What Is the Starlink System All About?
What is the Starlink System? Technically speaking, it’s a satellite internet system. If you live in a city or a big suburb, you probably enjoy fast internet speeds, maybe at 1Gbps or beyond. But imagine enduring internet speeds at 20Mbps, or even as low as 0.8Mbps, every day. Unfortunately, people across the US and the globe,…
Manned Lunar Landing Stories and Interesting Facts
S. Elliot once said: Explore … only those who risk going too far can find out how far one can go. Right on the mark, yes? Are you a baby boomer? Remember the manned lunar landing? If so, my question to you is whether you remember where you were when Neil Armstrong first stepped onto…
What You Can Learn About Quantum Computing
Ever wonder how quantum computing is different? Stay tuned and I will explain. A quantum computer is like a classical computer in many ways. It has a memory which consists of a sequence of bits, each called a qubit. But each qubit can be in a superposition of all possible input patterns which means that…
Stories and Resources From tne International Space Station
Have you ever visited Cape Canaveral and explored the history of the space program? It is a great place to visit. In this blog, we’ll discuss some interesting facts and stories about the International Space Station. This includes some fantastic resources for you to find some more discoveries on your own. ISS Stories and Resources…