Winners: Have Ideas to Supercharge Your Success in Life?


Have you ever asked yourself who will be the winners in life? Do you think you can successfully spot them?

Check out our thoughts on team leverage.

Let us start with a simple premise that all of must accept. That is, happiness is a choice. It is your choice to live a happy life.

Winners in life.

10% of your life consists of things you willed or brought about. Don’t sweat that small stuff.

90% is all that you cannot control, the stuff that just happens to you. How will you deal with those things? How will you react? What will you learn? The key to these questions is the attitude.

None of these things (the 10%, remember?) matter if you have not fostered the most important attitudes we discuss here. Most can be infinitely scaled. Their power is limitless if you learn how to attend to them.

Do you have unusual fears? Have many doubts? Like the fear of an embarrassing moment? Don’t. This world is full of people very sympathetic and willing to help you with help to get you through the day.

And help you with the attitudes needed for happiness. All you need to focus on is defeating your doubts. Do you sometimes wonder how much unseen impact your actions and life is having on others?

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass,
it’s about learning to dance in the rain.
-Vivian Greene

There was a time when I thought happiness was a destination, in much the same way I imagined I’d eventually arrive at peace or success.

It seemed like something I needed to chase or find—definitely not something I could experience without dramatically changing my life.

I’ve since learned through experience that helps to get through the day is always available. Like any desirable state of mind, it requires effort, even if that effort entails consciously choosing to be still.

So my answer to the question who is the winner at life is simple in my mind.

how winners think
How winners think.

It is the one who figures out the happiness equation over the long haul. Let me elaborate. Here are the things that work best for me.


Winners start well

Start your day believing that you are going to have a great day.


Sharing is always caring. You can’t do enough sharing.

Winners show kindness

Show some kindness without expecting anything in return. If they ask what they can do for you, tell them to pay it forward.


Smiles matter. And they are so simple to execute.


There are many strangers just waiting to make new friends. How many friends can you make today?


You are the master of your destiny. Take charge and show your happiness.

Avoid the bad habits: Bad Habits … 14 That Can Get in the Way of Success

Winners in life … create some alone time

Sit in nature—under a tree, on a mountain—and let yourself simply be quiet.


Be nothing less than remarkable. It just takes a little more effort.

Share some fun with someone you love

Forget about everything that feels like a problem and do something that seems like fun. Have fun spontaneously.



Play is always the centerpiece of work. Be happy and enjoy things you do.

Defeat doubts

Eliminate fears or doubts. Mistakes and failures are ok.

Actively enjoy good things now

Be about the present instead of scheming to create a better future.

Serve someone else

Just because … just for them. That might mean helping them pursue their passion, or motivating them to reach their fitness goals. Whatever gives your life meaning, give it to someone freely.

Show gratitude

Gratitude is the attitude directed towards appreciating anything and anyone. Think of it as the ability to assign a value to something that others overlook. It is the secret to true richness. It never runs out. And best: it is not a scarce resource, unlike any other resource in the world.

Live with humility

Humility is the attitude of not taking yourself too seriously. Never forget where you came from. Never forget what you are: just human. No matter how high you fly or how low you fall, it all just seems so much easier if you tread lightly. Remember not to take yourself and those many projects of yours too importantly to the point of agonizing about them. It is fine to strive and seek.

Be resilient

Resilience is the attitude to weather anything from the gentlest breeze to the strongest gale threatening to derail or break you on your journey. Some call it growing a thick skin, a tough hide, robustness or fortitude. No matter what you call it, foster it because you have no idea what people are capable of surviving. The world is not necessarily cruel by definition, but it can be cruel by ignorance, by the apathy of nature, by forces so large they can toss you around like a speck of dust to make you know your place in the scheme of things. Those times can hurt. A lot. For those times, I wish for you to have the resilience to suck it up and then get back to work.

Let go of uncontrollable

Let go things that are beyond your control, particularly those that frustrate you or make you sad.

Learn to accept and move on

Learn to accept people or things around you as they are rather than how you want them to be. This will make your life easier. Follow the saying “Do good and feel good.”

End well

Focus on what you have rather than what you want. At the end of every day, be grateful for all that you have.


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Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.
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More reading on learning from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
The Nine Most Valuable Secrets of Writing Effective Copy
How Good Is your Learning from Failure?
10 Extraordinary Ways for Learning to Learn
Continuous Learning Holds the Keys to Your Future Success
 Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.