The Go-Getter Guide to the Best Social Media Campaigns: 11 Tips to Improve

I have been blogging for over eight years now. And post visits are high; the best social media campaigns’ engagement ideas are not in my humble opinion. Imagine writing a tutorial-style blog post.

You explain a series of important steps. You edit until your instructions sound dynamic. You tighten your text.

But you’re still worried. Because your post isn’t exactly sparkling. It’s just a simple how-to.

How can you make a description of 5 or 12 different steps engaging and fun? How can you stop people from yawning when they get to step 3?

Related post: Social Media Platforms … The Magic Every Content Marketer Needs

Best social media campaigns
Best social media campaigns.

Turning solid information into engaging content may feel like a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be so hard.

You need to know a few simple tricks to keep your readers engaged and interested.

Let’s explore some post-engagement techniques that should help …

Best Social Media Campaigns … ask Why

The first trick to making boring tutorials sizzle is to tell your reader why he’ll benefit from reading your post.

In your opening paragraph, you sketch a pain-free or sunny destination. Tell your reader that by following your advice he can learn a skill he desperately wants to master. Or tell him how he’ll become happier, richer, or more relaxed by reading your post.

In my post about guest blogging, for instance, I promised to teach you a technique for driving traffic to your blog; and in this tutorial about sales copy, I tell you that your web pages can become as seductive as Apple’s website.

A dry subject becomes easier to digest when you know why it’s good for you.

 Best Social Media Campaigns Ever … ask questions 

One of the simplest ways to draw your readers in is to ask them a question within your introduction. You don’t have to do this within the first sentence of your blog post, but you should try to do it within your first paragraph.


Let your personality shine 

No one wants to be part of a dry conversation. By adding in some humor or emotions, you will keep the conversation entertaining. Just sprinkle a few of these elements throughout your post.


Results post engagement
Results post engagement.

Share examples

Learning how things work in theory can be dull.

Seeing how something works in practice is far more interesting.

Last week, I shared snippets about my guest blogging experience. In my post about seductive web copy, I entice you with mouth-watering examples of Apple’s copy.

The secret to making your examples fascinating is to keep them ultra-short. Only share the details that are critical to illustrating your tutorial.

Keep your pace high and move to the next step.


Social media campaign ideas … create a story

 Do you remember how your kindergarten and elementary school teachers used to engage with you? They used to tell you stories to get your attention and keep it. If you can mix storytelling within your introductory paragraph, you’ll get more people to read your blog post.


 Social media engagement strategy … use metaphors

Metaphors are your secret seduction technique.

A fresh metaphor can make a dull topic engaging.

Help readers visualize an abstract concept by relating it to something concrete, something they know. In my post about guest blogging, for instance, I referred to the idea of launching a cycling magazine several times.

To use metaphors in your how-to blog post, think about a topic you’re passionate about, such as sports, cooking, or parenting. Pick one theme and look for connections.

Be careful. Switching themes in one post confuse your readers. So pick one theme, e.g. cooking, and make brief comparisons with it throughout your post.

Related post: 11 Updates to Starbuck’s Creativity and Innovation

Use the words “you” and “I”

Facebook Post engagement tips
Post engagement tips.

 Those two words may seem simple, but they are powerful. Without them, it’s hard to create the illusion of a conversation. Just think about it.

I don’t know your name, so how can I create a conversation with you if I don’t use the words “you” and “I” while talking to you? It’s nearly impossible.



Highlight problems

When you paint a rose-tinted picture of your how-to, you might still lull your readers slowly to sleep.

You can wake them up by including a few problems.

Problems are like speed bumps – they slow your reader down. They start paying attention again because everyone is keen to avoid glitches, hassle, and mistakes.

Explain what you’ve done wrong or which step you found scary. When you describe the problems, you’ve encountered, and how you’ve overcome them, your tutorial immediately becomes more useful and engaging.

Which are the most common mistakes you’d like to warn your readers about? And help them avoid?

Keep your paragraphs short 

 Don’t you hate it when you’re having a conversation with someone, and they don’t let you get a word in? It’s like you’re not even having a conversation… By making your paragraphs 1 to 6 sentences long, you will create an illusion of a conversation. Just look at the introduction in this blog post – the paragraphs are really short.

An image is worth 1000 words

Liven up your text with images. Images are a great way to help encourage a conversation, especially an image you use at the beginning of your post. I know when I’ve used funny pictures like this in the past, I got tons of emails from you and saw a higher time-on-page.


As a writer, I feel my words should be sufficient to explain my thoughts and ideas. But simple pictures can make a stronger connection. I recently discovered this:

Darwin first explored the idea of natural selection by drawing a tree. Jack Kerouac wrote his first novel by drawing his concept out as a mandala. J.R.R. Tolkien couldn’t write without first drawing maps and portraits of his characters. Even J.K. Rowling just said that the first thing she did when she started to write her latest novel was to draw a map of the town in which it took place. ~ Dan Roam

And Kevin Cheng suggests in his book  See What I Mean:

So long as you can draw a stick figure, you’re well on your way to being able to create simple stories that explain your ideas better than any well-crafted words could.

Are we, as writers, too focused on the power of words?

Use transitions

You’ll probably cover multiple subtopics within your blog post, just like you would in a regular conversation. Make sure the transitions are smooth. Using headings isn’t enough. You need to use sentences to create transitions.

Keep learning: Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples


The truth about boring how-to posts

There are no dull products, only dull writers. ~ David Ogilvy

No topic is dull.

No tutorial should be drab.

Learning new things is exciting. Acquiring new skills is invigorating.

Think about your reader and inspire him with your post. Share your knowledge. Entertain him with your humor.

Make him smile and ignite his enthusiasm.


The bottom line

Blogging is a conversation between you and your readers. If you can’t converse with them, you are just talking to them. And as you already know, people prefer conversations…

The next time you write a blog post, consider creating a conversation. Don’t do it just within your introduction, but continue it through your whole post, just like I have done with this one.

How else can you increase the number of people who read your blog posts?

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategy?

Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way.

More reading on social media lessons from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

6 KLM Airlines Marketing Examples for Winning Campaigns

Starbucks Marketing … 9 Ways They Employ Social Media Innovation

Instagram Stats … Lots to Learn From Current Data



9 Great Ways to Improve Your Social Media Design

In the ever-changing landscape of social networking, you might be wondering if you are getting the most out of your business’s social media design.  Here we define social media design as the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think.

–  Edwin Schlosberg

Social media design usually centers on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Company messages, stories, and helpful information spreads from user to user and presumably resonate because it provides relevant, interesting, and/or useful information. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media.

We think of social media as just another marketing channel when we need to instead think of it as the influencer of all channels.

To improve your social media design, you must improve social networking and customer engagement. We have found 9 ways to accomplish these improvements that we use with our clients:

Know as much or more than your audience … valuable content is essential

It is all about quality … quality is much more valuable than quantity

It is about building relationships … meaning conversation is required. Don’t add to the noise

A picture or image … is worth 1000 words. Visual marketing is growing rapidly

Keep your messages … short, simple, and relevant

Define … specific objectives for your campaigns

Measure your accomplishments … against your objectives. Learn and apply to learn

There are NO shortcuts … it requires time and energy

It requires persistence and patience … don’t give up

We are finding more and more businesses are defining meaningful ways to use social media, even if it isn’t always to sell directly.

“Web merchants view social media more as a medium to build up brand awareness and customer loyalty than as a way to drive immediate sales,” says Internet Retailer reporting on its latest survey of 175 companies that sell online.

Survey participants included 85 web-only merchants, 40 consumer brand manufacturers, 34 retail chains, and 16 catalog companies.

