6 Steps for Starting a Commercial Cleaning Business

If you want to start your own business, there are many choices when it comes to the industry. One good opportunity is the commercial cleaning business.

This business is in high demand and has many advantages, the most important one being that it requires very little capital investment to get started.  Here are six easy stapes you need to take if you decide to venture into this industry.

commercial cleaning business
Looking for a local commercial cleaning business?


Every good business starts with research. Before you invest any money, you need to make sure you have the necessary knowledge needed to turn a profit. Also, once you have studied the subject enough, you will be able to make educated decisions about what offers the best return on investment and plan your cash accordingly.

An important part of the research is also finding out which business permits are needed in your particular area. Make sure you can obtain all the legal licenses before throwing money around.

Make a business plan

A well-thought-out strategy will ensure that there are no surprises along the way. So before you take any action, you need to sit down and complete a detailed business plan. This plan should contain at least a basic overview of the service you want to provide, all the various operating strategies, marketing plan, financial information, and action plan with all the steps you need to take in the future.

There will always be surprises along the way, so you might change some of the steps as you learn and grow, but having a detailed plan will minimize the shocks from those surprises.

Create a brand

You don’t want to be just another business; the goal should be to stand out. Proper branding, therefore, needs to start early on because once you have obtained a certain image, it’s very hard to change the perception people have about you. Figure out what makes your company special and focus on all the unique things that will make you recognizable out on the market.

Equipment and supplies

If your business plan is solid, then figuring out what equipment you need should be no problem. The trick is in choosing what products you use. The market for cleaning products is huge so do your research because the quality of your work will depend a lot on the supplies you use.

Also, consider that not all equipment is worth buying, sometimes renting can be a more profitable option, especially at the start of your career. The Australian market has focused heavily on such business and it’s easy to find reliable crane hire in Melbourne.

So if you only have a few clients that require window cleaning but you don’t want to focus solely on that area, then renting is a much more profitable solution than buying the necessary lifting cranes yourself.

Hire people

Hiring the right people to work with is not an easy thing to do. You will need to find people that you trust to work on their own; there is no point in hiring someone if you are going to spend your time going over their work anyway.

hire people
You need quality people.

Therefore, you need to focus on people with the right skills but more importantly, find people who are motivated and have the same vision as you. Even if you want to start small and do all the work yourself, you will still need to hire people in charge of bookkeeping and should consider a professional to do your marketing, which brings us to our last step.


Investing in a business without a proper marketing plan in today’s huge market is just a waste of money. It doesn’t matter if you offer the best service out there if no one knows about it. There is a variety of marketing options available online in addition to traditional offline methods. Figure out which ones work best for your particular area and start using them as soon as your business goes live.

These six steps should be enough to get you started. Use them as a guideline for the most basic steps needed to start your commercial cleaning business but feel free to add your personal ideas and approach the subject in a way that works best for you.