Lessons as Presenter Imperatives from the Cluetrain Manifesto

consumer engagement

If you follow people like Hugh Macleod and Robert Scoble, etc., you know that we’re living in the era of “the Cluetrain.” I first read the Cluetrain Manifesto four-five years ago. One of the central ideas in the book is this: markets are conversations and companies by a large do not get that (even if their employees do). Traditional ways of mass-media marketing need to adapt or get out of the way. The keys are presenter imperatives, aren’t they?

What Cluetrain was talking about was the change in current company-to-consumer interactions, though their emphasis was on how technology and the web, among other things, were changing this interaction in a radical way. What the Cluetrain Manifesto is saying, at its heart, is that communication matters and that the way we think about organization-to-customer communication needs to change.

It’s all communication
Websites, intranets, message boards, email blasts, blogs, developer conferences, sales presentations, and CEO keynotes — it’s about communicating. It all matters. Whether it’s a blog, an e-newsletter, or a presentation, what audiences and customers yearn for from organizations is authenticity and transparency, simplicity, and a real human, emotion-without-the-BS approach to communicating. A real conversation…for a change.

The Cluetrain tenets — the “95 Theses” at the beginning of the book — speak largely to wired communications. But it’s all communication. While the “Theses” may not have been written with presentations in mind, many of the items fit nearly perfectly and can serve as good advice or reminders for how we need to connect and engage with our audiences today.

Below are ten items (in bold) I took from the list of “95 Theses” in the Cluetrain (my comments follow).  I suggest purchasing the book, but you can get most of it free here.

“Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.”
Markets are not abstractions, and neither are our audiences. They’re people worthy of our full attention and respect. If we can remember that it’s about them and not about us…we’re on the right path.

“Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice.”
I don’t hate politicians and I don’t hate marketers…but I hate the way they talk. “Mission-critical, forward-looking value propositions….” People do not talk that way! Many corporate speakers have a special gift for the “blah-blah-blah.” Is anyone listening? Speeches and presentations do not have to be stuffy and dull, but neither do they need to be hyped-up and shallow — your audience is praying you’ll be different.

“Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony show, are no longer speaking to anyone.”
Even if your presentation is directly sales-related, you have to believe in your product (not the hype) deep down inside. I’m not talking about drinking the Kool-Aid kind of belief, I’m talking about believing in your product (your cause, research, etc.) as you believe in yourself. Speak to the audience like you respect them, like you think they are smart like you think they are interesting. Don’t be a TV commercial. Commercials more often than not insult us. And even when they’re clever, we don’t really care and soon forget because…they’re not real.

“Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor.”
The best presenters take their cause and their audience very seriously…but they do not take themselves too seriously. They are relaxed…they have nothing to hide. At that moment, nothing could be better than sharing time with the audience, and the audience feels that.

“Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.”
Your speaking does not have to be perfect. In fact, perfect speech and too much polish may alienate a crowd. It’s not real. Each case is different, but an open, natural, friendly, relax approach — away from the podium — is usually best. People pay more attention to a natural, open voice. And few things are more boring for a crowd than the reading of a long manuscript from a podium.

“By speaking in a language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep markets at bay.”
If you want your talk to fail, simply build a wall between you and your audience. There are many ways to do that: Speak in abstractions, stand in the dark, insult the competition, speak too long, create dreadful visuals, be evasive, and on and on.

Learning to speak with a human voice is not a parlor trick. It can’t be picked up at some tony conference.”
You can learn a lot from presentation coaches and communication books, but this is not rocket science. We can be much better by simply looking at the presentation as an opportunity to have a conversation with others about something we care about. All the technique, training, and “PowerPoint” tricks are useless if the talk doesn’t come from your gut, from your heart and soul.

“The inflated self-important jargon you sling around — in the press, at your conferences — what’s that got to do with us?”
Never try to impress. It didn’t work in high school (lord knows I tried) and it won’t work with your audiences (or your markets) either. A good presentation is like a good blog: it’s transparent, unique, fresh, honest, authentic, and accurate even if not perfect.

“If you want us to talk to you, tell us something. Make it something interesting for a change.”
Most sales presentations are designed by a committee and sent to people in the field with scripts in the PowerPoint notes view. No wonder the presenter sounds distant and “corporate.”

“De-cloaking, getting personal: We are those markets. We want to talk to you.”

As the Cluetrain authors say, people “…do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters. They want to participate in the conversations…” The best presentations feel like a conversation.

Do you have other online examples of good presentations?

How to Attract User Attention with an Engaging Headline

Why do other people’s posts get clicks in the hundreds while your excellent innovative studies stay persistently underrated? You may be missing one of the most powerful user attractions of all – an engaging headline.

In this article, you’ll find 8 elements that will make your headlines winners, and you’ll learn exactly why they are such effective tricks in terms of human psychology.


Surprises in headlines work because human brains are like a novelty. Compared to expected pleasant events, unpredicted pleasant things “turn on” the pleasure centers in our brains even more. Thus, surprises prove to be far more stimulating and grab our attention much quicker than things we know well and even really like. This explains why people can subconsciously prefer an unexpected experience over something they want.


Questions that prime our curiosity is powerful brain influencers. Whereas, if we already know from the headline what we are getting next, our curiosity may be over before it begins.

The best questions are about something readers can relate to or want to know about.

Get emotional

Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings. Feelings are the energy of your story and if you don’t use them, your story can’t move forward. People can relate to a feeling while they don’t necessarily relate to a number, statistic or even logic.

Stories are the connecting threads of all humans regardless of the arena, use them wisely. If you are struggling to find the emotion behind your story, then you aren’t telling the right story.