Here’s a rundown of the findings by the numbers:

The more success you have with customer engagement via your social media design, either online or off, the better you’re understanding of their needs and priorities.  Having the best customer insights makes it much easier for you to define your next moves and improve your odds of success.

9 Great Ways to Improve Your Social Media Design

In the ever-changing landscape of social networking, you might be wondering if you are getting the most out of your business’s social media design.  Here we define social media design as the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites.

Social media design usually centers on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. Company messages, stories, and helpful information spreads from user to user and presumably resonate because it provides relevant, interesting, and/or useful information. Hence, this form of marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid media.

We think of social media as just another marketing channel when we need to instead think of it as the influencer of all channels.

To improve your social media design, you must improve social networking and customer engagement. We have found 9 ways to accomplish these improvements that we use with our clients:

Know as much or more than your audience … valuable content is essential

It is all about quality … quality is much more valuable than quantity

It is about building relationships … meaning conversation is required. Don’t add to the noise

A picture or image … is worth 1000 words. Visual marketing is growing rapidly

Keep your messages … short, simple, and relevant

Define … specific objectives for your campaigns

Measure your accomplishments … against your objectives. Learn and apply to learn

There are NO shortcuts … it requires time and energy

It requires persistence and patience … don’t give up

We are finding more and more businesses are defining meaningful ways to use social media, even if it isn’t always to sell directly.

“Web merchants view social media more as a medium to build up brand awareness and customer loyalty than as a way to drive immediate sales,” says Internet Retailer reporting on its latest survey of 175 companies that sell online.

Survey participants included 85 web-only merchants, 40 consumer brand manufacturers, 34 retail chains, and 16 catalog companies.

Here’s a rundown of the findings by the numbers:

96 percent say social media campaigns are important to the future of their Internet business; 53 percent label them very important.

90 percent have a Facebook page, 75 percent are active on Twitter and 54 percent use Pinterest

51 percent post videos on YouTube, 9 percent use Google+, and 15 percent leverage Instagram.

The more success you have with customer engagement via your social media design, either online or off, the better you are understanding their needs and priorities.  Having the best customer insights makes it much easier for you to define your next moves and improve your odds of success.

Please share a social media design experience with this community.

Like this short blog?  Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, and stories per week.

 Read more:

8 Popular Social Media Initiatives for Customer Engagement

Social Commerce Business … What Ben and Jerry’s Knows That You Should Know

12 Ways to Build Social Commerce Business through Great Customer Service

How the Types of Social Media Can Benefit Business Marketing

One of our favorite quotes, provenance unknown, is “You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” But how many of us tried explaining social media to non-users, such as our older relatives, or even the C-suite of our companies, and failed to do justice to all its benefits? The challenge is underestimated since the types of social media are in a state of constant flux.

Nowadays, no type of social media is completely isolated from others, as major networks adjust their functionalities to offer more services to their users—recent examples of this include Facebook’s announcement of Place Tips, as well as Pinterest’s acquisition of new advertising technologies. To help you distinguish different types of social media, we highlighted the primary capabilities of different online services and illustrated each with examples of major players.

Relationship networks

You can’t talk about types of social media without first mentioning major networks such as Facebook. While personal relationship networks aren’t the oldest type of social media, they can be called the most defining of them all. These channels were one of the first ones to offer public mini-sites, which later became known as profiles, with extensive information about the user, and most often require them to register with their real name.

Relationship networks allowed us to keep all our communications in one place, on our Walls, Timelines, or private messages, and share updates with our entire networks in one click. They vary from professional relationship networks that help you find work, connect with other professionals in the field, and share recommendations, to romantic relationship networks that help you find single users in your area.

Relationship networks also offer a unique chance for brands to connect to their users on a personal level. These days, it is necessary for most brands to have a Facebook Page or a Twitter account, in order to reach out to their audience online and answer any customer service queries that may arise.

Media sharing networks

This type of social network is defined by the primary type of media shared among users. Facebook and Twitter have amazing video and image-sharing capabilities; however, the majority of posts shared on these channels contain text. For channels such as Flickr or Instagram, however, images are the main focus—users have to choose, upload and edit image files before proceeding with anything else, such as captions or mentions of other users. Similarly, with sites such as YouTube and Vimeo, or apps like Vine and Snapchat, video is the primary mode of communication.

When determining whether or not your business needs to establish a presence on a media-sharing network, it’s important to consider your available resources. If there’s one thing the most successful brands on platforms like YouTube or Instagram have in common, it’s a thoroughly planned mission and carefully designed media assets, usually following a certain theme. To increase your business’s chances of success on media-sharing networks, consult our extensive library of resources.

Online reviews

Location-based review services such as Yelp and Urbanspoon are getting more traction as personal social networks adopt geolocation, and more users choose to consult the Internet along with their friends for recommendations of the best dining spots. There are sites to review anything from hotels, restaurants, or your latest employer—and user reviews have more weight than ever before. Sites like Airbnb and Uber, the biggest service providers in the emerging sharing economy, rely largely on host and driver reviews, respectively, to determine who benefits from the service.

It’s vital for your brand to have the ability to leverage user reviews, whether positive or negative, to maintain client relationships. The Internet is a huge collective knowledge base, and more and more consumers choose to consult public opinion online to determine whether the brand is worth their business. In order to do this in a cost-effective way, select a customer success team member to address reviews on sites relevant to your business. Entrust them with answering any questions or concerns from clients with average or dissatisfactory experiences, and see if there is anything that can be done on your end to turn a possible detractor into a fan. For more on this topic, read our blog posts on how to respond to negative reviews and online reputation management.

Discussion forums

Discussion forums are one of the oldest types of social media. Before we connected to our first university friends on Facebook, we discussed pop culture, and current affairs, and asked for help on forums. Perhaps it’s that unquenchable desire to get a share of collective knowledge that accounts for the wide reach and numerous users on forums such as Reddit. “The front page of the Internet,” as well as other forums like Quora and Digg, seldom require the person’s real name to register and post, allowing for complete anonymity, if desired.

However, while anonymity may be an attractive feature for some users, we don’t recommend that brands adopt it. This defeats the purpose of being present on such a network; your best bet at promoting your business on a forum is by sharing content relevant to a discussion and participating in as many discussions as possible. Be very careful to avoid explicit self-promotion—if you can leave the promotion of your brand to your brand ambassadors.

Both moderators and users on networks such as Reddit are sensitive to advertising disguised as a post, and this can seriously damage the perception of your brand. The best strategy is to offer expertise in your field by joining an existing discussion and linking to an article hosted on your official blog or a how-to video tutorial, for example. You can also go the General Electric route and share cool moments from behind the scenes of your workday, as they did in this cool video.

Social publishing platforms

Social publishing platforms consist of blogs and microblogs, where long and short-form written content can be shared with other users. These platforms range from real-time interaction networks such as Twitter—which, while still officially placed in the category of microblogging platforms, is not normally included in the blogging category by most users—to Medium and Tumblr, which are battling it out for the title of the best interactive social publishing; to more traditional blogging platforms, such as WordPress and Blogger.

While the benefits of Twitter for business are too obvious to recount, a blogging platform is a different story. If your promotion strategy includes content marketing (and if it doesn’t, you might want to consider it), your business can gain visibility by keeping a blog. Not only does a blog help increase awareness of your business and generate more engaging content for your social channels such as Facebook, it can also help carve out a niche for your brand as a thought leader in your industry. If you find the idea of starting a blog as scary as scaling a mountain, here are some steps to help you get to the top:

Bookmarking sites

In the early days of the Internet (think “Hosting your own site on Geocities” era), content discovery online was a difficult task. Nowadays, there is a plethora of interesting, useful, and enlightening content online, and sifting through all of it on your own is simply impossible. Of course, search engines like Google come in very handy when you know what to look for, but when you only have a vague idea of the content you’d like to read or watch, there are bookmarking sites.

