Helpscout Development Tips To Help Improve Small Business Success

The change we are in the middle of isn’t minor, and it isn’t optional. As Clay Shirky describes the digital internet age, it is far from minor and not optional. Right on the mark isn’t it? Helpscout development tips are particularly relevant to the need for continuous learning.

Helpscout development tips
You own your personal development.

The amount of new technical information is doubling every two years. EVERY TWO YEARS. The top 10 jobs that were in demand in 2013 didn’t exist in 2004.

We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that don’t yet exist. All this to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. Scary, isn’t it?

For students starting a four year technical or college degree, one half of what they will learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study. We are living in exponential times, aren’t we?

See our article on Learning to Learn.

I often use checklists to create attitudes where it is easier to see opportunity in every difficulty.

After college, I spent almost two years of training as a naval aviator. An important element of that training was the use of checklists in the learning and refresher process. Checklist utilization remains an important part of my business life.

It is always a good idea to have a helpful checklist for reminders of improvements for your business or your personal life.

I keep a stack of 10 or so checklists that I rotate and update occasionally. This is one of them, even though I am a retiree (at least part of the time J).

I pull out one checklist to read and contemplate for five minutes as a way to start each day. I find it puts my thinking in the right frame of mind.

Here is a checklist example of simple self-development reminders to improve the odds of personal long-term success:

 Helpscout development tips … your career is not your life

This is probably the most difficult of the lessons, particularly early to mid-career. At least it was for me. To be successful in this lesson, you should develop a breath to your list of activities and always put family and friends first.

To do both well, think about activities that maximize your friends and family, like coaching your children’s sports teams.

personal development tips
Work your personal development tips.

Try one new thing at least weekly

Your life will be in constant change mode, and that is a good thing if you lead change in the direction of your success goals.

To do that most successfully, you should try lots of new things continually. For things you like, get very good at them with lots of practice. But keep trying new activities.

Helpscout development tips … practice new skills

One of my most favorite quotations about aim and goals is one from Michelangelo:

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Michelangelo knew a thing or two about high aim and goals didn’t he? Need we say anything more?

Helpscout development tips … dedicate yourself to learning new things

I am a big believer in adaptation and change. You should always seek to be flexible and keep several alternative paths in front of you. Always be on the lookout for ways to reinvent ways for self-improvement.

Our most favored quote on change and adaptation is from Charles Darwin:

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

Just remember to substitute success for survival, and you will have a very valuable tip.

Increase your reading

Let your curiosity take control and take you where it may turn into new information. Read for many reasons, but most of all to be entertained and learn new things.

In today’s world of infinite access to information and knowledge, the sky is the limit, isn’t it?  

Helpscout development tips … grow kindness

All of these lessons on success get better when you have a strong foundation in knowing how to be kind to others. I have never found a better way to stay happy.

Kindness costs you nothing and you’d be surprised how much it can do for your happiness.

Enjoy the little things around you

Keep it simple in everything you do. And that is more difficult and significant than you probably believe. Our favorite quote on simplicity?

Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple … that’s creativity.

That says it all, doesn’t it?

Helpscout development tips … find something to make you laugh

The second most important factor in your happiness is enjoying a good laugh as often as you can. Making fun of yourself and your own mistakes is a great place to start.  

Your personal development … review daily good accomplishments

All of us can be enthusiastic and show passion for our favorite topics and our best days. The secret sauce is to be as consistent as possible and make it contagious to friends and teammates.

I’ve always found that taking 15-20 minutes at the end of every day to review the good accomplishments you have made. This always seems to tee up plans.

personal development examples
Personal development examples.

Practice patience and persistence daily

While we don’t want to highlight our lack of patience and persistence, all of us experience a lack of these two key personality traits in our lives and our careers occasionally.

The secret sauce is all about learning from them and moving on in our lives as quickly as possible.

Realize that careers and lives won’t fall apart from them unless we keep repeating them. Practice efforts both frequently and keep track of how you are doing.

The bottom line

As you progress in your continuous learning and development, keep in mind growth is a long-term, not a short-term endeavor. In reality, it should never end. It should be pursued consistently throughout your career, day by day.

Don’t settle for less than you know you can achieve.

And remember, keep your happiness and balance at the top of your list. Everything will pivot around them.

So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you.

It’s up to you to keep the focus on personal development. Lessons are all around you. In many situations, your competitor may be providing ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.

All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.

Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.

Are you devoting enough energy to improving your growth hacking for your team?

Do you have a lesson about making your growth hacking better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?

Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way.

More reading from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

9 Things to Know About Creative Visual Design Content

8 Presenter Mistakes That Are Rarely Made Twice

Know These Great Secrets of Collaboration and Co-Creation

How Good Is Your Learning from Failure?

Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on  FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.