Talk to each person

You have to talk directly to someone in order for them to commit their attention. You can’t craft your message for the masses, craft it for one person and the masses will respond. I have told the story before about how I used to hate to write. I hated it because I thought there are all these rules. When I forgot about the rules and just wrote as if I was talking to someone, I found my love of writing. And people began to respond.


Bring them into the story

Your audience has to see themselves in your story. They have to imagine themselves using your product, your service or your advice. If they can’t picture that, then you aren’t telling your story to them. Tell the story and make them the hero. Your job is to get them to believe they are Rocky at the top of the steps pumping their fists in the air.

Remember how that made you feel when you watched the movie? You can hear the music, right? Try to give that feeling to your audience with your stories.


There’s a psychological phenomenon you can use effectively called the curiosity gap, which is the gap between something a person knows and something he or she wants to know. People start to feel a kind of deprivation when they notice a gap in their knowledge.

It’s possible to provoke that feeling by providing just a bit of information. Once a person knows a little, they will want to find out more and fill in the missing information so they can feel better. With this in mind, try to “prime the pump” by giving readers some intriguing (though incomplete) information in your headline, telling them enough to spark their curiosity but not so much that you give your story away.

The headline is the most vital part of your feature. Treat the headline as if it were a summary of the article. Ask yourself, Why is this story important? What about it will it grab readers’ interest?

A good headline answers those questions by telling the reader something new, different, or useful–in 20 words or less.

To come up with a good headline, pretend you’re telling a friend what the article’s about, explaining the most interesting aspects of your story.

Keep the wording simple, and avoid superlatives and emotive language. Also, avoid using a brand or client name in the headline unless it’s very well known. Instead, focus on what’s most interesting about your topic.

A strong lead paragraph offers intrigue from the start. Editors don’t have time to read through the entire article to reach your key point, and neither do your readers. Think of the lead as an extended version of the headline, even using some of the same words.

When writing a lead, try to keep the paragraph short–two to three short sentences at the most. In total, your feature should be close to 400 words.

Don’t worry about your brand at this point–just introduce the interesting aspects of the story. If your lead reads like an ad, it’ll be discarded immediately.

The Second Paragraph
The second paragraph serves to support and expand on the ideas set out in the lead. It’s also a good place to let people know who’s “behind” the feature so there’s no confusion about who provided the copy.

Also, if the article has to be shortened due to space limitations, having the name of the company or spokesperson and your web address near the beginning will be vitally important.

If written well, the first two paragraphs can serve as a brief column item or filler if a newspaper or magazine has only limited space.

Images and Multimedia
A photo can often mean the difference between your feature being chosen for publication vs. them choosing your competitor’s. A photo helps explain the story and can draw the eye of those scanning the page. It also gives editors more options when filling space.

Make sure your photos are high-quality: Always provide digital photos in high resolution (300 dpi) and, if possible, have them shot by a professional. A bad photo will reflect on the quality of your feature.

Other multimedia options include a video or audio version of your story, or additional expert quotes and interviews. A feature podcast or multimedia news release can include all these assets to transform your story into an online experience for your audience, complete with links and reference materials to let them experience more for themselves.


Everyone knows that superlatives like “best,” “greatest,” and “biggest” are effective in headlines, but sometimes negative superlatives such as “worst” are even more powerful. Possibly, this is because negatives are unexpected compared with positives and, thus, cause surprise.

Besides, negatives are powerful for tapping into people’s insecurities. Using words like “don’t,” “stop,” and “avoid” often work well since everyone wants to know if there’s anything they should stop doing.


The first reason numbers work in headlines is that people like predictability and don’t like uncertainty. Numbers help readers by providing them with expectation management so that they know exactly what they are getting into. Additionally, it seems that the larger the number in the headline, the better the post spreads.

Audience reference

Basically, referencing your audience means using “you” in your headline. Seeing such a headline, the reader immediately feels known and named. The construction gains attention because our brains are focused on solving problems. Actively searching for solutions to problems is part of our survival instinct. That’s why when a reader is in the precise target audience of some headline, he thinks, “That’s for me!”

This tip also feeds into people’s self-interest. In other words, when you speak to your readers’ needs, desires, and emotions, you answer the main question in their minds: “What’s in it for me?”


Quantifiable concrete facts, especially those that form images in our heads, are intensely interesting. Figures imply research and add to the writer’s legitimacy. Any kind of specificity works digits, names, examples, projections, descriptions, titles, results, etc. Specificity in the headline demonstrates your article is in-depth.

Also, when you are specific, it provides clarity and assurance to readers about what they will be getting into if they click.

The bottom line

When inserting these elements into your headlines, you may find that one trick works really well for a while but then starts delivering diminishing returns. Don’t worry. Just try another, and keep looking for new ways to engage your audience. Be experimental and playful toward what you are writing and literally ruthless about testing.

Your Guide to Boost Ecommerce Sales: 8 Tips

Struggling to boost eCommerce sales is common, particularly if you are still in the early phases of developing your store.

It also does not help if you are in a competitive market trying to establish yourself when other brands have more time to get ahead of you. In addition, because they are in a better place financially, they can also afford to spend more resources to get even further ahead.

Having said all that, the fact that you are struggling should not discourage you from pursuing your goal of creating a profitable online store. If anything, you should treat these hardships as a means of motivation that can drive you further on.

Besides, you can work on creating a more effective promotion strategy yourself and maximize the available resources at your disposal. The 8 tips below should come in handy for that.

Provide Customer Reviews

Online stores can drive more sales by showing customer reviews. It is easier to persuade someone to purchase goods or services when they can justify their decision based on positive experiences from other customers.

