Blog Marketing: 10 Examples of My Favorite Sites

Don’t let what you think you know limit what you imagine. How do keep up with new developments in your chosen field? Do you put a priority on continuous learning? I believe following key experts and their blogs in your field is a great way to keep up and implement a plan of continuous learning. Here are 10 examples of my favorite blog marketing sites and why I like them so much:
Blog Marketing
Blog marketing.

Blog marketing … Vidyard Video Marketing Blog

The Vidyard Video Marketing Blog publishes articles that elaborate on how to build video marketing strategies, how to optimize video campaigns for conversion, and how to create compelling video content that sells products. All a must for creative marketers.
Here is a short video to illusrate blog marketing strategies.
There’s a lot more to video marketing than just traditional content marketing. However few marketing departments hire team members to focus exclusively on video campaigns. Because video content is different from text content, it requires different marketing strategies. The Vidyard blog helps marketers create successful campaigns using video content.

Snarketing 2.0

Ron Shevlin has consulted for marketing teams at leading businesses for the past twenty-five years. His blog offers insights on fallacies and failures across the marketing industry.
Marketers don’t like to talk about their own mistakes, so Shevlin does it for them. As this list attests, there’s no shortage of helpful marketing content online, but sometimes, it’s just as helpful to learn what not to do as it is to learn what to do. Snarketing 2.0 is a great place to learn from the mistakes of others–a practice marketers should readily adopt.
More information: How to Frame Marketing Messages for Optimum Engagement

Adobe Digital Marketing Blog
Today’s digital marketers are faced with endless options–for tools as well as tactics. Articles on the Adobe Digital Marketing Blog help digital marketer’s research tactics and tools to unlock the right combination of strategies for their brands. Adobe’s blog is organized into ten neatly-labeled categories that make it easy for readers to access a large set of specific insights and to find a high volume of content about a specific digital marketing topic.

Blog marketing examples … Digital Spark Marketing

Do you have to believe in yourself if you want to be successful, yes? That is the reason we have included our own blog in our list of favorites. Digital Spark Marketing writes about everything that contributes to business growth, including creative marketing,  advertising, and branding; customer engagement, experience and service; creativity and innovation; and leadership, employee hiring and development, mentoring, and engagement. We also occasionally throw in an inspirational story or two.
Beth Comstock
Beth Comstock … one of my favorites.

Beth Comstock

There must be something in the water at GE that makes the company’s culture so attractive to bloggers. Consider Beth Comstock, GE’s Chief Marketing Officer, who is certainly a must-follow for anyone interested in topics like leadership and innovation.
She also contributes to a LinkedIn series that asked influencers to share lessons from their youth, where she penned a thoughtful piece about getting your foot in the door. On the innovation front, Comstock is always keen to share insights from life at GE, including this very interesting piece about how the long-running tech company incorporates lessons from startups.

Solis studies and writes about the effects of emerging technology on business, marketing and culture.
One of my favorites since my introduction into social media, Solis asks probing questions about the directions towards which technology pulls the forces that command our lives. The answers are in his thoughtful and informed blog articles.
His blog offers a place to contemplate the future and think critically about how modern events impact societal shifts. He references leading marketing and cultural moments, reviews books, conducts interviews, and encourages all marketers to think critically about the impacts of their campaigns.
Neil Patel
Neil Patel, one of the best teachers around the web.

Quick Sprout 

This blog is written by serial entrepreneur and online marketer, Neil Patel. Neil’s blog is the golden standard I would love to measure up to. His posts are based on marketing tests, are highly researched and while they go into depth to show you exactly how to do everything, they’re always relevant and concise.
His blog is one of the few that I would pay to read.

Blog marketing strategy … Kissmetrics

Another of Neil Patel’s platforms, the Kissmetrics blog features genuinely helpful content about converting social media followers, site traffic, and content marketing into leads. They do a lot of experimenting and sharing the results they find.
You can tell Kissmetrics takes conversion seriously just from the experience you get when you visit their blog; it’s designed to convert traffic without turning readers away–a sign that Kissmetrics actually practices what they preach. The Kissmetrics blog is the best place to go for inspiration about tests to run on your website, blog, and mobile apps.
Related subject: Jaw-Dropping Guerrilla Marketing Lessons and Examples 

My favorite marketing blogs … Moz Blog

The Moz blog covers anything and everything related to search engine optimization, including content marketing, responsive design, Google updates, building communities, and more. The blog even features entire articles dedicated to title tags.
SEO can often seem like a losing game for marketers who don’t have the luxury of dedicated search engine contractors, team members, or agencies. The ins and outs of SEO ranking are usually something marketers have to teach themselves, and if you want to learn about SEO, the Moz blog is a great resource. SEO is also a marketing topic that impacts most functions of the marketing team indirectly; content writers and social media managers should read the Moz blog to brush up on an essential topic.

Social Triggers

This blog is written by psychology and marketing professional, Derek Halpern. His blog always brings something new to the table. He focuses on the intersection between psychology and marketing, bringing the best of both together to showcase how you can get customers to notice you.
He also touches on customer service, productivity and the social web. Plus, Derek does a video with every post. Perfect for those days you just want to sit back, relax and learn.
What marketing blogs would you add to this list? Would love to hear who you follow and why.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
More reading on marketing strategy from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
12 Lessons from Ben and Jerrys Marketing Strategies
Visual Content … 13 Remarkable Marketing Examples to Study
Innovative Marketing Ideas … Secrets to the NASA Success
8 Secrets to Learn from the Ritz-Carlton Marketing Strategy
Marketing Branding … 9 Secrets to a Continuous Improvement Strategy
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on  FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.