5 Types of Apps & Tools Every Business Needs to Use in 2021

Software applications and tools have drastically revolutionized the way modern businesses operate. Whether you want to make online payments and manage business expenses or facilitate in-office communication and track consumer behavior – there are apps that every business needs for every task.

Every business needs.

From optimizing marketing campaigns to maximizing business revenue – you can accomplish just about anything using new-age software applications. You can even use analytics tools to track your website traffic and social media audience.

It’s the end of 2020 and unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve likely already used more than a few apps for your business. However, the sheer variety of available tools and applications can be overwhelming.

That’s why we’ve handpicked a few types of apps and software that are going to be beneficial for all businesses, irrespective of their size and niche. Let’s take a look.

1. Website Analytics

You can’t build a thriving business in 2021 without first creating an awesome-looking website. But your website will be of no use unless you can monitor your traffic and learn more about your website visitors. This is where website analytics tools step into the picture.

Apart from the daily and monthly website traffic, you can find out how visitors are interacting with various elements on your website. Metrics such as bounce rate and time-on-site help you analyze your website’s performance.

You can even keep a track of the number of conversions and leads generated on your website. Also, you can find out the different sources of website traffic and identify the best-performing channels. This is particularly useful in helping you evaluate the performance of your marketing campaigns.

When you think of website analytics tools, Google Analytics is likely the first name that’ll come to your mind. While it’s a robust and reliable tool, it can be slightly complicated for beginners. As an alternative, you can use tools, such as Adobe Analytics, Coremetrics, Crazy Egg, etc. All of these are effective in a project management plan, aren’t they?

2. Weather Apps

Why do I need a weather app if I’m just running an online business? Well, here’s the thing – irrespective of whether you own a brick and mortar business or an online store, reliable weather data and forecasts will always come in handy.

Accurate weather forecasts are particularly helpful in maintaining business continuity during natural calamities, such as storms, hurricanes, etc. Moreover, real-time weather alerts can help you notify your employees and ensure that they’re safe.

Many weather apps and websites also use historical weather data to predict seasonal flu outbreaks and allergies. It comes in handy when you know your customers’ needs and preferences change depending on the weather.

If you check out ClimaCell’s new weather site, you’ll find that it provides you with a ton of useful weather data, such as:

  • Temperature
  • Air quality
  • Visibility
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed
  • Cloud cover

It is, however, essential to select a weather app that best fits the unique needs of your business. For instance, if employee safety is your main goal, you need to choose an app that provides reliable and timely updates.

3. Project Management Tools

Irrespective of the scale and type of your business, you can’t run it on your own. At the very least, you’ll need a team of marketers, data analysts, sales reps, and customer service executives. If you are a gym owner, then it’s very useful to have gym software management to engage to more people. Management software will help you give your clients exactly what they want.

If you want your business to thrive, you must ensure uninterrupted communication and seamless coordination among your employees. This is where project management tools, such as Trello and Asana, come in handy.

These tools keep individual team members on the same page and help them monitor the progress of various projects.

4. Email Marketing Software

Emails are an effective channel for directly communicating with your existing and potential customers. They’re especially useful in nurturing qualified leads and converting them into loyal customers. Also, the ROI of email marketing is the highest among all modern marketing channels.

Commonly used email marketing software include Mailchimp, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, etc. Most software offers advanced features, such as list segmentation, personalization, and marketing automation. However, make sure you select one that suits your requirements and budget.

5. Accounting Software

Most new businesses struggle with maintaining accurate financial records. The goods news is that accounting software and apps, such as QuickBooks, FreshBooks, etc. can come to your rescue here.

Whether you want to manage employee payroll or make payments to vendors, accounting software helps you with everything. You can even generate invoices, financial statements, as well as profit and loss reports in a few simple clicks.

What apps have you been using as a new-age business owner? Share your recommendations in the comments section below.