In case the store is using the dropshipping model, it is also possible to import reviews from other platforms. Thanks to tools like Okendo, importing reviews should not be a problem. On the other hand, you might also want to check Opinew, which is a cheaper okendo alternative.

Publish High-Quality Content

Customer reviews are a type of content on your website, but relying on them entirely will not cut it. You also want to ensure that product descriptions, blog articles, video instructions, and other website content comes at the highest quality you can produce.

There is a difference between online stores that put little to no effort and those that spend a lot of time polishing every piece of content to make it better. If someone visits an online store and notices low quality, they will feel like the site is not trustworthy.

Drive Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is valuable because potential shoppers discover a website after entering particular keywords in the search engine. If they have the intention to purchase goods or services, they will choose the keywords accordingly, and stores that show at the top search results get the benefits.

Search engine optimization is a difficult nut to crack, and it requires time to come into effect, so one should treat it as a long-term investment.

Advertise on Social Media

Social media marketing continues to be one of the cornerstones for many marketing tactics despite some claims how oversaturated the most popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram are.

You can still benefit from running ad campaigns, creating giveaways and contests, sharing valuable content, posting to groups, and taking advantage of other means to make the most out of social media sites.

Create Email Marketing Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns are another example of how you need to optimize the approach before you commit. For example, sending blast emails to random people is unlikely to yield results. If anything, your email inbox will probably get flagged as suspicious, and most email service providers will block it.

No, it is necessary to research the demographic, collect relevant email lists, create tailor-made copies, and avoid sending too many messages simultaneously. 

Collaborate With Influencers

People trust celebrities that they follow on Instagram or Facebook more than they trust corporations pushing ads to promote goods or services. 

If you follow someone on social media, it usually indicates that you like or trust them. Therefore, a promotional post from such a person is more effective as far as marketing goes. 

Influencers make careers for themselves by collaborating with various brands. On the surface, it might seem like such an approach to promote an online store or a particular product is not useful in particular, but if it was, we would not have so many influencers.

Take Advantage of FOMO

The fear of missing out is one of the oldest marketing techniques. For someone who browses an online store and looks at the stuff they are interested in, it is easier to persuade such a person if they see a pop-up with stock running out and how many other people are viewing the same item.

In a similar vein, an online store could also offer limited discounts and encourage shoppers to spend money before these discounts disappear.

Simplify the Checkout Process

A complicated checkout process is one of the biggest hindrances to an online shopping experience. Having to register and fill out multiple pages of personal details increases the likelihood of abandoned shopping carts.

It also does not help if an online store offers limited payment options. There should be more than just credit cards and PayPal. Considering the differences between a hassle-free checkout process and a complicated checkout process, it should be a no-brainer as to which one to have.

5 Benefits of Google Workspace for Your Online Business

With even more businesses switching to working online due to Covid 19-pandemics, a straightforward business productivity tool is essential for keeping everybody on the same page. During the coronavirus crisis, most companies moved from the confines of a traditional office to employees’ homes. Businesses are leveraging rapidly-advancing technology and various tools to implement ideas and business objectives as effectively as possible. Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, is one of the most popular of these tools. Read on to learn about the actual benefits of Google Workspace for your business.

24/7 access to all essential tools

Google Workspace offers all the essentials that a company might need to keep the business running online. Some of the main features are:

  • Meet – a safe video conferencing solution created to be uncomplicated and helpful.
  • Gmail – a flexible email platform with a lot of features and plenty of flexibility.
  • Calendar – a cross-platform tool that can integrate with other apps.
  • Drive – safe cloud storage for your team members to store their files.
  • Chat – a tool to keep in contact with your colleagues easily.
  • Docs – an easy-to-use word processing software that is built for teamwork.
  • Sheets – a collaborative and straightforward spreadsheet feature.
  • Keep – a place where your team members can keep notes and photos, create checklists, etc.

Furthermore, having quick and safe access to a contact base is essential for every company. Google Workspace enables your team members to efficiently share Google Contacts, access and update them from everywhere, including the desktop, mobile device, Gmail, and so on.

This access will ensure that your business can soon have a clean and organized contact base.

Improved and efficient teamwork

The crucial goal of Google Workspace is to enhance teamwork and make it more efficient. All its features and apps are created to increase productivity, relying on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

All the apps are created to make working as a team more straightforward. Multiple people can work on a Google Doc simultaneously and see where everyone is in the document. They can comment easily, and team members will receive an immediate notification when someone tags them.

All the team members can access files faster and collaborate in real-time, completely overcoming geographical barriers and consequent communicational issues.

Using Workspace Insights, you can dive into your team’s metrics, monitor the team’s performance and progress, and identify problem areas, as well as success factors. You can use these tools to increase productivity and boost a team’s output.

Reliable data security

Google Workspace is a cloud-based suite with security measures consisting of more than just passwords, such as 2-step authentication, Oauth whitelisting, and early phishing detection. The Google Security Centre also offers a security health check feature to monitor who shares what data.

Administrators in Google Workspace can access Google Vault, defining what content stays and how long it lasts before being deleted from user accounts.

Ease and familiarity of use

Google Workspace apps are familiar, and they don’t require any extensive onboarding of your employees or advanced tech knowledge. As it is highly responsive and easy to access, it can be used on any device and from practically any place. If any of your employees need to edit a file on the go quickly, they can do it with the Google Docs app on their phone. Or, using the Google Calendar app, they can easily reschedule the meeting and let everyone know.

Affordable price

Google Workspace is unbeatable regarding the price for such a straightforward and flexible productivity tool that provides so many benefits.

