SocialOomph Queue …Things to Add

When you share a tweet to Twitter, the half-life of that tweet is just 18 minutes. That means that, by tomorrow, it’s likely no one will see the tweet you shared today. That’s why it’s so important to share your latest blog posts many times over the course of the first 24 – 72 hours that it’s live. And keep SocialOomph in mind.

But that also means that you can and should share evergreen content to Twitter over and over. For that, I use SocialOomph.

With SocialOomph, I can set up one or more queues and fill those queues with one or more updates (tweets). I have an archive of more than 400 posts and articles that are still current and evergreen. I’ve created queues for each of my Twitter accounts and filled them with links to those posts, as well as other tweets I like to share regularly (invitations to sign up to the newsletter, etc.).

I recommend making sure that at least 30 days go by before you share the same tweet again, that way it’s unlikely too many of followers will feel like you’re repeating yourself. With my current number of updates, I can tweet a dozen times a day and go over a month without repeating.

Each time I publish a new blog post where I know the content will continue to be valuable weeks and months later, I make sure that gets added to my evergreen queue.

  • Log into SocialOomph
  • Go to Posting -> Create New Update
  • Paste in the title of the article, or some other variation
  • Paste in the URL of the article, after the title
  • Click on the Shorten URLs button
  • Click on “Don’t schedule, just add this update to my queue reservoir(s).
  • Select one or more queues
  • Click Save

You’ll want to make sure that you’ve set up your queues to automatically rotate all updates.