Do you know that more than 45% of adults in the United States avoid watching traditional TV or TV-related advertisements? Intelligent and smart small business owners are aware of the capabilities of car decals that can help them to reach target audiences.
This is why small business owners should adapt to new advertising strategies to market their business. The effectiveness of promoting business through the newspaper is reducing as many people are using the internet to receive the latest news updates.
If you think that you can only boost the sales of your company through digital marketing, you’re wrong. In this article, we will discuss 5 reasons why investing in car decals is beneficial for your business.
You Can Capture the Attention of Audiences
Business owners know that they need to capture the audience’s attention to boost their business. But, if the people aren’t reading the newspaper or watching television, where are they spending their time? The answer is cars.
More than 85% of Americans drive 10,700 miles each year and they spend 280 hours just driving their cars.
As you already know, drivers need to focus on the road while driving. Hence, with proper car decals advertising methods, you can gain their attention quickly.
Small Business Can Get a Competitive Edge
The shift of advertisement methods to the digital world is not bad news for large companies. They have enough money for their advertisement budget. On the other hand, small businesses might face difficulties investing in digital marketing due to their tight budget.
However, advertising through vehicle stickers is one of the most easiest and cost-effective ways for small business to expand their growth. Just like some large companies use vehicle branding to enhance their business, you should do it too.
Do you know how much it costs to advertise on TV or radio? The internet or other online advertisements are costly enough for your small marketing budget. Additionally, you need to renew them every week or month to reach audiences. Not to mention, internet ads target a lot of irrelevant audiences. According to WENY News, the price of car decals is always cheaper compared to TV, social media and, radio advertisements.
However, you can avoid these recurring costs with vehicle stickers. Once you apply stickers to your car, you’re ready to promote your business. Unlike online advertisements, car decals don’t have any expiration dates.
The ROI is high
As the car stickers are affordable and the return is high, businesses that use vehicle decals to promote their sales enjoy a massive return on the investment. You don’t have to spend excessive money on ad space or airtime.
Additionally, when your car moves across cities every time, people will be able to see your brand’s message repeatedly.
Unlike other recurring investments such as marketing content, traditional media, and internet ads, a car sticker brings a high ROI (return on investment) after you’ve done paying for the advertisements.
Repetitive Target Branding
Do you know the best place to find potential customers for your business? The answer is Main Street.
One of the difficult challenges every marketer faces is advertising their business in front of relevant audiences.
The same goes try for online targeted ads. You may feel it’s important to invest in digital or online advertising, but are you sure that the ads being shown to the appropriate audiences?
When you get local, you can target audiences who have a genuine interest in your services and products. Additionally, the car stickers will also work as the recognition tool of your brand.
The bottom line
These are the 5 reasons to use car decals for your small business. The good thing about vehicle decals is that they’re replaceable as well as removable. Their high ROI and low cost mean that you can change the stickers as per your business. Are you changing your brand or the services you offer? Just replace the stickers and you’re good to go.