These are web services like StumbleUpon, Pinterest, and Flipboard, where users collect content from elsewhere on the Internet, and save it to their account on the platform. This content can be private or public and shared with other users. Often, these bookmarking sites will then suggest content similar to the links or images you have already saved on the network.

First and foremost, businesses can benefit from making their website bookmark-friendly. This entails optimizing the headlines and images on your blog or website for RSS feeds, making them easier to access and read for your audience. Your brand might also benefit from ensuring the articles or videos can be pinned with Pinterest’s browser extension. Finally, pay close attention to the images featured on your site or blog—these are the window displays of Pins, so you want them to be good representations of your content.

Secondly, bookmarking sites are great tools for content curation. You can create your own Pinterest board or Flipboard magazine to sort through the most engaging content on your topic of choice from third-party sources and showcase content from your own blogs.

If your brand uses Hootsuite, you can then add content to your RSS feeds or bookmarking sites such as Pinterest or Flipboard right in your dashboard! Dive into some of our resources if you’re not sure where to start with your Pinterest or Flipboard strategy.

Interest-based networks

One of the most wonderful opportunities presented by social media is the ability to find people with common interests, no matter how niche these hobbies may first appear to be. In addition to Facebook and LinkedIn Groups and Google+ communities, there are whole networks dedicated to the exploration of interest—such as Last. FM for musicians and music lovers, and Goodreads for authors and avid readers.

Keeping an account on one of these interest-based networks may not be a wise use of your brand’s resources—you don’t want to end up with a neglected social media account. However, it’s another story if your customers and social audience all share a common interest, and you know this simply due to the nature of your business.

Such is the case for publishing houses, for example, and their book-loving clients. A hobby or interest-based network is a good place to keep up with current trends among fans of a particular industry or its products.


Last but not least, a big trend emerging across all types of social media is the ability to view and purchase desired goods with a click of a button. Sites such as Polyvore aggregate products from different retailers in a single online marketplace, and services like Etsy allow small businesses and individual crafters to sell their products without an existing brick-and-mortar location. Over the past year, e-commerce elements have been adopted by many networks whose primary functionalities place them in different categories, such as Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook.

Many consumers, especially Millennials, are researching and making their purchases online. If the size of your brand allows it, an online store, or, at the very least, an online catalog is essential to attract Generation Y clients. E-commerce sites and sites with e-commerce capabilities, such as Pinterest, can be a good solution for brands who aren’t currently hosting an online store as part of their website. If your business doesn’t have an e-commerce partnership with a major distributor like Amazon, you may soon be able to incorporate Buy buttons into social networks like Twitter.

Web SEO: 6 Ways to Easily Master Your Local Ranking

Most web SEO strategies focus to improve your site’s visibility; improving your ranking and general visibility online. The main aim of building your online presence is to convert your online audience into loyal customers. While online stores offer opportunities to reach international markets, you cannot ignore local clients.

Web SEO metrics

Clients in your business location are likely to read about your business online and visit your physical stores. Hence, as you build your website’s visibility, you must consider its visibility at the local level. Here are some strategies that will improve your web SEO’s local visibility.

List Your Business in Local Listings and Websites

Ensure that your business is listed in all local directories, newspapers, and websites. Do not ignore social media groups that list local businesses such as Facebook groups. Many of your target clients may use social media listings or discussions to find service providers in their area. After securing a place in all major listings, crosscheck the information to ensure that it includes accurate contact details.

Check if the name, building, specific location, phone number, website, and email address are spelled correctly. Once you have accurate listings, develop a timetable for updating the information on each listing. Many business owners easily forget to update their business information, especially after moving to a new location. The timetable will help you keep the information accurate for your clients.

Web SEO … Build Your Visibility On Social Media

Social media is one of the most powerful tools for building your online presence. While clients have connections in all parts of the world, they tend to form groups and forums based on their location. Hence, your strategy for local visibility must include a comprehensive social media strategy. The plan should include all social media platforms. Ensure that each bio has a link to your website.

Check the links constantly to ensure that they are working. Your focus on each platform should be to increase the number of followers or connections and keep them visiting your accounts or pages. Post relevant content on your website daily and share it on your social media platforms. The content should be relevant and useful to your local clients. Respond to your follower’s comments and queries as fast as possible to keep them engaged.

Hire Experts

You may have handled all your SEO functions internally for years with a certain level of success. However, if your business is still unknown in its location, you may be making some mistakes or applying the wrong strategies. It is always advisable to hire an SEO company to help build your brand visibility unless SEO is your core function.

Work with a reputable SEO company to ensure that you get the most effective and latest tactics in local SEO. You need to vet each company before making a final decision. You can pay a high price and remain at the same level of visibility. Check other clients’ ratings of the company to get an idea of its reliability and professionalism. For instance, you can read online ratings of The HOTH from other clients before hiring their services.

Review Your Website Pages for Local Visibility

If you designed your website for a general online audience, it might be time to review it and include local content. Some of the posts on your website should include local events and information about the area. Include keywords in your post titles with your business name and location. Ensure that all pages have your business contact information including the physical address, telephone numbers, and email.

The same information should appear on the contact page. Ensure that your services or products are outlined on your website. In other words, visitors should identify your services and location easily when on any page of your website.

Encourage Your Clients to Review Your Business Online

After offering your services or selling products to your clients, encourage them to leave honest reviews about your business. You are guaranteed to have some negative reviews, but if you offer quality services or products, most of them will be positive. The goal here is to keep your clients talking about the business on all platforms. Give them an option of posting their comments on your social media pages as well. You can also ask them to email their ratings or reviews and then post them on your website.

Many authentic reviews improve your brand’s visibility on review sites and search engines. Avoid posting false reviews at all costs because they will eventually water down your efforts to build a strong brand. Remember to respond to the reviews. Many business owners ask for reviews and end it at that. Appreciate the feedback and promise to improve your quality or address any issues attached to negative reviews.

Web SEO … Build and Maintain Local Media Coverage

Social media and local listings are great platforms to build your local visibility. Additional platforms include blogs and local media. Local media companies target readers and viewers in the same area where your business is located. All have websites and blogs where they update the locals on the latest events and news. Take advantage of these platforms as well. Start building relationships with media companies to advertise or mention your business on their websites and blogs. Engage local bloggers as well in similar conversations.

Many bloggers review companies in their area as they share local content. Request them to include your business in their reviews and remember to comment on their posts and reviews. Encourage them to include links to your website as long as they run high-ranking blogs or websites.

The bottom line

Business owners can build strong brands online that reach local and international audiences. The secret is to utilize all platforms available to improve their website’s visibility. Selling your products and services to the local market increases your chances of growing your business fast. Local customers are likely to become repeat customers because they can get products from your physical stores without any shipping costs.

Social media, local listings, local media, and blogs are great platforms for building your website’s local visibility. Review your website to ensure that it has accurate information about your business. Also, be proactive in sharing local content and asking customers to review your business online.


Need some help in finding ways to grow your customers?  Such as creative ideas to help the differentiate from potential customers. Or perhaps finding ways to work with other businesses?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.

So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of collaborative innovation. And put it to good use in adapting to changes in your business environment.


It’s up to you to keep improving your learning and experience with innovation and creativity efforts. Lessons are all around you. In this case, your competitor may be providing the ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.

When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.

Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.


 When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing, and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.


