Creating Customer Experience Impact with Random Acts of Kindness

David Freemantle is quoted: Feelings have a critical role in the way customers are influenced. Random acts of kindness ideas? You can make great strides in customer service and customer experience by seemingly small but very thoughtful actions.
random acts of kindness
Random acts of kindness
Remember that customer experiences are the new marketing tactics.
new marketing tactics
Many new marketing tactics.
Check out this video on a memorable customer service experience from popular customer service speaker Ross Shafer.

Quite an impact for a simple can of Coca-Cola, isn’t it? Random acts of kindness will do it every time, yes?
Related: 10 Ways to Employ Customer Experience for Influence
Let’s take another example, this one coming from Fred Reichheld, a Fellow at the management consultancy firm Bain & Company:
One of my favorite examples of this happened at Rackspace, the managed hosting and cloud computing company. An employee on the phone with a customer during a marathon troubleshooting session heard the customer tell someone in the background that they were getting hungry.

customer experience story

An awesome customer experience story.
As the employee tells it:
 “So I put them on hold, and I ordered them a pizza. About 30 minutes later, we were still on the phone, and there was a knock on their door. I told them to go answer it because it was pizza! They were so excited.”

Our takeaway


 While the cost of the gifts/actions is quite small, the human mind simply cannot refuse the construct of simple reciprocity. Reciprocity can be summed up as our natural inclination to feel grateful for favors and our desire to “pay them back,” no matter how small they are.
The other thing that we consider about reciprocity is that research has shown us that the intentions of the ‘giver’ can affect the perceived value of the gift. This is why random acts of kindness ideas work so well.
Customers perceive the service as a genuine act of kindness rather than as you trying to buy their affection with costly gifts.
So remember, it doesn’t take huge expenses to win customers over!
You can’t over prepare on continually improving your customers’ experiences.
Remember, customers, create the most value for you … when you create the most value for them.
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More reading on customer experience from our Library:
10 Next Generation Customer Service Practices
Handling Customer Complaints … 8 Mistakes to Avoid
7 Ways to Create a Customer Service Evangelist Business
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on FacebookTwitterQuoraDigital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.