Business Starter is just $6 per month per user, offering 30 GB cloud storage per user, custom and secure business email, 100 participant video meetings, security, management controls, and standard support.

A pricier Business standard package drastically increases the storage to 2TB per user, adds 50 more participants to video conferencing, and the recording option, raising the price to $12. No matter the plan you choose, the ads commonly present in the free versions of the apps are removed so that all your team members won’t be distracted during their work.

Overall, a business can save its cost, time, space, and employees’ energy using Google Workspace. It’s an all-in-one solution for storage, document collaboration, business management, and growth that will enhance productivity and efficiency.

6 Clever Ways Your Small Business Can Benefit From Blockchain


Cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology in general, are believed to be the new future. These financial and technological advancements are expected to make big changes in the current system that will mainly benefit small businesses and ordinary folks. So if you’re a small business owner, who’s currently struggling due to the pandemic or looming financial crisis, you’re definitely not alone. Since businesses have become more and more prominent, here are some ways that adopting them can benefit from blockchain.

It can help reduce various costs

Owning a business means constantly paying different fees, and all of that together can pose a heavy financial strain on your business. All payment methods go through banks, and banks are notorious when it comes to charging fees and any extra costs. This is also true if you’re selling your products or services online: every time a customer makes a purchase using a credit card, you’re losing money, as it goes to the bank.

Digital currencies, on the other hand, rely on transparency, and they also reduce/eliminate all the additional costs and fees.                         

It promotes trust and transparency

Millennials are especially concerned with financial trust and transparency since they’ve witnessed their parents losing everything in the 2008 credit crunch. Now, millennials are adults in their late 20s and 30s, and they’re the main deciding factor in the consumer’s market. Since they’re focused on transparency, equality, fairness, and ecological sustainability, blockchain is greatly beneficial as it stores and provides all the relevant information.

Adopting blockchain can make it easier to go global

Putting your products and services on the international market is a lengthy and costly process with multiple barriers to entry. And since cryptocurrency (and with it, blockchain) are in high demand, it also has the potential to go global, which is great if you have similar ambitions with your business.  Plus, adopting blockchain will eliminate all those high costs associated with currency exchange rates and international transactions.

With blockchain and cryptocurrencies, you will only need the best online crypto wallet for business as that will be more than enough to lead your company into the new age of abundance and financial transparency.

Blockchain can keep all your data safe and secure

As much as we’d like to believe otherwise, banks are often vulnerable to malicious attacks from the outside. Plus, banks have been doing some questionable things with your money for years now, which can be dangerous if you’re a business owner.

And with the rise of technology (smartphones) and social media, many corporations have been starting to collect data about every individual or business. Although that might be justifiable at times, it’s also a severe violation of privacy. When you decide to incorporate blockchain, your data will be safely stored and secure, and you’ll be the only one with the power to share it.

This technology reduces the need for middlemen

Middlemen such as banks, who act as transaction intermediaries, manage all the transactions and earn profit from them. Small businesses simply have no choice but to use third parties, even though doing so has a negative impact on their finances. Such third parties act as a point and source of verification and make everyone feel secure about transactions.

But blockchain can do exactly the same without any third party or external verification. Therefore, opting for blockchain technology can significantly reduce or totally avoid the need for middlemen such as banks, lawyers or brokers, while still providing transparency and safety, because blockchain users will verify all the transactions anyway.

Promoting decentralized financial structure

Decentralized finances structures mean that there is no central figure (World Bank or IMF for example). Many crypto and blockchain experts agree that creating an ecosystem where sharing data with no single authority in charge is a refreshing concept. When everyone in the chain needs information from other participants in that chain, and there’s no one in charge, it creates trust and bond, which is greatly reflected in supply chains, for example.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are still new concepts for many, but it’s safe to say that they are promising, especially to those who have been damaged by traditional financial power structures. Adopting blockchain and crypto can be great for any small business owner, as it eliminates costs, promotes transparency, and improves security on all levels.

Speed Up Your Business Growth Using Trade Finance

From smaller businesses importing their first products from overseas to established enterprises exporting larger inventory quantities around the world every year, trade financing can make the importing and exporting processes significantly easier. But another area where trade finance could be of great help is also business growth, by giving you the power to expand rapidly. To that end, here are just some of the ways trade finance can be used for supporting your business growth:

Reduce payment risks

When trading internationally, the biggest worry often comes from uncertainty, never having a guarantee whether sellers would truly ship the goods, and whether buyers will make payments in time. Trade financing helps to minimize these risks by speeding up any payments to exporters and promising importers that all the ordered goods have been shipped through official letters of credit.

On the other hand, the exporter’s financial institution could also provide them a loan while still processing any payments made by the importer, and then cover it once the payment is received, in an effort to keep the supply going instead of halting it due to transaction issues. By keeping the supply active and avoiding sudden standstills, businesses can ensure optimal practices and increase revenue, ultimately accelerating growth.

Manage your cash flow

Even if they don’t currently require any monetary assistance, the most experienced companies that frequently deal with exporting and importing will still have certain trade financing agreements set up, as this solution is generally thought to be a brilliant way of managing cash flow.

Trade financing will allow you to be in control of your money, and it will eliminate any surprises or unpleasantries by ensuring every purchase you make is already paid for in advance, and that every supplier you work with is equally compensated when you need them. Cash flow challenges tend to appear or worsen suddenly in any business, which is why maintaining a well-managed and stable working capital status through trade financing is so important for ensuring business growth.

