The Impact of Game-Based Learning on Business Success

There is something about people and playing games that just makes sense. It almost feels like we are learning the most when we are engaged in some sort of game. This makes sense since most of the fundamental things that we have learned come from the early childhood days during play. Most people can agree that they would rather be willing to play than learn, and they would not be wrong because it is the exploration component of play that leads to most learning. What if we could apply this context to learning skills that are highly demanded to create business success? Luckily, this is where game based learning comes into play, with the popular model of gamification. It is literally possible to gamify almost anything nowadays, this includes business skills as well.

Here is an overview of the impact of game-based learning on business success.

Improved management and soft skills      

More and more workers are losing the sense of what it truly means to be a part of a team. This is mostly because of remote work, which emerged as a result of the global pandemic. The social aspect of work is widely overlooked as it doesn’t initially seem like it contributes to the generation of profit.

However, any good business owner would recognize the true value that a strong unified team with a great social bond can bring. This includes many benefits such as better work culture, an inviting environment for new candidates, easier onboarding, improved productivity, and overall more efficient and satisfactory work with better employee retention.

Luckily, there is a way to achieve all of this. What better way to get people to effectively collaborate in a workplace than by letting them be a part of an interactive learning process that comes from game-based learning.

Minimized risks

In a hectic business environment time is money. And developing soft skills and management skills definitely costs a lot of time and money. Most businesses would skip out on improving the worker’s skills in the workplace simply because it seems like a rather abstract notion that if implemented wrong can cause serious disruptions in cash flow and overall efficiency. However, these skills can only bring good things in the long run by ensuring that all employees are both self-reliant and great team players. That is why it is absolutely mandatory to minimize the risks associated with employee training.

This is where engaging business management short courses really shine. In this virtual environment, it is possible to let the workers face many simulated but still difficult challenges, which will help them identify their weak points and ways to help strengthen them. There is zero opportunity and hazard cost in this way, and the employees will be satisfied by learning new skills and being able to contribute more to the work in the future.

Reduced stress

A workplace brings with it many challenges and ever-changing variables that more often than not leave the employees feeling stressed out, anxious, and burnt out. It is important to minimize all of the work-related stress and not become complacent with such a terrible work dynamic in order to make the employees productive and satisfied in the long run. One of the best ways to relieve stress is definitely creating an engaging game-like environment, where workers will not simply forget about their worries but transform them into a powerful productive activity. 

More productivity

Even the increased amount of specialized training that employees get doesn’t really mean much compared to the quality of that training. Game-based learning is unique in the way that they not only provide immediate stress relief and satisfaction but also contributes to long-term improvements in the way people think.

Essentially, they offer you a new way of looking at things. So that next big problem in the office may not be such a big deal if the team working on it has an entirely innovative and fun way to approach it.

Better work culture

Implementing games in a workplace doesn’t only offer a handful of benefits related to better productivity and collaboration but also changes the entire office culture and work philosophy. It is a new way to develop a model of working which will bring something completely new to the table and hopefully extend to all of the departments in a company.

Better work culture doesn’t only positively affect the company from within, but it also places it much more favorably on the job market, with the potential to attract extraordinary new job candidates.

Games definitely have a strong role to play in completely revamping the way people build businesses. From what used to be a silly idea to a scientifically proven methodology, game-based learning is here to stay and offers many amazing benefits such as optimal risk-free environments for developing new skills, improved management and soft skills, reduced work-related stress, significant increases in productivity and innovative ways of thinking and a completely revolutionized work culture.