Verizon Customer Service Standards Often Miss the Mark

Brands are verbs. What they do matters more than what they say. Verizon customer service standards are part of the brand’s deal.

Verizon customer service. Do you pay more attention to what brands do than what they say they will or should do?

Think carefully about your last few experiences with brands. While you gather your thoughts, let me tell you about a terrible Verizon customer service standards experience that my wife and I recently went through.

Check out our thoughts on customer focus.


Have you ever visited a Verizon store? Hopefully, it was a better visit than ours. Perhaps it will stimulate your thinking about your recent customer experiences.


My wife has had her ‘flip’ phone for almost a decade. Her display has been badly cracked for the better part of a year, so our daughter purchased her a new flip phone for her birthday. She refused to try a smartphone.


Related: 7 Ways to Create a Customer Service Evangelist Business


So before I tell you about our experience at Verizon where we went to get the phone activated, let me ask you a question. How long should it take to activate a simple flip phone, do you think?

You probably won’t believe the answer. Over an hour and there were no customers in the store when we arrived. That should be a clue of how bad the service and experience was, yes?


Here are the problems we experienced and what Verizon should have improved on:


Customer service standards … excessive time to accomplish the task

Ok, I have already told you that it took over an hour to activate a simple flip phone.

But I didn’t tell you that the service representative could not even complete the task. More on that following. That is amazing.

customer service standards
Customer service standards.

Service representative not knowledgeable

Over an hour with the service representative, four calls to Verizon and two visits to the other service representative in the store, and he did not finish the task.

Need I say more about his knowledge of the Verizon products?

Customer service standards … service or sales?

I have said that we were there in the store to get my wife’s new phone activated. We already selected and had the new Verizon phone when we arrived.

That did not stop the service representative from trying to sell us other products and cell phone packages on four occasions during the service visit.

Made it our problem

We did not bring our USB cord with us, as we did not think we needed it. The store could not find one for this phone.

This became the source of all the activation issues experienced during the visit.

Do you have a screwdriver?

When the visit started, the service representative needed to remove the battery, which apparently required the use of a screwdriver.

He asked my wife if she had one with her. Double amazing, yes?

No store teamwork

When we arrived at the store, there were no customers present and two customer service representatives. The representative that helped us was a stand-in from a store 80 miles away.

Neither representative knew each other nor the second one was not very supportive in helping in finding a solution to the difficulties his store mate was having (even though he was not busy with any customers for the first 15 minutes).

never completed the job
He never completed the job.

Never completed job

As we have previously said the service representative never completed his task.

He didn’t think he had transferred the contacts from the old phone, and he could not figure out how to back up the phone.

Good thing he gave up on the contact transfer, as when we got home we discovered there were three copies of each old contact in the new phone.

Very anxious to move to next customer

As you can imagine, after about 30 minutes trying to finish our job, there were 3-4 customers waiting for service. That put everyone even more on edge.

The service representative became even more anxious to move on to the next customer. Not a good scene.


The bottom line

What’s missing is the concept of service.  The desire to help clients achieve their goals rather than to assume you know what their goals should be.  Talk about direct response metrics won’t help a client whose brand awareness is trailing by ten points.

Interestingly, top digital players like Yahoo! and Google do understand this.  However, many in the industry are still the same arrogant bunch that went down in the first dot-com boom and will surely go down again, screaming “nobody gets it!” along the way.

It is amazing to my wife and me how many issues in customer service we experienced that day. Not hard to understand why we would classify this one of our worst customer experiences in a very long time.

Success and failure.
Success and failure.

Do you have a lesson about crafting your customer service and or experience better you can share with this community? Have any questions or comments to add in the section below?


Need some help in building better customer service for your customers? Have you noticed the growing importance of the service you provide?  Creative ideas to help enhance your word of mouth marketing?


All you get is what you bring to the fight. And that fight gets better every day you learn and apply new ideas for your service to customers.


When things are not what you want them to be, what’s most important is your next step.


Test. Learn. Improve. Repeat.


Are you devoting enough energy to improving your continuous learning for yourself and your team?


Mike Schoultz is the founder of Digital Spark Marketing, a digital marketing and customer service agency. With 40 years of business experience, he blogs on topics that relate to improving the performance of your business. Find him on Twitter, and LinkedIn.  


Digital Spark Marketing will stretch your thinking and your ability to adapt to change.  We also provide some fun and inspiration along the way.


More reading on advertising  focus from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:

10 Next-Generation Customer Service Practices

Handling Customer Complaints … 8 Mistakes to Avoid

7 Ways to Create a Customer Service Evangelist Business