Tag: social media engagement

  • 10 Ways to Destroy Social Media Engagement

    Do you wish more people interacted with your Facebook posts? Looking to improve your Facebook news feed exposure? The more likes, comments, and shares you have on your page posts, the more likely your Facebook content will be seen. In this article, you’ll discover 10 ways to destroy engagement on your Facebook business page posts. Eliminating…

  • Ways to Increase Your Social Media Engagement

    The more likes, comments, and shares you have on your page posts, the more likely your content will be seen. You’ll discover ways to increase social media engagement. Create Shareable Content If you want people to share your posts, you need to create highly shareable content. It’s that simple. “Highly shareable” means the content is relevant to…

  • Tips for Applying Incredible Digital Marketing

    We can all testify that the technology wave today has empowered a multitude of companies to shift their operations from traditional marketing to applying incredible digital marketing strategies. Digital marketing revolves around the application of digital tools and techniques. This allows them to get attached to ideal customers. Nevertheless, digital marketing has become a great…

  • 8 Things Steve Jobs Would Know About Your Social Media Engagement

    8 Things Steve Jobs Would Know About Your Social Media Engagement

    Edwin Schlosser once said: The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. The more success you have with customer engagement, either online or off, the better your understanding of their needs and priorities. That is something Steve Jobs would know. Having the best customer insights makes it much…