Learn and Keep Pushing from These Motivators

Thoughts are powerful, and negative thoughts can prevent you from achieving your goals. The flip side is that positive thoughts can be just as powerful. The next time you feel unmotivated, use any of these 35 positive thoughts to keep pushing and reenergize yourself. Really: They work!

There’s no perfect plan. There are some definite flaws in your plan — but there are in every plan.

Everybody starts somewhere. Nobody is born successful. Everyone starts somewhere, and usually from the bottom.

Everybody starts somewhere. Nobody is born successful. Everyone starts somewhere, and usually from the bottom.

It can only get better. If it’s hard at first, it can only get easier.

I can do anything. It’s a simple phrase, but it helps to remind yourself — you really can do anything you set your mind to.

This is why I can. Instead of giving yourself reasons why you can’t do something, give yourself reasons why you can.

It’s never too late. No matter how old you are or how many opportunities you’ve passed up before, it’s never too late to make a decision and get a fresh start.

There will always be challenges. No matter what you do in life, there will always be challenges — don’t let one set get the better of you.

There’s no perfect plan. There are some definite flaws in your plan — but there are in every plan.

Everybody starts somewhere. Nobody is born successful. Everyone starts somewhere, and usually from the bottom.

It can only get better. If it’s hard at first, it can only get easier.

Failure is temporary. If you failyou’re in good company — most successes come only after several rounds of failure.

Mistakes are learning opportunities. If you mess up, you can only become better for it.

Everything has to be earned. You can’t get anything in this life unless you work hard for it.

Action is a better regret than inaction. Making the wrong decision is always preferable to regretting never having done anything at all.

I don’t need anyone’s permission. If people think you’re crazy, so be it.

I’m in control of my own destiny. You can decide whom you want to become.

The risk is worth it. Know that risks are real, but the potential benefits are worth them.

Related: The 10 Biggest Motivation Killers and How to Fix Them 

Discipline feels better than regret. Discipline is hard, but it’s easier to deal with than regret.

Many good ideas seem crazy or impossible at first. Yours is no different.

Experience is always valuable. Even if your mission doesn’t turn out the way you’d expected, you’ll walk away with experience.

Every day counts. Today, tomorrow and the next day are all steps toward your end goal.

There is no problem that can’t be overcome. Everything can be solved or worked around.

Everything can be improved. Even if you start out rough, you can always make improvements to your approach.

I can learn whatever I need to know. Free resources are plentiful.

I can master whatever I need to do. Practice can make you good at anything.

I know what I want. Know what your end goals are, and visualize them.

Trying and failing is better than doing nothing. This is universally true.

I can’t win unless I try. Effort is the only way to get results.

I’m better than I was yesterday. You’re older, wiser and more experienced than you’ve ever been before.

Nothing great happens overnight. Work and patience are your friends.

I’ll reward myself when I’m done. Even small rewards can be great motivators.

There are always more chances. If you screw up, you can always try again.

If nothing else, this will make for a good story. You’ll walk away with great memories and interesting anecdotes.

What do you think? Do you have anything to add based on your experience?