How Do You Best Develop your Employees?

The development of your employees is a joint responsibility … both you, as a business leader, and each employee has a role.  There is nothing more important to your business than having the best employee team. That starts by doing the develop your employees

develop your employees
Develop your employees

Likewise, there are few things as important to employee morale and motivation as knowing you are concerned about their future.

As a business coach for my employee team, here is my checklist for their development:

Identify and build each strength

Don’t worry about weaknesses… make them irrelevant.

Trust and act on your instincts

They usually will not be far off the mark.

Take educated risks

and learn to make tough decisions with imperfect knowledge.  Mistakes can be corrected.

Take educated risks
Take educated risks.

Act with speed

… don’t procrastinate required decisions and actions.  It is more difficult to correct inaction than mistakes.

Don’t fear mistakes

they can be corrected.  Always learn from your mistakes.

Don't fear mistakes.
Don’t fear mistakes.

Learn and practice the art of persuasion

Persuasion is not selling.

Always be open to new ideas and sharing your ideas and knowledge

with other employees and customers.

Good communications depends on good listening

And effective presentation always makes a big difference.

Learn and practice leadership skills

Even followers improve by understanding leadership skills.

Always own and be accountable

for your actions.

The bottom line

As a coach and mentor, I have found the carrot is much more effective than the stick.

Prompt feedback is always required.

Work development
Success and failure.

Do you have some development coaching stories that you can share?

Digital Spark Marketing regularly runs workshops to facilitate the development of employee skills and motivation.  

Call us today for a free consultation and discussion of your needs. 

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