Gain more flexibility

This financing option is also touted for its flexibility. If you choose a reliable Trade finance solution, you will have the freedom to set your own trading terms, increase your purchasing power, and possibly close your working capital gap, offering more versatility and fluidity than any other financing solution.

By using trade financing, you might also get the opportunity to improve and strengthen your relationships with international and local suppliers alike, and even partner with the best possible vendors for your company. In turn, this could empower you to go global, easily speeding up your business growth and success.

Avoid pledging assets

When acquiring a trade finance solution from any financial institution, keep in mind that it won’t depend on your financial history, meaning you don’t need a particularly good credit score or record history. Instead, trade financing is based on your future business deals and will be approved as long as you have a specific business transaction or purchase agreement in place.

As this form of funding is focused on your next order or transaction, trade financing also won’t require any assets as security, unlike most other financing solutions such as traditional loans. This will give you higher control of your assets and help you to avoid risk, thus allowing you to grow and expand more easily.

Pay for what you need

Every trade finance transaction is only limited to one import or export order, often down to the last cent. And considering the fact that you would only seek trade financing if you have a specific order to fund, opting for this solution means you will never have to pay more than what you truly need.

With trade financing, you also won’t be tied to any difficult contracts or long-term deals. You will only use this option when you have a real need for it, and you can always seek more funding for further transactions. Without any debt or continuing obligations weighing you down, growth can happen much more quickly and easily.

While growth might be key to success, it’s difficult to achieve for any business, especially when you’re dealing with certain monetary issues. Trade finance solutions can be of great help, empowering you to grow, expand, and go global.

My Home Depot: The Go-Getters Guide to a Remarkable Experience

Customers don’t care what you do. They only care what they are left with after you’ve done it. Do you notice the customer experience you receive at a business you frequently visit? With most customers, the answer is yes if the experience is bad. The extreme endpoint of the service experience. Occasionally, however, customers make note of a customer experience design that is just average. And average experiences won’t help your business, will they? So businesses should be continually looking to improve customer experience, yes? I often take note of my home depot customer experience design and think about the changes I would make if I was in charge. This blog is a discussion of how my wife and I would improve my Home Depot customer experience.

my home depot
My home depot.

Check out our thoughts on customer focus.
We often get questions and comments on delivering great customer service and experiences. They are from both clients directly and customers commenting on our blog.
Many relate to customer service actions that are reminders of what we already know (but we occasionally forget).
These are big enablers of customer service. They usually won’t create Wow service on their own, but their absence is noted by customers and lowers excellent customer service to just good enough or less.
See our article on  Client Satisfaction …10 Secrets to Improve Customer Experience
What are the ways this Home Depot was just average in its customer experience design? Consider Home Depot’s explicit operations and design:

saving you time
Are they saving you time?

Saving you time

One of the most important needs of most customers is time … no one ever has enough and if you are a customer like me, you hate waiting for service in anything.
There two big-time wasters at the Home Depot.
The first is trying to find what you are looking for. This is almost always an issue for us.
Usually, when we ask directions we get a prompt answer to an aisle, which certainly shortens the search, but not enough in our mind.
The second is trying to find someone to help you. That also includes someone who can handle 90% of the answers. That rarely happens on the first try.

My Home Depot  … show the value

In their store, as well as on their website, you can never find product value statements or recommendations. If you want recommendations on the best value you must ask.
And when you do, you rarely get a convincing answer. No real unique selling points for the store as a whole, at least that was obvious to us.


 Store to web site integration

I visit Home Depot quite often and use their website even more frequently. In all those visits, I have been shown a terminal where the customer actually used it to answer my question only once.
My bet is that there only 2-3 computers in the entire store where a customer clerk could look online to get information and answers on products. And service for products is even a bigger issue. An area where small changes could provide big improvements


Customer education

 Home Depot used to do a decent job in educating their Do-It-Yourself customers by adding a learning center in both the store and online.
The online service is still better than average, but again, they could do a lot more by integrating online and in-store customer education.
Many of the employees are just clerks and know very little about products and do it yourself activities. 


My Home Depot … lots of help and directions 

All stage employees should be encouraged to be ‘assertively friendly’.  They should seek out those who look like they need help before they come looking for help.
But this rarely if ever happens.
The Home Depot stores are very large and directions can be confusing. The last thing customers need is to not be able to find what they are looking for. As a result, signs have to be super easy to navigate and offer simple ways to get from one place to another.
Wouldn’t it be easy to create store maps to give to customers in need?
Apparently not so easy.


Take nothing for granted

Don’t take a customer’s loyalty for granted, especially when dealing with first-time shoppers. The key to customer loyalty is not just by providing a quality service or product, but how you service and support it.
Meeting customer expectations in a first sale may not be enough. First-time buyers want to know you care.  For loyalty to endure, it must be noticed and acknowledged.
That means some top-notch unique actions on behalf of customers. Have you ever received any of these? We have not.
Again, Home Depot signals that they are happy with an average customer experience.



product choices
Your product choices?

Product choices

Have you ever been into a store that has more product options? I am not talking about product sizes here.
I am talking about different brands that do basically the same thing.
And that is not a customer benefit, because too many choices make decisions much more difficult, especially when Home Depot employees can’t tell you which product is best.


Stand tall on customer issues

Being a customer advocate is often tough for many businesses. Many overcome this by defining a customer bill of rights and displaying in the store and online.
No way to not follow these as they are predominantly displayed. Ever seen one at Home Depot? Nope, not us. But certainly at other brands.


 Build trust

When you save your customer time, deliver quality service, stand tall on customer issues, and always show your value, you definitely build trust.
And trust is the basis of great customer relationships and follow-on business.
A definite win-win.