Check out these additional articles on business and its performance from our library:

More reading on business technology from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Web SEO … 6 Ways to Improve Your Local Ranking

14 Ways to be Creative on Technology Projects

15 Remarkable Beacon Technology Ideas to Share


Organizing Email Tools: Didn’t Think You Improve Productivity Here?

Email can be overwhelming — especially if you lose control. Happens to me quite often. Have you experienced issues with organizing Email in your day-to-day work? Are you using effective organizing email tools?

organizing email tools
Organizing email tools.

And boy is it easy to lose control. After all, email is one of the top ways we communicate with a lot of the people in our lives, from our best friends to people we’ve never spoken with before.

Many of us get bombarded by new emails on a regular basis. It’s stressful to know that we might be missing out on the truly important stuff amid the flood of less related stuff.

Are communication technologies like Slack, Yammer, and Skype helping us, or just getting in the way? Indeed, they have made it easier to communicate, share information and collaborate with colleagues. However, is all that new communication preventing us from getting important work done?

In a recent article in Harvard Business Review, Bain & Co. partner Michael Mankins estimates that while a typical executive in the 1970s might have received 1,000 messages a year, that number has skyrocketed to more than 30,000 today and argues that we may “have reached the point of diminishing returns.”

inbox management tools
Inbox management tools.

I think just about everyone can see his point. Today, the number of meetings, emails, and IMs we receive can seem overwhelming, and it’s increasingly hard to find uninterrupted quiet time to concentrate. However, the nature of work has changed. The real reason that we communicate more is that today, we need to collaborate more to be effective.

I love to read, learn, and try new things. Like new apps for my smartphone and iPad. Often, I’ll see something that I want to try, save, and connect with other new apps I am using.

There are many apps for workers looking to improve productivity by organizing email like me that can be a big help in this regard. And less wasted time? Yes, superb for that also.

Ponder for a moment … the iPad, Cloud computing, and Apps. A few years ago, they barely existed.  Now they’re an integral part of our lives. That swift journey from nonexistent to indispensable seems to happen a lot these days. But it gives us unlimited access to improve our learning and utility for things like through apps and idea connection.

This makes you think:  What organizing email productivity apps were you not using two years ago that today you can’t imagine living without today?

Luckily, there are a lot of tools out there that can help us get more organized. In this post, we’ll go through our favorite tools for organizing emails in your inbox. Try them out, and help paves your way to a more productive and less stressful email experience.

email management tips
Email management tips.

Organizing email tools …

Price: Free

The first step to relieving your inbox from all that email is to unsubscribe from all the newsletters you’ve subscribed to. But unsubscribing manually from tens, maybe hundreds of newsletters would take forever.

Enter, a free tool that lets you mass unsubscribe from all the newsletters you don’t read. You can either wipe the slate clean and unsubscribe from everything at once, or you can pick and choose.

Email management tools … FollowUpThen

Price: Free; Paid Versions Available

Here’s another simple but useful tool. This tool is for reminding you — and even your clients, if you want — to follow up on specific emails.

Here’s how it works: Compose an email, and then include [any time] in the “Bcc,” “Cc,” or “To” fields of your email. The “anytime” wording here is pretty flexible:

It can be “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” and so on.

What happens to that email when you click “send” depends on where you put that email address:

  • Bcc: You’ll get a follow-up regarding the email (without bothering the original recipient).

  • Cc: The tool will schedule a reminder for you and the recipient.

  • To: The tool will send an email to your future self.

It works for every email client, and it’s free for up to 50 follow-ups per month. You can increase the number of follow-ups and add features like calendar integration for between $2–$9 per month.


Price: Free

IFTTT, short for “If This Then That,” is a fantastic productivity tool. It helps you connect the apps and devices you use every day with “if this, then that” statements. They are also known as “recipes.”

When it comes to inbox productivity, IFTTT can do wonders for automating some of the more tedious, manual tasks. Here are a few of my favorites:

Google Inbox

Price: Free

Google learned a lot about how people use the email from Gmail. Instead of revamping Gmail with these new learnings, they decided to start fresh. Instead, they created an entirely new inbox system: Inbox.

To understand how Inbox works, it’s best to think of it as a task-focused message management tool. Every time an email comes in, you can process each one as a task.

If you’re not ready to respond to an email, you can select “snooze” and tell the app when to display the email again. Or, if the email is something you need to do at a particular location, you can ask Inbox to remind you. Remind you about that message when you’re at a particular location.

Another thing that makes it different from other email apps? It’s mobile-friendly. To use it, you’ll have first to install the mobile app on iOS or Android. Only then can you access Inbox from your desktop browser at

Gmail “Special Stars.”

Price: Free

I couldn’t write a blog post about inbox organization without including my go-to strategy for getting to — and maintaining — inbox zero. This tool isn’t an add-on; it’s a methodology developed by Andreas Klinger. It uses two, built-in features in Gmail: “individual stars” (a slightly fancier labeling system than Gmail labels) and multiple inboxes. Many people have told me it’s changed the way they use email and has made their lives a lot easier. I highly recommend it.

There’s just one, notable caveat: No individual stars other than the yellow star are supported by Gmail’s mobile app, so you won’t be able to see your lists on mobile.


Price: Free for Basic; Paid Versions Available

Boomerang is a powerful tool I’ve been using for years to manage my Gmail inbox. This Chrome extension for Gmail users does two things well:

  1. It lets you schedule emails to be sent later.

  2. It allows you to archive emails that will reemerge in your inbox later as unread messages.

The second concept here is similar to that of FollowUpThen, except you have a lot more control over tracking and changing the times at which emails reemerge in your inbox. It’s free (for Basic) and works on desktop and mobile, including Android.

latest book

Need some help in building better customer insights from your customer engagement? Creative ideas to help grow your customer base?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job of growing customer insights and pay for results.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new insights that you have learned.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.
Check out these additional articles on customer insights from our library:
Lessons from the Yale Customer Insights Conference
Small Business Customer Insights 101
Remarkable Marketing Using These 17 Customer Insight Techniques
A How-to Guide for Small Business Social Media Marketing
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.

Measures of Link Building That Should Be Included In Campaign Reports

One of the first lessons you learn in a marketing classroom is the need to measure link building performance. That is the only way to gauge whether your campaigns are working or not. So, one of the terms you will come across pretty early is metrics.

Think about it much like key performance indicators (KPIs), but there is a difference. KPIs are targets based on your goals to achieve the best result for your strategic decisions. Take the example of getting new organic traffic to your website using link building every month. The metrics support KPIs by measuring performance or progress. So an example would be how many backlinks you managed to get within a set time frame. 

Our article focuses on quality link building and the measures or metrics you need to include in campaign reports. But first, let us explore what link building is.  

Link building is the active process of getting hyperlinks or links, as we will refer to them, from other websites to your own. It sounds like a mouthful, so allow us to break it down. Let’s say you write fantastic articles and occasionally get invitations to guest posts on other sites. That is all good because you most likely have a byline in the article. 

But it gets better if you can place a hyperlink or link. So every time the readers click on the link, it will redirect them back to your site.  

Sounds simple right? Well, the surprising answer is organic link building can be very difficult. Consider it an investment in your brand to get link building services so that the experts take on the job for you. 

Some challenges you can experience without link building knowledge include:-

  • Breaking the Google Webmaster Guidelines on link building. You can incur serious penalties for what the search engine considers link building schemes. These include buying links, linking to low-authority sites, link exchanges, etc. 
  • Indulging in grey or black hat link building practices
  • Linking to low-quality sites
  • Poor internal linking practices
  • Poor content that is not link-worthy etc. 

