What Is the Most Clever Life Hack You’ve Shared?

Live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. Easier said than done, isn’t it? Especially if you give a life hack you’ve shared.  A few simple practices can improve your ability to enjoy life. Practice each one until it becomes a habit, then move to the next.
life hack you've shared
A life hack you’ve shared.
In no time, you will be filled with enjoyment.
Here are my favorites:


Practice the art of asking good questions

 … I know, I know, you thought the tough act was getting the answers nailed. Yes, that is difficult. But asking the really good questions is more important. It starts with being a good listener.


Life hack you’ve shared … be curious about everything

 this is where the good questions are needed. This is also a key source for your learning.
Watch for the flip side: Derail Your Career over Time … Avoid these 9 Mistakes


think different
You must think different.

Think different

 try and explore new ideas without bringing your old ideas along for the ride. Never reject ideas just because you will not agree with them. Examine and study thoughts before setting them aside.
Stand out to be heard.


Learn how to learn

… note, in all likelihood, most of you have not mastered this one yet. And when you think you have it down, new technology will come along to add access to more information.
None-the-less, you will spend your life on this one, so you might as well start as soon as possible.



This is probably the most difficult of the lessons, particularly early to mid-career. At least it was for me. To be successful in this lesson, you should develop a breath to your list of activities and always put family and friends first.
To do both well, think about activities that maximize your friends and family, like coaching your children’s sports teams.


Knowing who you are

Your life will be in constant change mode, and that is a good thing if you lead change in the direction of your success goals.
To do that most successfully, you should have a good understanding of who you are and what direction you are going. Certainly, you must know your strengths and weaknesses pretty well.
More experiences: Lessons Learned in Life … Classes Continue Daily


Learning kindness

All of these lessons on success get better when you have a strong foundation in knowing how to stay happy. One big part of being successful in happiness is learning how to share kindness.
It costs you nothing and you’d be surprised how much in can do for your happiness.


Never fearing failure

While we don’t want to put failure on a pedestal, all of us experience failures in our lives and our careers.
The secret sauce is all about learning from them and moving on in our lives as quickly as possible. Realize that careers and lives won’t fall apart from them.


Maintain the status quo

Working with a few new activities and new environments is a guaranteed way to limit both your imagination and creativity. The true enemy of imagination is the acceptance of the status quo.
Try to do and experience many new things. Do things differently. This could be as simple as taking a new route to work or perhaps learning how to write with both hands. The true enemy of imagination is the acceptance of the status quo.


Limited view of imagination

Are you constraining your view of what imagination is? Shouldn’t be very many constraints should there?
First, break the habit of seeing imagination as only appropriate for art or music. Almost every article written on imagination is about music or art. Despite the fact, many other significant bits of intelligence need to be encouraged.

To stretch this limited view of imagination; note that everything you use has been invented by someone who applied imagination to solving a problem. Think about who invented the pocket or the wheel and how they used better observation skills to increases the awareness of possibilities.

So the priority is to give yourself problems to solve, and as this naturally develops, it encourages imagination. Indeed, problem-solving is nothing more than applied imagination at work.


Overly reward imagination

be curious about everything
Try to be curious about everything.
Are you going overboard recognizing and rewarding your imagination? That can constrain additional creative thinking and improvement ideas.


Limit experiences

Do you lack an ability to explore and try new things? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?
Observation is the mother of imagination. A person who is not exposed to new things cannot bring new thinking to a problem. For imagination to grow, a silo filled with resources must exist to feed it.
he more experiences, the greater the imagination that can be brought to bear on potential solutions.


Life hack you’ve shared … think broad

Have a problem with a vision of what could be, especially in new fields of endeavor? Are you lacking confidence in expanding your horizon and setting aggressive goals?
Make new friends in new fields and use their expertise to infuse new ideas into your thinking cap.
Create diverse teams and rotate yourself into new projects and roles– especially ones you are fascinated by.


Be disruptive and change the playing field

Don’t settle for the ordinary or the mundane, even if it means a little controversy. Don’t be afraid of ticking someone off. Make those around you think.


Don’t believe you know as much as you think

Find an experienced entrepreneur-like mentor to help and guide you and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Listen to feedback from your mentor and others. Sure, you’ll get some bad inputs, but learn to filter.

Avoid the time killers

This includes constant email monitoring, meeting to meet, having in-person chats when phone or Skype will work. Your time is very valuable, make the most of it.
And last but not least ….

Have fun

You won’t find this skill on many lists, because many people would not consider it a skill.
I not only consider it a skill (fun doesn’t often happen without working at it!), but we consider it so fundamental to all the other skills on the list that it is my top priority.
The corollary to this skill must be mastered as well … when you dislike something, stop doing it.


Be a multiplier

Multiplier individuals know that at the apex of the intelligence hierarchy is NOT the lone genius.
Rather, it is the genius who knows the importance of bringing out the smarts and capabilities in everyone in the team.
Related material: Lessons Learned in Life … Class Continues Daily


Build connections

Both managers and leaders know their job with their teams is about building lots of connections. They make people feel they have a stake in common problems.


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All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
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Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy continually improving your continuous learning?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on learning from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
9 Things to Know About Creative Visual Design Content
8 Presenter Mistakes That Are Rarely Made Twice
Know These Great Secrets of Collaboration and Co-Creation
How Good Is Your Learning from Failure?
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.