Looking for customer feedback

As customers both my wife and I like to have a business seek out our opinions.
Shows they care. On the flip side, if a business never asks, or has no way to solicit suggestions, it shows they don’t care very much.
Where do you think Home Depot falls on this spectrum?


Immerse customers in brand 

At many businesses, you can look in any direction and see the branding all around. And we are not talking abound simple brand identity here.
We are talking about things that remind customers about things the brand believes in, or stands for, in the store or online.
It works to surround you with the customer experience at every moment.
Home Depot can do more to stand out in this area, much more.


Customer experience design certainly should show how much a business appreciates the importance of customers, shouldn’t it? It’s a culture they seem proud to stand behind.
Companies that are proactively managing all elements of their customer experiences are most successful in achieving customer loyalty.
Customer experience actions that are remarkable get talked about. And getting talked about in this light is a great thing, right?
No question. So ignoring well-known customer experience annoyances is a big no-no.
Here’s the thing, customer experience design isn’t just a new way of marketing, it’s really a new way of running a business. Many businesses certainly have figured this out and are using customer experience to rapidly grow their business.
Home Depot needs to better understand this concept.
Related post: Random Acts of Kindness for Customer Experience Improvements



Remember one simple thing here: all employees need to view themselves as customer advocates, period.
Customer service actions that are remarkable get talked about. And getting talked about in this light is a great thing, right?
No question.
Do you have a lesson about making your customer experience better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Need some help in building better customer trust from your customer engagement? Creative ideas to help grow your customer relationships?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job and pay for results.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?
Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed at how reasonable we will be.
More reading on customer experience from our Library:
Customer Orientation … the Worst Customer Experience Mistakes
Customer Experience Optimization … 10 Employee Actions that Lower It
Building a Customer Experience Strategy for Business Success
10 Ways to Employ Customer Experience for Influence
Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.

Completely Change Your Webdesigning … 6 Ways to Spice Up the Website

What about you … are you having a problem getting rid of all your old ideas? And perhaps shaking up your thinking? The heart of most marketing campaigns these days has been the small business website and webdesigning. The biggest problem with most websites … they are instantly forgettable! They are not using the magical ways to spice up your website.
More to discover: Facebook Stories … Have You Heard These Remarkable Ones?
The problem is never how to get new, innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get the old ones out,
Dee Hock
Here is the thing. They say the same thing as your competitors. You see two possible results from this problem. The first is that most customers will quickly lose interest and click away from the site.
Check out our thoughts on creative marketing.
The second is that, if they stay, they’ll find no reason to select you, because there’s no discriminating message.
The answer to this problem … using videos to improve customer engagement on your website.
 Related: 7 Social Marketing Tips That Can Boost Website Relevance
Adding clever, interesting videos is one of the best ways for you to compel your viewers to stay, absorb, and pass your message to friends.
Simply stated, your video should be entertaining while adding value and meaning.
Have you ever seen the videos of Steve Jobs presenting the new product launch of the Mac, iPod, or iPad? He understood that something could be entertaining yet meaningful at the same time. Videos such as these work as well on the web as they do on television.
The simple objective … turn marketing into content, not content into marketing.
So what is the magic of creating a potentially viral video? Consider the following six elements we recommend to build award winning videos:


Web designing … engage your community

Grab attention … on some problem your community has, and then address the solution. This is the most important part of the video … the part of the video that compels viewers to want to see and hear the entire story/show!


Set up an enlightening experience

Design an experience that will be memorable … create the visual of your value, the core message. Take some risks here to stand out and be different … no risks, no rewards.


Web design examples … enlighten while entertaining

Provide your key discriminating message woven into the central theme of the video. Be entertaining. This is the second most important element of your video … convincing customers your story is the best and the reason to select you. Make sure you are addressing your most important target customers. Avoid selling at all costs!


strike a nerve
You should strike a nerve.

Strike a nerve

Create a topic that will resonate and connect with your audience. What makes your website such a powerful marketing and branding tool is its ability to communicate through verbal, visual, and metaphoric levels. If you are not using all 3 levels of communications, you are missing opportunities to resonate, connect, and strike a nerve.


 Be worth the time

Be memorable and bold … be worth the audience’s time and attention. Use subtle marketing techniques. The challenge is to turn marketing into memorable content that informs, enlightens, and entertains at the same time.


Learn about web design … compel action with a story

We all understand the need for a call to action. However, you can best deliver on the action call by a convincing story. A story catching attention and providing relevant messages for your target customers.


A great example

JetBlue recently launched a brilliant new ad campaign called “Air on the Side of Humanity”. Have you seen it? You might want to check it out.
They ingeniously use pigeons as a transposed metaphor for frequent flyers who are challenged by business travel and crowded flights. Believe me, I can relate. The spot shows crowded skies full of pigeons while an off-camera narrator says “the reality of flying is not very pretty”. It’s a royal headache and a major inconvenience.
They show crowded jostled pigeons on a building ledge lined up single file facing the camera while the narrator says, “They pack you in there, you hardly have any space for yourself. Hey, I’m a big guy and I need some room to breathe”. As the narrator continues talking about the future situation being bleak the camera focuses on a man’s legs sitting on a park bench throwing crumbs to pigeons on the sidewalk as the narrator says, “They throw you crumbs and act as if it’s a 5 course meal”.
Next, they show a lonely pigeon on a busy pedestrian sidewalk as people walk around ignoring a confused bird as the narrator says, “I feel completely ignored”. Then the narrator asks the question, “There’s gotta be a way to fly with a little respect, you know?”
More to study: About Social Media … Ways to Use Social Media for Learning
Then they cut to a different voiceover announcer which says, “Enjoy JetBlue’s award-winning service, free unlimited snacks and the most legroom in coach.” An awesome way to engage customers, isn’t it?
What I love about this engagement approach is that it takes a customer experience perspective that no doubt was derived through deep customer insights. As a frequent flyer myself I was able to relate to the spot on multiple levels. I can just imagine what the creative brainstorming session must’ve looked like.
It probably went something like this… Let’s find a metaphor for flying … pigeons. Put them in crowded lines and jostled frustrating situation … crowded skies of birds flapping their wings. Demonstrate the food is not very good … throw some crumbs. And show how nobody cares about the passenger … show bird on a crowded sidewalk alone being ignored.
Then ask the question, there has to be a better way and the answer from JetBlue is … Air on the side of humanity! Simple, and a brilliantly magical video, isn’t it?
Does your business use videos to improve customer engagement with your website?  Do you have a story to share on their effectiveness? Any comments or questions to add?



