The Zen of Distinguishing Your Leadership Behaviors

A great quote can provide personal inspiration and can be used to educate others. We like to open most of our blogs with an enlightening quotation that relates to the topic. Distinguishing your leadership behaviors is one area of consistent interest to us.

I was raised to believe I could become whatever I bothered to learn. No single idea has served me better

Ever wondered how the best leaders handle distinguishing their leadership behaviors so effortlessly? The truth is, most highly successful people do stumble, worry, and doubt themselves, just like the rest of us. But they are very good at mastering the way they are perceived. 

Zen teaches that the potential to achieve enlightenment is inherent in everyone but lies dormant because of ignorance. It is best awakened not by the study of scripture or the practice of good deeds, but by breaking through the boundaries of mundane logical thought. The ability to distinguish your leadership behaviors certainly breaks through these boundaries.

I have been in the military and business world for forty years and often get asked what I believe are the most important leadership behaviors. It takes time and practice to be a top-line leader. You are not borne with leadership behaviors. And you are never done developing them.

My experience leads me to this list of xx business leadership behaviors that most successful leaders all share. They rank as the most significant to success as a leader in my perspective.

If you want to be a better leader, work on continuously distinguishing this list of leadership behaviors:


People believe in those leaders that stand strong through adversity.

Inspire and motivate

No matter how good you are, you will only be as successful as your team. So, getting the most from each team member is critical. We call this a multiplier leader. Multiplier leaders know the importance of bringing out the smarts and capabilities in everyone around them. Great leaders inspire motivation and learning.  They create environments where learners feel empowered, impassioned, and engaged. 


People trust the clear and mistrust the ambiguous.


People like to be around people with whom they have relationships.

Boost team self-esteem

We have written about employee attitude and engagement on several occasions. Employee attitude is so critical that it can’t be overemphasized. It trickles down from employers. Your business can never be what it can be if you don’t focus on employee happiness.

Leaders should make employees feel good about themselves. It is something all people crave. Constantly criticizing and pointing out the flaws in an employee is a surefire way to decrease morale and performance.


People love to see things done in a consistent way. They like to know what to expect.


People take notice of those who do what is right over what is easy.


 People need leaders who communicate a clear and compelling vision of the future.

Continuous learning

People always put more confidence in those who continually expand their skills and talents. Especially those who share their know-how in these new talents.


People always respond to great results.


Many leaders are intolerant of others who might do things differently or at a pace the leader finds unacceptable. Action-oriented leaders may have a tendency to jump to conclusions before things are thought through. The lack of patience can manifest itself as anger or decisions that aren’t fully thought through. The most effective leadership behaviors reflect patience.

Live your strengths

Good leaders coach what makes you effective so you can tap into those skills at any time.

Guide talent

Coach your teams and develop their future paths. People respond favorably to leaders offering help.


People put faith in those who care the most beyond themselves.

Guide teamwork

People love working as part of great teams. They appreciate leaders who coach teamwork and develop their future paths.


People appreciate a more magnetic and memorable communicator.

Inspire change

Many people don’t do well with change. They do favorably respond to leaders who explain the need for change.

Remove barriers

People are frustrated with obstacles and barriers. They appreciate leaders who continually focus on removing them.

Pay attention to the bottom line: the best leaders help their people succeed.