Tag: stories

  • Here Are Tips to Help Find Your Stories

    There are two ways we remember our experiences: attached to emotions or attached to imagery. Therefore, we need to use both to recount what we know. Start by drawing a timeline of your career. Plot the significant events (work and personal) and jot down next to the events how you remember feeling: excited, angry, pumped,…

  • Secrets of Social Proof … Not What You Think

    Social proof is a concept that is as old as time. It has just begun to gain traction amongst online marketers as it explains a lot about the success of some online ventures and the failure of others. To put it simply: “Social proof in a social media context is the theory that accounts that…

  • Speech on Kindness: Anatomy of an Awesome One on Kindness

    Do you like to hear a great speech occasionally? A short one on a meaningful topic. Here is an awesome commencement speech on kindness. A short one on a very meaningful topic by George Saunders, an American writer of short stories, essays, novellas, and children’s books and a Professor at Syracuse University. Changing the way you…