Key takeaway


Remember, don’t talk about how great you are.  Tell your customers a story about how what you do well will make them look awesome.

customer relationships
Build customer relationships.

Lots of ideas here that can be easily replicated … which ones do you feel could benefit your business?
How could you improve the Starbucks Coffee Social Media campaign concept for your business?
Need some help in capturing more customers from your social media marketing or advertising? Creative ideas to help the differentiation with your customers?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Are you devoting enough energy innovating your social media strategyg?
Do you have a lesson about making your advertising better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.
More reading on social media platforms from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Facebook Statistics … Lots to Learn From Current Data
11 Updates to Starbuck’s Creativity and Innovation
6 Fantastic Facts about the Changing Social Media Landscape
About Social Media … Ways to Use Social Media for Learning
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.

Innovative Companies … Avoid Paradox on Innovation and Design

Steven Johnson said: Being right keeps us in place. Being wrong forces us to explore. Do you sometimes wonder why there is less business innovation and design than you might have expected?  We often hear from our clients that things are working; therefore they are reluctant to change. Innovative companies don’t follow this practice.

innovative companies
Innovative companies.

Check out our thoughts on building innovation.


Successful organization

In any successful organization, many things are working, or it wouldn’t be a going concern. So it’s not surprising that people want to sustain that success. That pure impulse to keep what’s working can produce decisions that can slow or halt creativity and innovation.
A new idea that doesn’t quite fit with prior assumptions often is quickly set aside. Mistakes are seen as problems that must be fixed to restore the organization’s smooth functioning.
It’s all very logical and well-intended, but the effect is to resist any substantial change, gradually eroding the capacity for creative ideas and innovation and even actively opposing them.


Innovative companies

Innovative companies understand this and take action to overcome these tendencies. They continually track their customers and competitors to detect quickly signals that may point to needed changes.
Thoughtful experimentation is encouraged, not only as a way to test new ideas but to maintain the organization’s proficiency at implementing new ideas. There’s an awareness of the need to promote continual adaptation, rather than simply protect what’s working.


business paradox
Business paradox.

Most innovative companies Fast Company … interesting paradox

That is the interesting paradox here. The more strenuously we strive to preserve our success, the more we do what we already know will work. The more we look for confirmation and reinforcement of what we believe, the more momentum is created to avoid necessary change and adaptation.
It’s by letting go of that need to be right and have certainty, by being willing to reexamine our assumption and beliefs, which we build momentum for creativity and innovation. The more we’re willing to explore new possibilities, the more actively we look for exceptions that might expose flaws.
The more we consider a variety of interpretations, the more we seek to discover new insights.  In the end, this is what builds the critical momentum in support of new ideas and adaptation necessary for creativity and innovation.
Remember, whoever tries the most stuff usually wins.




Need some help in improving the innovation process for you and your staff? Innovative ideas to help the differentiation with your toughest competitors? Or maybe ways to innovate new products and services?
Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options for innovation workshops to get noticeable results.
Call Mike at 607-725-8240.
All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that struggle gets better every day you learn and apply new innovative ideas.
When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.
Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
Do you have a lesson about making your innovation learning better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?
Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.
More reading on creativity and innovation from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
Learn How to Think What No One Else Thinks
Generating Ideas by Convergent Thinking
Amazon and Managing Innovation … the Jeff Bezos Vision
The Secrets to Building an Innovative Culture
Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.



My Top SEO Strategies: The Best Ones For Content Marketing Success

Seth Godin certainly gets it … probably had it down before anyone else. What may you be asking? My top SEO strategies are what creates content marketing success, of course. Secrets? Probably not. But certainly essential for success.


my top seo strategies
My top SEO strategies.

We don’t have an information shortage; we have an attention shortage.

– Seth Godin


Whenever you write an article or record a videospeak or write authentically, from the heart. Don’t worry about what people will think.


Content marketing tactics such as; blog posts feature articles, optimized website copy, white papers, social media content and press releases. They are what move consumers along a specific path. Content marketing generates awareness of your brand, product or service. It inspires consumers to engage and consider you. It converts them into leads and sales and creates advocates. Lots to gain, yes?

More to learn: Press Coverage … 9 Actionable Ways to Get Good Coverage


Discover how content marketing exposes consumers to your brand, engages potential customers, and converts them into leads and sales. The following are our recommendations for ensuring the success of an online content marketing strategy. A strategy that even small businesses can successfully implement today.


My top SEO strategies … influence marketing

There is nothing more valuable than contact with people who already have popular websites. Do not try to ask them to promote you. The better option is to some ego-bait stuff (like interview) with them then ask them for a guest blog.



