How to Raise Environmental Awareness at Your Office

In this day and age, being eco-conscious is more important than ever before, especially since we’re already starting to see the consequences of global warming. This is also why it’s no longer enough to just recycle from time to time – we all need to do our part, and we all need to inspire others to do theirs. Therefore, here are a few ways in which you can raise environmental awareness at your office.

Environmental awareness is a critical issue.

Conserve energy within the office

Your computers use energy even when they are turned off, so make sure to unplug them after the work hours. Many people neglect phantom energy, but the truth is that what sounds like a negligible amount can become much more noticeable at the end of the month.

So, it might be a good idea to install a switch that would cut the power from all computers when you’re done working. Moreover, make sure everybody knows to turn the lights off when leaving an empty room and unplug the kitchen appliances when not in use.

conserve energy
Be wise and conserve energy.

Reduce the amount of paper you use

If most of your work is done on computers, try to keep your office paper-free. After all, there are so many digital and cloud storage solutions, you shouldn’t have too much trouble getting used to not using paper.

Moreover, giving away free USB flash drives can be a great way to both spread the awareness of more eco-friendly storage options and promote your business. Additionally, even when you have to use paper – if you need to make some handouts for presentations, for example – you should always try to reuse it for notes or something similar.

Think about commercial awareness

Speaking of promoting your business in an eco-friendly way, another great way to do that is by using fun custom stressballs. They are colorful, entertaining, practical, and affordable. They come in many different styles, so you can choose the style you like the most, print your company logo on them, and raise environmental awareness in this way.

By doing so, you are also more likely to draw the attention of eco-conscious people and perhaps gain some loyal clients.

Decorate with plants

Research has shown that plants can help people de-stress and feel more comfortable in general. Plus, they can purify the air inside, and they can add a pop of color to more neutral areas.

All in all, adding more plants to your office is a great way to improve the mood of your employees, boost their productivity levels, and introduce some nature.

Plus, there are many plants that are fairly easy to maintain and are perfect for office environments, so don’t hesitate to make plants a part of your office décor.

Encourage the use of sustainable transportation

Even one car less on the streets matters, so encourage your employees to use healthier and more sustainable means of transportation. For example, you can offer rewards for carpooling, or you can offer them discounts for using public transportation.

Moreover, you can also secure an area near your office for their bikes, so they can cycle to work without worrying about their bikes getting stolen.

Finally, if some of your employees can do their job from the comfort of their own home, allow them to work remotely from time to time.

Ask for ideas

Recycling, saving water, and unplugging your electronics are the most well-known ways of being eco-friendly. However, there are many more ways, and some of them require nothing but a bit of creativity and effort.

So, get your employees involved by asking them about their ideas in regard to what you could do to make the office even more eco-friendly. This will get them engaged in the preservation of the environment, it will encourage them to get creative with their ideas, and it will make them embrace your goals as theirs too.

Going green is something we all need to do now while we still can make a difference. Some people may start by making smaller changes at home, while some may learn about it at work.

So, if you care about the planet and happen to own a successful business, use it to spread awareness and encourage others to start making some changes as well.