5 Elements for Creating Optimized Content

Creating optimized content is a key component in the digital marketing sphere. The practice of content marketing has shown to significantly impact the growth of businesses through an increase in the customer base and audience.

The truth is, not many brands understand content creation and how much of an asset it is. Before publishing any piece of content on your blog, website, or social media, you need to consider it’s purpose.

Steve Jobs liked to say that it’s not enough to kill bad ideas, you have to kill good ones too.  That’s because a good strategy is about making choices and it takes more than intelligence or even instinct, it takes discipline, one of Jobs’ most overlooked qualities.

Marketing strategy is particularly difficult because, as I’ve noted before, the rules have changed.   A generation ago, brands mostly strove to create buzz and “drive awareness,” now they need to build compelling experiences that keep consumers engaged.

However, the old tasks have not gone away.  We still need to run TV ads and in-store promotions, man conference booths, and hand out brochures, but now on top of that, we have a whole new world of algorithms, apps, and devices to master.  To meet the new challenges, we need a new strategic approach, a new mindset, and new organizations.

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Content can be confusing. It’s tough to get people to agree exactly what it is and isn’t.  Much like an eminent jurist once said about pornography, you know it when you see it, but that is hardly a working definition.

To make things even more difficult, content requires intense integration of diverse capabilities.  Creativity, storytelling, information technology, user experience, and other skills all must come together to build an effective product that touches hearts and minds.

The core challenge for any organization which seeks to build great content is that the capabilities and skills that need to be integrated come with people attached.

Are you looking to educate your audience? Generate leads? Drive engagement? To create purposeful and relevant content, you need to know all you can about content optimization.

What is content optimization?

It’s simple. Content optimization is the process of improving the performance of your site’s assets through SEO, creative design,  enhanced user experience, and conversion optimization.

Here are 5 important elements to help you create optimized content.

1             Keyword research

Keyword research should always precede content creation. From your research, you’ll identify the keywords searched for by users that relate to your chosen topic. This knowledge would be essential in helping you create content that aligns with the public’s interest.

2                   Title tag

From your keyword research, you’ll identify a group of words that need to feature in your content. Among these is one that will serve as your main keyword. To create a perfectly optimized title tag, you must place your main keyword at the start and keep the title tag within 60 characters.

Get this right and you’ll have increased the CTR for any content you publish.

3                   Images and video

According to HubSpot, about 80% of marketers have noticed increased dwell time on their website due to videos. This foregrounds the crucial role that images and videos play in creating optimized content.

Not only do they make your content more visually appealing and easy to consume, but they also keep users more engaged.

4                   Readability

How well is your content structured? Now, it should come as no news to you that the average reader has no time to read your published piece, word for word. As our attention span gets shorter, you have an obligation as a content creator to optimize your content for both in-depth and skim readers. Embolden the more eye-catching parts.

Break up your sentences and long paragraphs. Using images and videos will help to improve the readability of your content as well.

5                   Mobile-friendly layout

Research shows that mobile devices account for half of the global web traffic. With half of your users browsing on their mobiles, you need to follow mobile-first practices when creating content rather than only focusing on a desktop layout.

Find out how your content displays on mobile devices and resolve whatever issues that may come up. If you want to create optimized content, you must offer users the best web experience while they’re on your page.

The bottom line

Deliver the message with both supreme confidence and self-deprecating humor. Be a man who is unafraid.

So, be bold. There is something there. Just a small observation that meant something to me and I hope it means something to you.

Content favors the bold. Bold makes you pay attention.

Various other elements go into content optimization. With a clear idea of what you intend to achieve through the published content and the needs of your intended users in mind, you can implement the tools necessary to create and publish perfectly optimized content on the web.