Be Engaging with Social Media Content Using the Steve Jobs Methods

No, you are right; Steve Jobs did not write content for social media web sites. But the Steve Jobs methods were absolutely brilliant with his media presentations on Apple’s new product announcements.

Steve Jobs methods.

In this blog, I will apply the lessons learned from Steve Jobs’s presentations on how to be more engaging with your social media content.

Consider these eight Steve jobs’ lessons and how you should use their application in your content marketing:

Create ‘Holy Smokes’ moments

… grab immediate attention with your title and lead paragraph sentences

Stick to the rule of 3

… focus on no more than 3 key messages

Employ the rule of three.

Share the stage

… collaborate and test your content and editing with others both inside and outside your business. Do include key customer advocates

Use heroes, villains, and drama

… tell a story to communicate your content whenever possible

Think simple

… communicate with simple words and messages for a broad audience

Rely on visual messages

… use images to convey your messages and re-enforce with words

Create Twitter-friendly key points and messages

… more on the simple theme with rich keywords

Focus on dreams, not products

… it is the end state customer utility that counts most

Lots that we can apply from these eight lessons, isn’t there?

Success and failure.
Success and failure.

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