• My Favorite Story on Social Business

    A landscape gardener ran a business that had been in the family for two or three generations. The staff was happy, and customers loved to visit the store, or to have the staff work on their gardens or make deliveries – anything from bedding plants to ride-on mowers. A great social business example, yes? For…

  • 15 Priorities to Follow for Business Success

    No business attribute is more important today as that of adaptability, as many, many businesses are on the brink of irrelevance … unless they change as fast as change itself. You need to have and try many creative business ideas as often as possible and implement these factors for small business success. Your strategies for success do…

  • 4 Common Mistakes That Lead to Bad Hires

    Hiring the wrong person costs your agency more than you might think. Especially very bad hires. According to Jörgen Sundberg, founder of Undercover Recruiter, a bad hire can end up costing your business around $840,000. That’s not a number to take lightly. Sundberg’s team based their calculations on the cost of a second-level manager who makes $62,000 a…

  • 7 Essential Keys to Run an Effective Meeting

    Can you think of anything more destructive to time management than a poorly run meeting? We can’t … and have spent many a meeting wasting precious time. We have spent years of experience to define the critical elements of running an effective meeting. I am always doing that which I cannot do so that I…

  • Do You Know Your Business Rules?

    Every business has a set of business rules that influence (maybe dictate?) how the business should operate. Sometimes they are written, sometimes just implied as a culture. Here are ones we at Digital Spark Marketing live by … at least, most of the time: Survive in the short term, plan for the long term Adapt…