How Long Does SEO Take To Start Working?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ongoing and continuous process, which means your website won’t be indexed by search engines instantly. In fact, it takes a considerable amount of time before your site starts to show up in search results. This is true even if you hire an expert SEO firm instead of working on the site yourself. While you can expedite the process with
on-page SEO, there’s no ‘magic button’ that will make your website show up in search results overnight.

Moreover, because there are so many factors that go into optimizing a website for search engines; it’s almost impossible to estimate the timeframe in which you will start seeing those wonderful green arrows from Google. Nevertheless, you can speed up the process with these simple tips:


Add Rich Content To Your Website

First and foremost, before you even begin to think about SEO optimization, you need to create high-quality content on your website. Whether your website is a blog, eCommerce site, or a corporate portal, you need to ensure that the content is engaging, of high quality, and solves a specific or targeted problem. 

Moreover, the content should be original, relevant, and contain correct usage of grammar and syntax. In addition to increasing your organic traffic, optimized content can help improve your website’s Search Engine Ranking (SEO) and is often used as anchor text for internal links. 

This, in turn, helps Google understand what your website is about and crawl your website more efficiently. Keep in mind, however, that search engines don’t like duplicate content, especially if it’s across multiple websites.


Featured snippets are short, snappy summaries that Google shows for certain search terms. If your website is having difficulty ranking for specific search terms, you can try and have those terms added to a featured snippet. 

As mentioned, featured snippets are summary boxes that show up at the top of the search results, usually in the first couple of results. You can get Google to show a summary of your website by submitting your content to Google, via Google Search Console. 

We advise against keyword stuffing and trying to ‘trick’ Google into displaying a featured snippet. Instead, create quality content that answers your user’s question, and Google will likely include your summary as a featured snippet.


Be Patient And Stay Committed

SEO is an ongoing process, which means that you have to be patient and stay committed to your SEO strategy. While you can expedite the process with on-page SEO, there’s no ‘magic button’ that will make your website show up in search results overnight. 

However, if you want to speed up the SEO process and get those wonderful green arrows from Google, you’ll have to ensure that your website is ‘search engine friendly. This means that your website should be easily crawlable and navigable by search engines, as well as provide high-quality and rich content. 

For example, if you’re using WordPress to power your website, make sure you have installed a suitable theme and are using the right plugins. Make sure your website is fully optimized for mobile, has a sitemap, and is regularly updated. Moreover, you should also be leveraging social media to attract more traffic to your website.


Develop A Content Marketing Strategy

Another approach to setting up a local SEO agency is to develop a content marketing strategy and optimize your existing content for search engines. This means that you need to be regularly publishing unique and engaging blog posts, eCommerce product descriptions, press releases, and corporate posts. 

While there’s no set rule for how often you should publish new content (this depends on your industry and audience), try to publish at least one or two posts per week. You should also try and generate more backlinks to your website. This can be done by guest posting on other websites, publishing press releases, creating infographics, and link building. By creating more content, you will also be increasing your chances of showing up in Google’s “related searches” section.


Add Structured Data To Your Website

Structured data is extra descriptive code that you can add to your website, to help search engines better understand and display your content. For example, if you are selling products on your eCommerce website, you can add structured data to your product pages to display pricing, availability, and review ratings. 

Structured data is especially important for eCommerce websites, as it is one of the main ways that search engines can pull product data. With Google Shopping, product data is crucial, and without it, your products might not show up in search results. 

To add structured data to your website, you will need to use a code generator, like or Commend. Alternatively, you can use a free SEO plugin, like Yoast SEO, to add structured data to your website.


Make Your Website Responsive

Lastly, you should also try and make your website responsive to ensure that it’s easily accessible to all devices. According to a 2017 report by ComScore, more than half of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices, with most people using their smartphones. 

This indicates that users are increasingly using their mobiles to navigate the internet. By making your website responsive, you can ensure that your website is accessible, regardless of what device your users are on. To make your website responsive, you can use a responsive theme, or you can add responsive functionality to your existing theme.



SEO is a long and arduous process, and there’s no guarantee that your website will rank at all. That being said, optimizing your website for search engines is an essential part of digital marketing and will help you to grow your business. 

By following the tips outlined above, you can speed up the SEO process and get your website in front of more users. However, SEO isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s a long-term strategy that requires patience, perseverance, and commitment.