What Businesses Can Learn From Disney Theme Park Operations

Disney Theme Park operations put a tremendous amount of attention to its parks’ customer experience … in fact, one could say the Disney theme park mystique is 100% about immersing the customer in the culture of Disney movies and character history.

Disney Theme Park Operations

Thousands of employees are employed ‘on stage’ each day at Disney parks to help create this customer experience immersion.

What are the ways Disney uses its ‘on—stage’ employees to create the best possible customer experience? Consider:

1. Each customer-facing employee is expected to be “show ready” whenever they are on stage. Everyone has a part to play as a component of the show.

2. On stage, the show is on … everyone follows costume and customer interface guidelines. Breaks and relaxing are ONLY allowed in areas unavailable to guests.


3. Everyone is responsible for ensuring parks remain “clean, friendly, and most of all, fun”.

4. All stage employees are encouraged to be “assertively friendly”. They are to seek out those who look like they need help before they come looking for help.

5. Everyone “on the stage” has a casting role, and as such, is responsible to contribute to the positive customer experience.


What Businesses Can Learn From Disney Theme Park Operations

Disney puts a tremendous amount of attention to Disney Theme Park operations and its parks’ customer experience. In fact, one could say the Disney theme park mystique is 100% about immersing the customer in the culture of Disney movies and character history. For example, thousands of employees are employed ‘on stage’ each day at Disney parks to help create this customer experience immersion.

Disney Theme Park operations
Disney Theme Park operations

What are the ways Disney uses its ‘on — stage’ employees to create the best possible customer experience? Consequently, take these factors into account:

1. Each customer-facing employee is expected to be “show ready” whenever they are on stage. Everyone has a part to play as a component of the show.

On stage,

2. On stage, the show is on … everyone follows costume and customer interface guidelines. Further, breaks and relaxing are ONLY allowed in areas unavailable to guests.

3. Everyone is responsible for ensuring parks remain “clean, friendly, and most of all, fun”.

4. All stage employees are encouraged to be “assertively friendly”. Above all, they are to seek out those who look like they need help before they come looking for help.

casting role
Casting role

5. Everyone “on the stage” has a casting role. As such, they are responsible to contribute to the positive customer experience.

The bottom line

Make your thinking vivid by including what comes naturally to you. For example, you may not be able to imagine sequences of images very well, but you may excel in imagining other modalities such as smell, touch, and sound.

You may be excellent in infusing your visualization with emotional charge and great feelings.

DO not feel compelled to stay within any single modality but make your visualizations and imagination vivid and rich. Do this by including numerous modalities.

beautiful place
Beautiful place

Your senses are wonderful tools for you to engage while unleashing the power of the imaginative mind. Make it colorful and exciting. Make your imagination your ally and your best friend.

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