Reasons Infographics Belong in a Planned Digital Marketing Strategy

In the digital age of today, your business needs a carefully planned digital marketing strategy. To effectively lure and retain customers, you have to create content that’s eye-catching, easy to understand, and easily shareable. If your planned digital marketing strategy is not delivering the desired results, you can liven things up by incorporating more infographics in your content.

Here are four reasons why infographics should form part of your digital marketing strategy.

1. Eye-Catching

Image via Pixabay by geralt

If you present a reader with two advertisements, namely one that just contains text and another that contains pictures, chances are they’ll focus on the one with the pictures. Humans are visual creatures and studies show that about 90% of the information we process is visual.

It’s just how we’re wired. Including images in your press releases, presentations, or blogs is an effective way to increase user interest and engagement. Visual communication works because it’s far more interesting, especially if you include different colors, shapes, images, and also animated infographics or videos.

2. Easy To Understand

In today’s world, people are permanently rushing and forced to do 10 things at the same time. In addition, they’re exposed to crazy amounts of data on a daily basis. Just think about the emails, websites, messages, and social media posts you read every day. If you want to attract customers and keep their attention, provide them with content they can easily digest.

By using infographics, you’ll do just that. The saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is apt. Apart from the fact that our brains can process images 60,000 times faster than text, one is just simply able to convey more information with images. Instead of working their way through many paragraphs of words, your customers can look at a few pictures and understand your message.

3. A Bigger Audience

Incorporating well-designed and appealing infographics in your digital marketing strategy will help you gain more views and reach a larger audience. Research shows that by using infographics on your site, you can boost traffic by as much as 12%. Also, articles that include infographics generate 72% more views than those that don’t.

In addition, there’s a good chance that readers who find infographics engaging will forward these to others. You can make an infographic more shareable by providing readers with a code they can use to embed it on their own sites and blogs. Also, be sure to add social sharing buttons on the pages where you’re hosting your infographics.

4. Increase Search Marketing Results

These are only four of the many compelling reasons to make infographics an important part of your digital marketing strategy. Apart from their efficacy, infographics are also easy and cheap to create.