Do take time to find out more about quality link building. We reiterate this point. Please work with a link building agency or consultant if you don’t know how to go about link building. It saves you the hassle and frustration of doing it wrong. But you also get the benefits of an effective digital marketing tool. 

Increase in Organic Traffic to Your Site

What we did not mention as a challenge is determining the link building metrics. It would be easy to think that getting as many links as possible is the way to go. And we are not disputing that you should aim for that. All while sticking to whitehat link building practices, of course. But there is more you need to measure with quality link building.  

The traffic coming to your website can either be organic or paid. Anyone who understands marketing knows converting organic traffic is easier for one reason. The visitors come to your site because of genuine interest in what you offer. And that is why many brands fight for top rankings on search engines. More visibility makes the chances of searchers clicking on your site higher. 

That is why one of the most important link building measures is organic traffic to your site. That means keeping track of the campaign launch and watching the progress within the specific time frame.

Number of Referring Domains

Remember that the organic traffic may also be due to other campaigns you may be running. So, make sure you indicate when you started the link building campaigns. Identifying whether it contributes to the increase in organic traffic will be easy.  

As we already stated, quality link building is tough. You might think getting a hyperlink to your site is so easy. But it is harder than you think—the quality of your content matters. Also, the site owners may not be receptive to your offer. Thus the earlier suggestion was to outsource link building to the experts. You have to establish relationships, show value to the linking site with your content, etc. 

In the beginning, you might be lucky to get one or two links back to your site. But, effective implementation of organic link building tactics can start to yield positive results. Thus, it is important to have referring domains as a link building metric.  

Time It Takes to Get Links

Now, this point may seem strange. Why should it matter how long it takes to get links as long as you get them right? Well, look at it this way. If you run one kilometer in 10 minutes, two weeks later, you are still running that one kilometer simultaneously. Is there any progress? 

Let’s say it takes you two days to negotiate one link. One month later, the same applies. It clearly indicates that you need to change or improve your link building tactics. You may, for instance, need to change how you pitch to other sites. Or incorporate other methods like maximizing on unmentioned brands or broken link building.  

Strength of the Linking Domain

Does the strength of the linking website matter? The answer would be the same: does it matter the type of people you associate with? You see, you could get ten backlinks every day. But, the linking sites lack value, authority, or quality. Domain authority looks at the likelihood of a website achieving a 1-100 rank on search engines. Some factors to note are:-

  • Number of backlinks
  • Relevance of backlinks
  • Content quality on the site
  • Social signals
  • Root domains
  • SEO performance and more

As you can imagine, sites like Wikipedia, Forbes, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Google My Business rank highly. There are online tools you can use to check domain authority. Linking to low-authority sites will impact your site domain strength. 

Page Strength on the Linking Site

Page strength is pretty similar to domain strength. But the main point here is that it points to specific linking pages on the site. The most popular metric is PageRank, a Google ranking factor. It looks at the quality of the web page and has a big impact on rankings. You should always aim for the highest scale, which is 10.

Many websites’ highest scale or strongest page strength is on the homepage. There will be a significant decline in the following pages. Your aim is to get links from pages with the highest strength. Like in the case of the domain authority, there are tools you can use to check page strength. When looking at metrics, page strength is very important.  

Positive Changes in Google Rankings

Before you launch your organic link building campaigns, check how your posts rank on the search engines. Many brands compete for the top positions with good reason. A majority of online users will not go beyond the first results pages.

Indeed, the best place to be is within the top 3 results. Take advantage of tools like Google Search Console or SEMRush to know your position on the SERPs. If over time, you see an improvement in the ranking, it means your link building campaigns are working. 

When talking about link quality, what do we mean? Think about it this way. Your niche is baby products. But, the linking website is an automotive website. Well, it could be easy to argue that car owners are also parents. But place yourself in the reader’s shoes for a minute. A link about baby diapers will not make sense when searching for automobile parts. The likelihood of clicking on the link is next to zero.

Now, are we saying such a link has zero value? The answer is not at all, especially if it is on a high authority site. But, it is important to link to sites relevant to your niche. You will, for example, get better traction on a website for first-time parents. The target audience would be interested in getting quality diapers.

Link Quality

When talking about link quality, what do we mean? Think about it this way. Your niche is baby products. But, the linking website is an automotive website. Well, it could be easy to argue that car owners are also parents. But place yourself in the reader’s shoes for a minute. A link about baby diapers will not make sense when searching for automobile parts. The likelihood of clicking on the link is next to zero.

Now, are we saying such a link has zero value? The answer is not at all, especially if it is on a high authority site. But, it is important to link to sites relevant to your niche. You will, for example, get better traction on a website for first-time parents. The target audience would be interested in getting quality diapers.

You will have achieved organic link building by targeting relevant sites. So, do include link quality as a measure in your organic link building campaign reports. Over time, you should improve on the type of linking sites you target. 

Link Position

You will have achieved organic link-building by targeting relevant sites. So, do include link quality as a measure in your organic link-building campaign reports. Over time, you should improve on the type of linking sites you target. 

Think about your normal browsing behavior for a minute. How much time do you give every article you read? Many people will only read 20 to 28% of the content on a web page. They also tend to scan for keywords specific to what they want. 

So why should link position be a metric? Well, not many people will pay too much attention to information further down the article. You always want to appear at the top or center. Not only does it work well in terms of trust signals for Google. But, it is also an endorsement that the linking site trusts your link. Over time, you should aim for top link placement within the articles. 

Final Thoughts

Quality link-building can boost your company’s brand-building initiatives. Not only is it effective for getting brand visibility due to positive ranking on search engines. But you also showcase your industry authority and can generate organic traffic to your website. 

Remember, quality link building is not a simple task. That is why we reiterate our only point of outsourcing link building to the experts. 

The Social Media Optimization That Few Are Using: Check It Out

Networked consumers know more than most companies about their products and services. Whether the facts are good or bad, they tell everybody about what they know. Learn how to build creative social media optimization.


Have you had this experience with networked consumers? Certainly, motivates you to know about social media marketing, doesn’t it?

More to learn: Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples

creative social media marketing
Creative social media marketing.

What is social media?

“Social media” is a way for people to communicate and interact online. While it has been around since the dawn of the World Wide Web, in the last ten years or so we’ve seen a surge in both the number and popularity of social media sites. It’s called social media because users engage with (and around) it in a social context, which can include conversations, commentary, and other user-generated annotations and engagement interactions.

What to study now:

More reading on social media lessons from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples

Best Social Media Campaigns … How to Improve with These Tips

How Small Businesses Win Benefits of Social Media Marketing

7 Favorite Social Media Examples to Learn From

What the Heath Brothers Persuasive Techniques Teach Us


Publishing content has become exponentially simpler over the last several years, which has helped skyrocket the use of social media. Non-technical web users are now able to easily create content on a rapidly growing number of platforms, including those that are owned (hosted communities, blogs, etc.), rented (social networks or third-party communities), and occupied (commenting, contributing, etc.).

For businesses, the shift in web consumerism and an accompanying rise in social media bring excellent opportunity. The real magic lies in the ability to grow lasting and scalable relationships with your organization’s customer base through social media. Whether your business is listening and engaging or not, customers are having conversations relevant to your operations. It’s better to be part of the conversation, right?

Using creative social media marketing can enable small businesses to look to further their reach to more customers. Your customers are interacting with brands through social media, therefore, having a strong social media presence on the web is the key to tapping into their interest. If implemented correctly, marketing with social media can bring remarkable success to your business.

Why does my company need social media?

