WOMM: Examples of Why Emotion is the Secret Ingredient

Have you ever wondered about how to be more persuasive or influential?  Certainly, an important question if you are in the marketing profession, isn’t it? It is certainly a secret to WOMM. Let me explain why.
Winning WOMM examples.
Emotional word of mouth conversations is sparked when consumers are highly aroused. Have you noticed that people choose emotionally and then justify logically?
With the advent of the Internet, the number of marketing options available to both budding and experienced entrepreneurs has become staggering.
So think about this … if your brand can:
  • Spark amusement/humor
  • Create amazement and awe
  • Stimulate anxiety
Then it stands a far better chance of being talked about by more people.
The higher degree of emotion created the more differentiation and the easier for your brand to project uniqueness and its word of mouth messages.
And telling stories are an excellent way to get to emotion most easily. Let me share a few examples:
Word of mouth marketing strategy
Word of mouth marketing strategy.

WOMM … creating smiles

Fleur, a florist shop in Chicago, puts a bucket full of bright balloons by the door of their shop both inside and out, with a handwritten sign that says: “Take a balloon.” That’s all. No logos, no catch. It is just a small action to make people smile. Inside the store, it makes a pretty display, and outside the store, people are likely to ask where you got the balloon.
That’s a simple, fun way to create some emotion and get a conversation started without a marketing message. A bucket full of balloons is a bucket full of the word of mouth memories waiting to happen. It doesn’t have to be branded or a part of a larger campaign — in fact, the simpler you make it, the better.

Surprise people

Surely you have seen the tear-jerker commercials for abused or abandoned puppies or kittens. Not something you’ll often share with friends, is it?
North Carolina’s Wake County SPCA tried a very different approach to this problem. They made a lip-synching music video to ABBA’s song “Take a Chance on Me”, with the entire shelter staff and most of the adoptable animals.
A success? It was watched on YouTube over 3.4 million times the last time we looked. Just because others do the standard tear-jerking videos doesn’t mean they are popular.
Surprise your audience with original things that are fun and approachable like this SPCA did. It may even surprise you.

Word of mouth marketing examples … emotional influence

The Zillow real estate company has built an entire marketing campaign on influencing home buyers with emotional influence. Have you seen any of them? We like them so much that we have searched for them on YouTube frequently.
“Homecoming” is Zillow’s sixth TV spot, one of the latest in the company’s highly successful national advertising campaign. You cannot beat these ads. There are no better means of influence or the power of persuasion than emotion. Hands down the best, in our opinion.
Experiences that trigger our emotions are saved and consolidated in lasting memory because the emotions generated by the experiences signal our brains that the experiences are important to remember.
The homecoming commercial ending message says it all:
 You are not just looking for a house; you are looking for a place for your life to happen.
This commercial focuses on emotional appeal in grand fashion. It is the secret of this commercial’s success. It creates strong persuasion in our opinion. A great example of using emotion for a successful advertisement design.

Word of mouth marketing ideas … storytelling

Have you seen the remarkable branding video design from this South African business? The Bell’s TV commercial features a father whose intrepid spirit demonstrates just what it takes to be a true man of character.
The video was created to market and build the brand. It is a very simple story. It advocates learning to read no matter your age or status in society. To us, it creates pure magic with the story, the visuals, the music and the emotion. It certainly finds and puts emotional triggers to work.
If you haven’t seen it, watch it now, it is only 2 minutes, and it will inspire you. It is certainly easily in our top 5 of all time.
Likewise, have you ever wondered why movies like Toy Story are so compelling and successful? The best writers in the world speak to universal human themes—the things that drive every one of us no matter what our worldview is.
word of mouth triggers
Look for word of mouth triggers.
Compelling storylines work because we see ourselves reflected in the characters. Their story is our story. A great script looks us right in the eye and says, “I see you.” Contrast that feeling with the one you get when you’re speaking to someone at a party, who is looking over his shoulder for the next most interesting person to enter the room.
That’s exactly how you don’t want your customers and clients to feel.
Related post: Target Market … How to Target for Best Marketing Campaigns
Great storytellers make us feel like they’re speaking directly to us. And so it goes for great brand storytelling. The best brand stories make you feel like the company understands and is speaking just to you. The goal is to be more like Pixar and nothing like that guy at the party.
You achieve that by remembering ‘the rule of one.’
Speak to one person at a time. Make that person feel like she’s being looked in the eye.
That’s the foundation of a winning emotional story.

The bottom line

Emotion is the secret language of the brain … works on emotion if you want to improve your persuasion or influence.


What are some of your experiences with utilizing emotion with word of mouth marketing messages?  
Need some help in capturing more customers from your marketing strategies? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers?


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step.


Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.


Are you devoting enough energy improving your marketing, branding, and advertising?


Do you have a lesson about making your marketing strategy better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?



Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  


Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.


More reading on marketing  strategy from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Marketing Branding … 9 Secrets to a Continuous Improvement Strategy
11 Steps to Media Framing Messages for Optimum Engagement