Salesforce Version Control System and Why Should You Rely on It?

Salesforce version control system for several web developers is mandatory for improving a server in a professional environment. Most developers will unanimously agree on the above irrespective of whether the environment is professional or personal.

However, the reality is in the wake of learning curves, deadlines, budgets, or just simple laziness; most developers ignore the importance of deploying productive methods for coding. They do not wish to waste effort with the thought that what is the point of deploying version control when they will only end up using the code they only have created.

The truth is most developers tend to recognize the importance of using version control for their coding until it is too late for them, making them regret their mistake deeply.

In fact, for most developers and the teams that they work with, the above is just a repeated tune, they hear frequently. However, you should never skip the importance of using version control, and this post will tell you the reason why.

Why does salesforce require versioning?

There are multiple resources online that tell you why you should use version control. However, the information is generally sparse, and it is prudent to consult experts in the field of salesforce for assistance.

They will give you accurate guidance and recommendations when it comes to using a version control system for your Salesforce Sandbox. There is a general belief that new developers of salesforce have when they hit the button for saving the code that it gets saved safely into the Salesforce cloud.

It is usual for one to rely on the above as they believe it is a protected back up for the code. This idea supersedes the potential that the previous code versions are lost. However, when it comes to Apex and VF coding, some concerns do crop up as the platform is constantly evolving.

How should a developer proceed with version control for salesforce?

There are times when a developer works for hours with the thought; he has the correct solution for a specific function only to discover later that what has been planned is not working or a potential release knocking on the door will render what is being worked upon obsolete.

In case you need to return back for some reason and do not have the previous versions of the work saved, you need to invest extra time in getting your codes back. In case you have been prudent to have saved the previous version of your work somehow, there are so many for you to keep track of, and so the above does become obvious that a code stored in the Cloud is not your contingency for backup.

Do you face any challenges?

When you come to the salesforce version control system, a question might come to your mind- are there any challenges involved?

Experts in the field state there are some primary issues that you need to face when it comes to the Salesforce version control as it is designed for applications that have been compiled locally.

Salesforce complies elsewhere, and it contains much more than the XML metadata code. Given below are some points that you should take into consideration-

Salesforce should be deployed with the objective to comply, and the process embraced for deployment should be intertwined with the process for version control leading to intense complications in version control.

If a developer needs to optimize versioning to its full extent, he should include all the files of metadata that generally dwarf the code base of Apex. When you deploy a version of the metadata XML files, it is challenging, and you should opt for the Java or the C++ centric systems for version control.

There is some metadata like permission sets, profiles, and sometimes the package. XML that automatically changes on the systems of the server subject to the condition of the compiling org.

If each of the org files is included in all the branches, including the profile, workflow, email template, page layouts, and more, it generally takes until an hour or even more time to perform the deployment. Often, this cannot be a practical solution for most developers.

You should shorten the compiling or the deployment time; however, here you will not have every file in the compilation or the deployment. This implies you will not be able to use the same project in between branches, and every branch will land up having different sets of files.

This is primarily because these files set in every salesforce should match perfectly the package .xml files. You should never write code that depends on factors that are not even present in your local project.

If you delete anything, destructive changes should comply with the other org as well. This may be alright for the deployment of destructive changes to each developer working on a branch.

However, a problem might arise in case the developer needs to go back or have to patch up a production mid-way in the project. In this case, it cannot be done unless the developer deletes anything that had been introduced in the interim version.

With context to the above, every present active version of your project, whether the new present version or the branch issue it needs its own set of SDLC orgs like QA, UAT, dev and more.

You should be ready to create new developer orgs or refreshing orgs from your production data.

Experts in Salesforce state you should not allow the above points to scare you. Though they make versioning of salesforce a bit complicated than you might be used to, you should remember that it is crucial for your productivity.

In short, you should be ready and willing to take up this challenge. In case you need assistance in the above, it makes sense to hire skilled consultants in the field of salesforce for the task.

In this way, you can eliminate issues and complications with each. You can boost production and keep your codes safe as well with success!