Here’s How to Rightly Use Keywords to Improve Your SEO

Have you noticed that traffic has seriously dropped on your website? Not getting any traffic in the first place? You must improve your keyword search to improve traffic.

improve your keyword search
Improve your keyword search.

That’s likely because you’re not using keywords. These are the words/phrases people type into Google and other search engines when they’re looking for businesses, products, or anything else online. 

Without proper keyword use, there’s no way your site will rank as highly as you want it to.

Want to learn how can you improve your keyword search results? If so, then read on to learn some of the best possible places for your keywords. 

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

The golden rule when it comes to keywords for SEO? 

Use them sparingly. 

Your site visitors can tell when you’re writing content just to hack your rankings — and they’ll be sure to avoid your site in the future as a result. You also risk being penalized by search engines for engaging in clear keyword stuffing. 

Five or so keywords per post is a good range. 

Sneak Keywords in Image Descriptions

How can you improve your keyword search results?

Believe it or not, there are tons of places other than your blog posts’ or static pages’ text alone where you can sneak them in. 

One of the best-kept SEO secrets is to include them in your image descriptions and image file names. You can also use them in your image captions for an extra boost. 

Use Them in Your Headers and Title

One of the best things to understand when you’re using keywords for SEO? 

The fact that they can also help you to make your content much more readable. 

Use keywords in your posts’ headers to break up your content and boost your SEO score in the process. Always ensure you include your main targeted keyword in your title, as well. 

Make Them a Part of Your URL

Another awesome place to use SEO keywords is in your site’s URL, also called your website address. You can also do the same for each of your internal pages. 

Separate keywords by hyphens. It makes things clear for your readers and it won’t negatively impact your SEO score. 

Not sure how to claim your own URL address or change it? 

Sites like can give you the advice you need to make it happen. 

Involve Them in the Meta Description

When you type a search into Google or another search engine, you’ll notice that each result has a short description of what the article is about.

This is called your meta description, and it’s the right place for your main targeted keyword. You only have 160 characters in total here, so put it right up front for best results. 

How Can You Improve Your Keyword Search Results? By Following These Tips!

Now is the time to stop asking the question, “how can you improve your keyword search results?” and start putting the advice in this post into action. 

Place keywords in headers, titles, meta descriptions, and URLs to see your site rise in the rankings. 

Above all, remember that keywords are just a small part of your overall marketing strategy. You’ll also need to master link building, improve your site speed, and write quality content. 

Need help making it happen?

We can help you with that — read our blog and check out our top landing page examples to learn more.