Teamwork Skills: Grow These by Being a Talent Hound
If you want to build teamwork skills, it starts with having the best people. Creating a talent advantage begins with smart hiring. That said, it never ceases to amaze me at the number of businesses who put little energy and time into mining for talent. Smart leaders do more than just hire teamwork skills and…
How to Become a Very Good Technical Leader
Both the right combination of technical and leadership skills are needed. Let me discuss the technical leadership skill priorities. Humility Leaders teach us “Don’t think too highly of yourself.” How can you improve? We are not perfect. Your success is because of many team members’ contributions. Up your leadership game with humility. More details: Leadership Principles…
Counter-Intuitive Leaders: The Crazy Things We have Witnessed
People have been writing about leadership–what makes a good leader, what makes a bad one, and how come–since just about as long as there have been leaders. It’s only relatively recently that the study of leadership has taken a scientific turn. Now, behavioral scientists are discovering some dimensions of leadership that turn conventional wisdom sideways…
Live Your Passion: How Do You Know if You Can?
When discussing your passion, it is important to understand the difference between passion and strength. That will help you recognize if you can live your passion. Passion is “An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.” This means that although you may be passionate about something, you may not be good at doing it yourself. For example, I…