Surprise … Direct Mail Still Works

Years ago the idea of mass-marketing was something that seemed unachievable. But in the digital world we live in, you can reach out to as many customers as you want to in a few seconds with direct mail.

It’s easy to send emails describing your services to lots of clients with just one click. However, easy isn’t the best way to go as sometimes you need the personal touch of a good old direct mail to do the trick.

Direct mail may look outdated but most firms and businesses still rely on its effectiveness. The Data and Marketing Association in 2016 stated that the customer response brought about by direct mail rose by 43%.

The prospect response rate rose by 190% in comparison to 2015. This article highlights the reasons why direct mail is still effective even in our present digital age.

Reasons Why Direct Mail Still Works

If you are considering promoting your business via direct mail, here are some reasons that will encourage you;

#1. Direct Mail Uses a Personal Approach

When using direct mail, you get to personalize your content easily and modify it to each of your client’s tastes. Direct mail allows you to communicate with your clients efficiently by understanding their pain points and provide solutions through your services to their problems.

#2. Mailboxes are Not Cluttered

Daily, we are exposed to tons of digital content and messages on different devices. By searching, streaming, texting, emailing, and surfing the web you get in contact with lots of digital noise and clutter.

Each online ad seems the same as the next and therefore a lot of clients ignore so much content. However, with direct mail delivered to addressed mailboxes, you are guaranteed at least a one-man read on your services.

#3. There is an Increased Chance of Getting A Response

Because of the personal relationship you incur by sending out direct mails to clients, there is a high chance that the client responds. In this case, they know your business better, understand the services you render, and appreciate the personal touchpoint.

This in general makes them want to reach out because they feel thought of.

#4. Authenticity

Unlike the case of electronic mails which can be drafted and sent out instantly, direct mails take time to draft and send. This ensures that careful attention is paid to the letter and the content isn’t rushed through at the same time delivering its message thoroughly.

#5. Direct Mail Appeals to the Sense of Touch

When you send out a direct mail, the client can feel this on a much personal level than receiving an email. The digital mail tactic also makes use of the same strategies direct mail uses.

According to Jamie from Leeds Printing Company “Such as catchy images, teasers, intriguing headlines but it doesn’t include the physical touch. When the client can feel and touch what he or she is reading, it makes them feel connected to it and wants to respond accordingly.”

The bottom line

In a fast-paced world, it’s difficult to escape the noise and cluster on the webspace. This unfortunately makes it possible to miss out on offers and important messages.

However, with the use of direct mail services, you as a business owner are sure to pass your message effectively. And as a customer, it ensures you get your message properly without the hassles of too much digital content.