In-depth articles 

Forget about writing average blog posts. Instead of this write some 10X stuff – 10X Content is the Future.



generate quality backlinks
Generate quality backlinks.

Combine techniques

 It is a mix of skills you already know but from your perspective. For example, I used to check the volume of keywords through Google PPC and Bing PPC program then make a new content map strategy.


Tools designed for spying on your competitors cover just 50% of this job. Check every post, comment and article your competitors push. This way you can measure what strategy could be fruitful for your business.




Not just SEO’d and unique but also useful. Your content should be shared and liked. Your goal here is to be noticed and mentioned. You need to receive as much attention as possible.




No matter how good your content is, you won’t get any benefit from it unless you promote it. Hard. Remember: 99% of perspiration and 1% of inspiration.



Content comes first

A website with brilliant content can do great with or without SEO. A website with bad content will not survive with or without SEO. Note that a website with good content can become even better with SEO!


So, what is considered good content?


SEO strategies and techniques … original content

seo strategy plan
SEO strategy plan.

(articles, text, images, videos, presentations, infographics, comments, etc.)  No copies or re-writes of existing articles.


Content published on your website first

Even if it’s your content, if you have already published it on another website then it’s not good for your site.


Content that includes text as well

Try to have text to accompany your non-text content. For example, if you post videos on your website, try to add a text description as well. If you add images, try to describe in words what the image is all about.


Content that is well researched

Users don’t want to read quickly prepared posts and neither do search engines. If you are writing about a certain topic or answering a question, make sure that what you write is justified and covers both sides of a story. Long articles are proven to rank better than short articles.


Posting frequency

Two things are important when it comes to posting frequency. First is to have fresh content on your website and second to establish a publishing strategy and stick to it.



Keyword research 

Keyword research is the main driver of successful SEO. To improve your search engine ranking, you’ll need first to analyze keywords that are relevant to your industry.



Sound link building 

It’s simple: high-quality link building produces greater results.



Creating quality content 

Don’t let poor content affect your site’s search engine rank. It’s vital that you offer engaging and useful information to keep your visitors coming back.


When you go about implementing SEO strategies ( to guarantee a favorable search engine ranking), try following these methods to improve your ranking.



Content marketing strategy

Every website should have a content strategy focused around your top keywords. When you create content such as blog posts, videos, whitepapers, research reports and webinars, it gives people something to link to. Also, the content you create can rank by itself in the search engines.


For example, if you write a blog post on “How to Pick an SEO Company,” there is a possibility it will rank for some of the keywords you use in the title and the body post. This is especially true if the post gets linked to from other websites or shared a lot on social media. It also helps if your website, as a whole, already has significant high-quality links.


This results in high domain authority, which translates into better rankings for all of your content. Also, regular content creation shows Google that your website is alive and active. By sending this fresh content signal to Google on a continual basis, it will result in better rankings for your website as a whole.



Generate quality backlinks

Having an influencer and content marketing strategy will help you develop backlinks to your website. It is also important to actively seek ways to get people to link to you. Some of the best ways to do this are to write for a large publication, do industry interviews, and recommend your powerful content to people who matter.


Also, you can also use tools like Majestic SEO to see who is linking to your competitors. Once you identify the links to your competitor’s sites, you can analyze these links and learn how they got them. This will pave the way for the implementation of a similar strategy for your website. For example, did they donate to a charity causing the charity to link to their site? You can do the same thing.



Be mobile-friendly

In 2015, there was a major Google update known as Mobilegeddon. This meant that if you did not have a mobile version of your website by April 21, 2015, you lost a significant amount of your rankings in the mobile version of the Google search listings.

Keep studying: 19 Top Marketing Initiatives We Should Be Discussing


So your website needs to be mobile-ready. There are three types of accepted options for a mobile site in Google’s eyes. The first is a responsive design. The second is being set up on a mobile subdomain or use dynamic serving. And finally, Google also now ranks websites higher that apply SEO for their apps. So if you have an app, make sure you are taking the time to implement application SEO.



Move to HTTPS, a secure site

The “S” in HTTPS stands for security, and if your URL leads with HTTPS (Example Domain) instead of HTTP (Example Domain), then your website is secure. Google wants you to move your site to HTTPS so badly that they are now giving a ranking boost to websites that are secure. As we moved into 2016, we started seeing many new websites transferring to HTTPS.




Need some help in finding ways to grow your customers?


Such as creative ideas to help the differentiation with potential customers? Or perhaps finding ways to work with other businesses?


Call today for a FREE consultation or a FREE quote. Learn about some options to scope your job.

Call Mike at 607-725-8240.


So what’s the conclusion? The conclusion is there is no conclusion. There is only the next step. And that next step is completely up to you. But believe in the effectiveness of collaborative innovation. And put it to good use in adapting to changes in your business environment.


It’s up to you to keep improving your learning and experience with innovation and creativity efforts. Lessons are all around you. In this case, your competitor may be providing the ideas and or inspiration. But the key is in knowing that it is within you already.


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new lessons.


When things go wrong, what’s most important is your next step.


Try. Learn. Improve. Repeat.




When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step. Call today.


Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find them on G+Twitter, and LinkedIn.  


Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way. Call us for a free quote today. You will be amazed how reasonable we will be.


More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

What Marketers Need to Know about Personalization Strategies 

19 Top Marketing Initiatives We Should Be Discussing

My Top SEO Strategies for Content Marketing Success

Innovation in Marketing … the Birchbox Subscription Model


Like this short blog? Follow Digital Spark Marketing on LinkedIn or add us to your circles for 3-4 short, interesting blogs, stories per week.