Offline Marketing Tactics That Are Still Relevant

With the rise of the internet and its penetration into our everyday lives, the world of offline marketing tactics has changed dramatically. Digital marketing has been growing exponentially during the last decade. Stats show that 81% of shoppers research online before making a purchase, so it is a fact that customers now rely heavily on the internet to decide where to spend their money.

With such changes, entrepreneurs and small companies have started thinking about marketing in exclusively digital terms, as these strategies are constantly proving to be more affordable, interactive, easier to track, and most importantly, they generally bring a greater ROI.

offline marketing tactics

Still, offline marketing tactics can have a significant impact, especially when they are used locally. Here are some that are still relevant.

Discount coupons

Many customers are value seekers, and they love making a good bargain, so they like to shop using coupons, discounts, and promotions. You can hand out discount coupons via traditional means such as magazines, for use both in the digital and in the offline store.

This can help you reach more customers and build customer loyalty. It can also bring you more qualified leads for your digital marketing efforts, by requiring online registration on your website in order to use a discount.

discount coupons

Printed materials

Using flyers and pamphlets to promote your business, and offer your products or services is still a good tactic as people respond well to all sorts of printed materials. Just make sure they are captivating and well-designed, as they will grab more attention. A good idea is to attach coupons they can use in your offline or online store and encourage them to visit it.


Even though renting a billboard space is expensive, it can bring your small business just the right promotional boost. Still, in order to have such an effect, your billboard needs to be very attractive and positioned in the area with high-traffic. Make sure all the important company details are easy to spot, such as your offline and online contact information.

Guerilla marketing

This marketing technique can be very budget-friendly, as it can bring you a lot of desired attention at very low costs. It is all about finding an unconventional method of communicating with your customers or surprising them. It can be reversed graffiti or a temporary business-related artwork you’ll put on the sidewalks or in the street.

Just how cheap and effective this technique can be as shown by the creepy “IT” movie guerilla marketing campaign, which consisted mainly of red balloons attached to drainage gates and chalk stencils. While it surprises the audience and grabs their attention, guerilla marketing looks great on social media too and can boost your engagement rates.

Branded merchandise

Everybody loves freebies, and they can hardly say no to useful merch, such as branded umbrellas, water bottles, t-shirts or personalized promotional lanyards. Giving away branded freebies is a perfect way to get your name out in the crowd, and work on your brand recognition. You can give away branded merchandise at the local events and conferences, or host a digital contest on social media and offer it as a prize.

Sponsor a local event

If your budget allows, it is always a good idea to sponsor a local event in your community. This is a great way to humanize your business and build your brand, as you will connect with your potential customers through the values you share. You can sponsor a local team or host a fundraising event together with a non-profit organization, and support your community.

This is also a perfect opportunity to hand out flyers, discount coupons or branded merchandise to event visitors. Plus, just imagine all the great content both you and your prospects will distribute digitally, during and after the event.


It is always a good idea to use every opportunity to talk to the people you meet about your business. Talk to your family, friends, other small business owners in your or some other industries, as you can never be sure when and where you will make the connection which will help your business grow.

This is especially important when you are attending events, conferences or trade shows in your industry. It is important to get word of mouth for your business, and networking is a great way to begin.

By leveraging these offline marketing techniques, you can boost your sales and increase your brand exposure, as well as generate new leads for your digital marketing campaigns.