Whether you are running a small, local operation, or heading a global, enterprise-level effort, the statistics above make it clear: Your customers are online. They are interacting on social channels with their friends, colleagues, and other brands in search of information, recommendations, and entertainment. If your company is not around to answer, a competitor will be. In doing so, your competitor will quite likely take away the customer at hand, along with anyone else listening.

There are tons of opportunities to add value and making that connection can help build a person’s relationship with a company, brand, or representative. Those relationships create the foundation for what can eventually become one of your greatest marketing assets: customer advocacy.

The transition from a passive web to an interactive web has brought with it many changes affecting how individuals connect with one another and also how businesses operate. At this stage in the game, it’s fair to say that a web presence is critical to the success of a business. You can’t get ahead if you’re ignoring your customer’s online conversations or opt to look the other way.

Use this opportunity to get closer to your audience than ever before—reach more people in a genuine and authentic manner, drive more qualified site traffic, increase the authority of your brand, engage the people who influence your customers’ behavior, and gain the data necessary for insights-based business decisions.

Maybe a better question is, why wouldn’t your company use social media?

Social media optimization … create community engagement

Social media community involvement? What does it mean to your business? Dialog with customers for sure. What about reading your content and remembering it? Appreciating your help. We believe it is all of these things.

Have you ever thought about how you should build active social media community engagement?

This task starts with what customers want and need. Most people want to: feel needed, valued, appreciated, fulfilled, share emotions, laugh and be happy, succeed, and be inspired. Make them feel something that feels unique to what other brands are blasting at them. To do this, you must know who your community is. You must know how to catch and hold their attention.

So let’s examine our recommended game plan to build an active social media community engagement:

social media campaign examples
Social media campaign examples.

Win the first impression battle

What are you doing to make their first 30 seconds on your platform useful and worth their attention? If you can’t answer this question, you need to start here. First impressions are everything.

Be human

Humanize your brand. Realize that your brand is everything about you from what you tweet to how you respond to comments on Facebook. Don’t hide your employees. Let them shine and be a living, breathing representation of your brand.


Be patient yet persistent

You aren’t going to capture your community overnight or on the first day you launch any social media site. Building and launching an integrated online community takes time. Give yourself and your team the time to do it right. Have patience and persistence. Slow down and do it right, and at the end of the game, you’ll be the winner, guaranteed.


Connect Emotionally

Make them feel.  If you want to grab my attention on G+, make me laugh. Make me cry. Make me feel something, anything. When I have a super busy day, and I am replying to posts I have no choice due to the amount of them and time constraints but to choose where and when I am going to respond. It is a natural choice for me.

I respond to the people who grab my attention. The people who are nice, who make me feel good. The people who are genuine. The people who make me laugh, playing the emotional card.

Focus on relationships

The life of social media is people. Guys like you and me. People who laugh, cry, get mad, go crazy, get married, divorced, have kids, lose family members, win jobs, lose jobs, get promotions, win new clients, get new opportunities, have fun, play hard and work hard. Offer value to the people in your community with the goal of building real relationships. Offer value and knowledge.

Inspire them

Inspire your communities to connect with you with a foundational goal of achieving their objectives. Inspire, Connect, Achieve. To do this, you must know their aims and goals. You must know them. When you know your audience, then you can know how you can help them be better. How can you assist them to learn? How can you support them to go faster? Work smarter? Be smarter? Share more valuable information with their colleagues, clients, partners, and friends.  Figure these answers out and use them to help.

 Teach them

What knowledge can you share with them that will make them smarter? How can your experience drive real efficiency in their life or business? Share your best stuff, not just the same old, same old you wrote two years ago that is overused and oversold, by everyone everywhere.


Make it easy

People want to connect. They don’t want to be spammed at every opportunity. Give them a chance to engage with you, your brand, and your team. Be available. Open up your comment stream on your blog. Listen and be relevant and responsive.


The most important thing you can do to create an active engagement is to listen carefully. Listen with a goal to understand. The bottom line, listen more than you talk. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn about your audience when you shut up and listen.


In summary, building a positive social media community engagement is very similar to making friends. Keep it simple and be genuine.


Use engagement to build relationships

And social media and commerce are all about building relationships. Social media gives a business or brand the ability to turn communication into interactive social conversations. Anyone eager to create an online presence can take static or one-way communication and transform it into a vibrant, dynamic, and energetic conversation. Ones that trust and relationships are built from.

Social media opens the door to deeper, more meaningful conversations; allowing businesses to share meaningful, relevant messages consumers seek and all in real-time.

Before we get to these great ideas to create or improve social conversations, let’s first review some frequent misconceptions about social media. Social media is NOT:

About being on Facebook. Or Twitter. Those are platforms and not the end state. The end state is about customer engagement.

About being a big brand. When creating social conversations, the size of the business doesn’t matter.

About being the first mover in adopting new technology. That has value, but is it what you want your customers to talk about? We think not.

To create meaningful social conversations, you must first open the lines of communication. Below are 15 ideas for creating social media conversations that captivate and inspire your online community!

Customer retention

It is less costly to keep existing customers than to find new ones. So focus conversations on current clients. They are not all alike either, so watch for your priorities.

Think stories

Reflect on the stories that you were told as children. They are etched into our subconscious. Use pictures and videos to tell your stories in creative new ways. Ways that will be remembered and talked about. Stories are sticky.

 Think service

Always put your priority on your service, not your products.

Company culture

Every successful brand has a particular culture. One that relates to the brand’s personality. And yes, of course, a brand has a distinctive character. Decide what personality you want for your brand and build your culture around it.

Keep it simple

It’s hard to be heard above all the noise in the marketplace. So grab attention and hold it with simple messages.

What do you want customers to remember?

Plan your conversation topics on the interests of your most valuable customers. It’s not about you and rarely about your business. Will your conversations be remarkable enough to be talked about? That is your goal.

 Monetary value or conversation value?

Here is the question. Who are your most valuable customers? The ones that spend the most? Or the ones that create the newest customers for you? It turns out that both are needed. Target both.

Random acts of kindness

Nothing works better than a simple surprise act of kindness. Do something that will make a difference and be talked about.


Relationships are key

Social media is all about building and exploring customer relationships. Continually look for new ways to engage. Remember engagement is a two-way street.

Happy customers

It turns out that the most satisfied customers drive retention and conversations. Are you committed to making your customers happy?

Offline conversations

Remember that 80-90 % of conversations happen offline. So pay attention to customer conversations in the store.

Manage expectations

Do more than customers expect … but don’t go overboard.

Everything business is conversations

Create interesting topics that are conversation-worthy. Plan ahead and stay up on interesting and current themes in the media.



Use techniques that permit customer collaboration. Ask for their definite opinions and recommendations. Set up simple polls and opinion surveys on topics of customer interest.

Pilot projects

Try new ideas as pilot projects on a small scale often. What works build out in scale?


Social media optimization techniques … employee traits and skills you will need

The most important part of social media marketing? It is social … hands down. A difference maker for future success, no doubt.

What skills, though, do successful social media marketers have that put these individuals above the average social media user, and better yet, above the traditional marketer? Authenticity? Personality? Market knowledge?

Your personality traits have a lot to say about your social ability. Just as your personality, as well as social ability, have a lot to say about your social media marketing.

Our vote for the most important type of marketing? Word of mouth marketing hands down. And the best channels to create word-of-mouth marketing?  Social media again hands down. An excellent way to get attention in a crowded marketplace. Seth knows.

To us, it’s clear that it takes a certain type of person to manage social channels. From leading attacks on your brand/company to interacting with people on a daily basis, being on social media requires some specific traits.

