granddaughter arranges for the two to meet again.
This story is about as emotional as it gets. Stories like this provide a chance to experience a variety of emotions without the risk of those emotions themselves. Emotions like wonder, fear, courage, or love can be tested out in the minds of those as they listen to a story.
If you listen to your customers, as Google has, you can leverage their stories to drive your creativity. By analyzing their stories of how your products and services fit into their lives, you can gain valuable insight into their needs and desires, which can be hugely beneficial to other aspects of your business. Like product design and development and ongoing marketing strategy. The reunion has done that well don’t you think?
Related post: Innovative Marketing Ideas … Secrets to the NASA Success
The story is straightforward and direct. It’s beautiful and honest, and real. The photography is spectacular. The music adds to the excellent acting.
Dawn brand storyteller
Dawn brand storyteller

Examples of marketing storytelling … Dawn brand storytelling

We recently viewed a Dawn Liquid Detergent story told in one of their advertisements that caught our eye for several reasons.
An effective TV ad that combined traditional advertising with advocacy advertising and creative storytelling. Something you don’t see very often.
Have you seen this recent Dawn story in their TV commercial? If not, you should invest 1 minute now and check it out. It will prove beneficial in reviewing their great story.
Interesting information, well presented, showing emotion, always holds attention, yes?  Keep in mind that people don’t watch ads … they watch what interests them. Your stories must be interesting to your target communities.
This story message certainly grabs and holds attention based on emotion, superb visuals, and great issue advocacy.


Examples of marketing storytelling … New Bell of South Africa

Have you seen the remarkable branding story from this South African business? It was created to market and build the brand. It is a very simple story. It advocates learning to read no matter your age or status in society.
To us, it creates pure magic with the story, the visuals, the music, and the emotion. If you haven’t seen it, watch it now, it is only 2 minutes, and it will inspire you. It is certainly easier in our top 5 of all time.
What makes this story so remarkable? Of course, the whole thing was staged. Who cares? It certainly accomplished its objective to build on the brand. Over 1 million views so far for business from South Africa that most of us have ever heard of.
Of course, you can’t design a story for going viral. But you can target for being remarkable and engaging.


Storytelling marketing
Storytelling marketing.


 Brand storytelling and the Lego Movie

There is no better story example I have ever seen than The Lego Movie. As I sat in the theater to a packed house along with 3 of my grandchildren, I marveled at what I was witnessing. Kids laughed. Everyone was thoroughly entertained.
All because a brand had managed to create a powerful story, using their product as the star, and at the same time created what is the most effective 90 minute commercial for a “toy” we’ve ever seen.
But the reaction of my kids is no surprise. If one analyzes the film, it’s quite apparent what makes it so very useful:
It’s a good movie—incredibly well written— for kids and adults.
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The product is the entire movie. Every scene is masterfully created with Legos.
There are profound messages within the movie, all of which are uplifting and easy to get behind:
-There is a “builder” within each one of us if we only believe
-We’re only as limited as our imagination allows us to be
-You’re never too old to create magic


The bottom line

Can you see why these brands have hit such huge home runs with their tales? They are quickly becoming the mecca of “storytelling is done right” for brands big and small going forward.



So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of word of mouth marketing created by remarkable customer service. And put it to good use.
It’s up to you to keep improving your creative marketing strategies. Lessons are all around you. In this case, your competitor may be providing ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.
When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.
Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy improving your marketing, branding, and advertising?
Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn.
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
 More reading on marketing  strategy from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
13 Extraordinary Marketing Lessons from Taylor Swift
Visual Content … 13 Remarkable Marketing Examples to Study
7 Secrets to the Lego Blog Marketing Campaigns … Effective Marketing?
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