Do You Practice These Habits of the Highly Creative?

Creativity can be taught, nurtured, and enhanced. It is not genetically limited to the gifted ones of the population. Do you practice these habits? Are you looking to improve on your creative skills?  If so, consider these useful habits for your skill development

Refrain from adding … what is NOT absolutely necessary in the first place

Eliminate what doesn’t matter … to make more room for what does

Before taking action, look for naturally occurring patterns and rhythms …  construct ideas to fit them

Leave something to the imagination … by limiting information

Appreciate the beauty of natural imperfection … leave the door open for others to co-create with you

Learn to quiet your minddesignate a time and place for creative solitude

Re-energize your creativity …  by taking regular ‘timeouts’ every 90 minutes

Best way to improve?  Practice and nurture your creative skill strengths regularly.

Credit: Matthew E. May   the shibumi strategy

Digital Spark Marketing regularly runs workshops to facilitate both the development of both creativity skills and solutions. Call us today for a free consultation and discussion of your needs.

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