Here are 14 traits, skills, and characteristics of highly effective social media marketers and some tips to help you rock like them:


From always reading about new trends and happenings in your industry to learning about your audience, curiosity is critical for a successful social media marketer. In this type of position, it’s important to know as much as you possibly can about your brand, your industry, and the audience you’re catering to.

Build trust

Be honest in your communications at all costs. Trust is very hard to earn back once lost. It is the basis for good relationship building.


Innovation adds ‘flavor’ to your skills and makes them adaptable. Be innovative to stand out above the noise.

Sense of humor

Adding humor to marketing is a cool way of saying “we are a friendly business.” It makes your marketing memorable. Gives your brand a distinct personality and yields valuable results.


Never be pushy, and know the path to the social media community takes time. Be patient yet persistent with all your marketing goals.


Demonstrate both the ability to make news as well as create effective curation; rarely be predictable yet always consistently adding value.


Don’t create a feeling of ego. Be genuine and humble at all times.


Nurturing style

Avoid a selling style. Always aim to be relentlessly helpful to customers.


Practice continuous networking, both online and off. Use many channels to connect. Your goal is to optimize relationship building.

Listener and learner

People usually have something to say, so listen and show appreciation or let them know you are working on it. Never put down or ignore negative feedback. Listen, asks the right questions, then listen intently some more. Continuously study and learn from customer insights.


Recognize the consistency of engaging customers promptly. Right on it when clients ask questions or give comments.


Stay open-minded and always eager to recognize and share the work of others.


Do you avoid creating a feeling of ego? At all costs, no question. Be genuine and honest.

Writing skills

Create copy that is imaginative as well as provocative. Write with confidence and humility. Be humorous at times but be sure you are taken seriously.


Know the importance of continuous networking both online and off. It is the core of social media marketing after all. Use many channels to connect as your followers can be found everywhere.

   More and more businesses are defining important initiatives to use social media. And guess what … the best uses aren’t to sell.

Let’s examine some of the more common customer engagement initiatives many businesses are using:

 Soliciting Opinions

What charities to support

Asking about favorite flavors or products

What they would like to see on social media pages

Likes and dislikes

Collaborating on product/service design


 Voting on Most Favorite Things

A moment in Michael Jordan’s career

Most the scary roller coaster


New design features


social media campaigns
Social media campaigns.

Co-creation of Products / Services

Ad Campaigns

Outfit design combinations

Facebook page


New Application Introduction / Usage

Creating customized holiday cheer cards

Ordering products (even for local delivery)

Local store locator


Use of Videos

Live events, such as fashion shows

Product demos, do-it-yourself tips

Game clips

Local, and regional activities



Weekly giveaways




New product introduction

There is considerable creativity in the use of social media by many companies, with excellent engagement results.

If you are not taking advantage of social media marketing strategy for consumer engagement, you are missing a great opportunity to create/build customer relationships for you and your brand. Why not put some of these ideas to use and gain valuable feedback and customer insights?

Guidelines for your business staff

The greatest danger of participating in online social media? Just like Stephen Hawking says … It is an illusion of knowing what you are doing. And that can be very dangerous, yes? Therefore we believe it is critical to guide all employees using a social media employee handbook. Here we create some employee guideline tips for your consideration.

Every day, people discuss and debate our company and brand in online conversations. We recognize the vital importance of participating in these online conversations and are committed to ensuring that we participate in online social media with excellence.

This Social Media Employee Guide has been developed to help empower employees to take part in this new marketing and communications, represent our company, and share the optimistic and positive spirits of our brand. It is intended to outline how employees should be engaged in the online social media space and to guide their participation. , both when you are participating personally, as well as when you are acting on behalf of the company.

We encourage all employees to explore and engage in social media communities at a level at which they feel comfortable. Have fun, but be smart. The best advice is to approach online worlds in the same way we do the physical ones – by using sound judgment and common sense, by adhering to our values, and by following a Code of Business Conduct.


Know that the Internet is permanent

Once information is published online, it is essentially part of a permanent record, even if you “remove/delete” it later or attempt to make it anonymous. If your complete thought, along with its context, cannot be squeezed into a character‐restricted space (such as Twitter), provide a link to an online space where the message can be expressed completely and accurately.

 Keep records

It is critical to keep records of interactions in the online social media space and monitor the activities of those with whom we engage. Because online conversations are often fleeting and immediate, it is important for you to keep track of them when you’re officially representing the company.

Remember that online company statements can be held to the same legal standards as traditional media communications. Keep records of any online dialogue about the enterprise and your social media engagement.


Remember that local posts can have broad significance

The way that you answer an online question might be accurate in some parts of the world, but inaccurate (or even illegal) in others. Keep that “worldview” in mind when you are participating in online conversations.


 Don’t share business confidential information

Do not publish, post, or release information that is considered confidential or not public. If it seems sensible, it probably is. Do not discuss numbers and other sales figures (non-public financial or operational information), strategies and forecasts, legal issues, or future promotions/activities. Do not post any merchandise pricing information or comparisons.

 When in doubt, do not post

Employees are personally responsible for their words and actions, wherever they are. As online spokespeople, you must ensure that your posts are completely accurate and not misleading. Exercise sound judgment and common sense, and if there is any doubt, DO NOT POST IT.

In any circumstance in which you are uncertain about how to respond to a post, ask someone responsible for social media and communications.

Never hesitate to ask anytime.

Be responsible for your work

The company understands that employees engage in online social media activities at work for legitimate purposes and that these activities may be helpful for the business. However, the company encourages all employees to exercise sound judgment and common sense to prevent online social media sites from becoming a distraction at work.

Give credit where credit is due and don’t violate others’ rights

DO NOT claim authorship of something that is not yours. If you are using another party’s content, make certain that they are credited for it in your post and that they approve of you utilizing their content. Do not use the copyrights, trademarks, publicity rights, or other rights of others without the necessary permissions of the authors.

Be mindful that you are representing the business

As a representative of the firm, it is important that your posts convey the same positive, optimistic spirit that the company instills in all of its communications. Be respectful of all individuals, races, religions, and cultures; how you conduct yourself in the online social media space not only reflects on you – it is a direct reflection on the company.

Fully disclose your affiliation with the company

The business requires all employees who are communicating on behalf of the company to always disclose their name and their affiliation. It is never acceptable to use aliases or otherwise deceive people. State your relationship with the Company from the outset, e.g., “Hi, I’m Mike Schoultz, and I work for Digital Spark Marketing.”

This disclosure is equally important for any agency/vendor/partner/third party who is representing the company online. They must disclose that they work “with Digital Spark Marketing Agency.”

Follow our Code of Business Conduct and all other company policies.

Our Code of Business Conduct provides the foundation for these Online Social Media Principles: “As a representative of [the Company], you must act with honesty and integrity in all matters.” This commitment goes for all forms of social media. Also, several other policies govern your behavior as a Company spokesperson in the online social media space, including the Information Protection Policy and the Insider Trading Policy.

Be a “scout” for compliments and criticism

Even if you are not an official online spokesperson for the company, you are one of our most vital assets for monitoring the social media landscape. If you come across positive or negative remarks about the brand online that you believe are important, consider sharing them by forwarding them to your marketing organization.

Let the subject matter experts respond to negative posts

You may come across negative or disparaging posts about the company or brand, or see third parties trying to spark negative conversations. Unless you are a certified online spokesperson, avoid the temptation to react yourself. Pass the post(s) along to company spokespersons that are trained to address such comments.

 Be conscious when mixing your business and personal lives

Online, your personal and business personas are likely to intersect. The market respects the free speech rights of all of its employees, but you must remember that customers, colleagues, and supervisors often have access to the online content you post.

Keep this in mind when publishing information online that can be seen by more than friends and family, and know that information originally intended just for friends and relatives can be forwarded on. Remember to be aware that taking public positions online that are counter to the business’s interests might cause conflict.

 In conclusion, remember this:

The purpose of your to become more actively involved with social media is to find additional opportunities to connect with customers and share information with them that they enjoy receiving. As a front-line salesperson, or any employee for that matter, this should just be another valuable tool that will help you further accomplish that goal—but it shouldn’t take away from the critical person-to-person contacts that you will continue to make each day.

Remember the quote, garbage in, garbage out? Well, it certainly applies to marketing messages.


Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your clients?


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that struggle gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. 


More reading on social media lessons from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Best Social Media Campaigns … How to Improve with These Tips

How Small Businesses Win Benefits of Social Media Marketing

What the Heath Brothers Persuasive Techniques Teach Us


Like this story?   Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn   for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.

Online Social Networks: 5 Lessons from the New Pros in Town

It is an amazing fact … social media has been with us for over a decade now. So there are many online social network lessons to be learned. New ones are being created every day.

The networked markets know more than companies do about their products, and whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.

-The Cluetrain Manifesto

Businesses have seized upon this as it matured and in 2013 according to a CMO survey by Duke University is 6.6% of marketing budgets (about $4.6 billion in dollar terms) and is expected to climb to nearly 16% over the next five years. So social media is still a small part of digital and marketing budgets. But in reality, it has just begun.

Related post: Social Media Campaigns to Stimulate Learning

In the last decade, social media has come a long way as a marketing channel. Marketers of all stripes continually test the limits of online engagement and transparency. Brands of all shapes and sizes are developing a true online voice and seeing positive, bottom-line results.

Online social networks lessons … social media quickstarter

But there are many new avenues being explored. Some events seem small but will be significant social media marketing lessons for us all. One of those events happened in December 2013. It was when Beyonce launched her latest album with an update on Instagram just captioned as “Surprise”. It was a small but significant lesson.

Normally millions are spent on traditional media. Lady Gaga hyped her latest album by spending millions on bus advertising, billboards, and two pop-up stores and performed countless interviews. The result. She sold 305,000 copies in 2 weeks.

But Lady Gaga and Beyonce are also known for focusing on building long-term personal connections with their fans over short-term revenue. Even though they could have played bigger venues early in her career (after all, the demand was there), they wanted to play small venues so that she could connect with the audience.

Online social networks … marketing lessons

In her book “Monster Loyalty: How Lady Gag Turns Followers into Fanatics” Jackie Huba states:

“Many marketers would kill to have Lady Gaga as their ‘product’ to sell versus having to sell toilet paper or laundry detergent. Her catchy songs, crazy stage performances, and wacky outfits make her unique and buzz-worthy. But I believe it is Lady Gaga’s ability to remain singularly focused on maintaining the fan base that has made her as successful as she is today. This is what sets her apart from the traditional way of doing business and where traditional businesses can learn the most from her success.”

Beyonce, who has 8 million Instagram followers and over 53 million fans on Facebook decided to go a different route, going straight to her fans. It was launched directly to iTunes and social media. She invoked the power of “World of Mouth” … the best marketing approach.

Her results:

It sold 828,000 copies in 3 days.

Twitter reported 1.2 million Tweets in 12 hours.

It was the largest single week ever in the Apple iTunes store.

It was iTunes fastest-selling album worldwide.

A sign of things to come in social media?

The album had been in design and production for over 18 months and had high visibility.

Keep learning: 7 Favorite Social Media Examples to Learn From

So what is the significance for the average small business person you may ask? The implications for marketers and small businesses go beyond a celebrity with millions of social media followers.

The bottom line

You may be not a Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or a famous singer but the lessons they have shown us are certainly there. Start building your “own” digital assets. The world has changed. It is digital, and it is social. Take control of your digital future and build your online assets and authority. Start today.

Grow your social networks now. The priorities are still, for the most part, Facebook and Twitter. It will also depend on the demographic, audience personas, media preferences, and industry. It will also be determined by whether you sell to businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C).

And it goes without saying that you need to know your target customers and where they are in the digital realm. So you will also need to consider Instagram,  Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, Slideshare, and YouTube. It will also be determined by whether you sell to businesses (B2B) or consumers (B2C).

Create the best content you can. Repurpose it in a range of media including visuals. Publish and promote it everywhere on social media. Don’t forget your other digital assets. This includes a blog, search engine optimization, building your email subscriber list, and being consistent and regular with content creation. It also means using content marketing in your mix.

Boost your marketing with paid and targeted advertising. It doesn’t have to be expensive. You may need to get marketing traction fast and can’t wait to build social networks from day one. It sounds rather daunting, doesn’t it? But to remain relevant on the social web and to build online authority you have no choice.

latest book


Remember this: the future of marketing belongs to brands that not only understand their customer advocates but go the extra mile to build personal connections with their biggest fans and nurture an authentic, long-term relationships with them.

What do you wish to accomplish today?

So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of social media and word-of-mouth marketing. And put it to good use.


It’s up to you to keep improving your social media marketing efforts.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.

When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.

Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.

When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy to innovating your social media strategy?

Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. 


More reading on social media lessons from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

Visual Marketing … 15 Remarkable Content Examples

Best Social Media Campaigns … How to Improve with These Tips

How Small Businesses Win Benefits of Social Media Marketing

What the Heath Brothers Persuasive Techniques Teach Us


Like this story?   Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, and stories per week.

How To Make Your TikTok Page Thrive in 2022

Earlier even the social media marketing specialists thought that they cannot affect TikTok as a platform in any shape or form – success on it was claimed a pure fortune, and everybody was just filming TikToks without even thinking about what might help them to succeed. Today we know quite a lot and there are tools that successful specialists are using; in this article, we will review how to make your TikTok page thrive and will also give you the right order in which you should use all of those methods.

We will be reviewing the possibility to buy TikTok followers as the initial base and booster for your page, and an influence PR as the regular support and will also give you several little life hacks on how to figure out what to film and how to reach your target audience. Let’s start with the free services.

What’s here for you for free?

To begin with, you have to figure out how to find your target audience and how to make them stay with you and watch all of the TikToks that you make. There are no easy ways here, unfortunately, all of them will take some time and some effort from you. However, if we’re talking about the easiest method in terms of understanding, it is following the trends and watching what kind of people are going to like what is best on your page.

You can study all the trends that are actually right now, pick the ones that you find suitable to your theme, and film TikToks. Then wait. Then see how many people watched what and what kind of people it was. What’s their age, what’s the location, and what are their interests – although these might be different, there should be something that unites them.

When you have somehow figured out the main tendencies of your target audience, you can proceed to try to develop your page. If you aren’t yet here for investments, you can try to find free mutual PR: look up the TikTokers who have nearly the same number of viewers as you do and offer them to work together. It will work if both of you try to sell some kind of services or products (or content) via TikTok videos; you can tell about them in your clips and they can tell about you in theirs. It is mutually beneficial and can help you to make a big leap in the influx of subs.

What’s here if you’re ready to invest?

Well, we can certainly recommend you the cheapest promotional tool which is at the same time very efficient if done right: you can buy real TikTok followers for your page to impress the people who will find your page randomly. Imagine yourself in the position of these people: would you rather follow the page that has tons of subs and tons of likes or a half-empty profile?

We think the answer is obvious. If you’re here to gain quick results, a chance to purchase authentic subs is everything you need.

The bottom line

Now you know that TikTok is not just pure fortune – there are certain mechanisms and tools that you can use to affect your own success on this platform. Don’t hesitate to invest a little into your own future success though: if you’d take on high-quality services, trust us on this one, the payback is surely going to amaze you.