Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing: Which One is Best?

digital marketing
There is a heated battle for the heart and soul of the future of marketing. For the longest time, traditional marketing methods have helped businesses expand from mom and pop operations into multinational conglomerates. With history on its side, traditional marketing tactics adhere to due to their track record. However, technology has disrupted the conventional business model and consumer experience, making it tough for newer and more unusual forms of marketing to not be noticed. At the end of the day, which form of marketing is better? Continue reading, and we’ll walk you through the pros and cons of digital marketing and traditional marketing.
digital marketing
Is digital marketing better?

The Advantages of Traditional Marketing

Many people are familiar with the basics of traditional marketing, even if they do not own a business.
Many elements of traditional marketing feel familiar and more personal; take for instance the distribution of folders, business cards, and other marketing materials.
Not only do many consumers prefer this approach, but there is an entire industry built up around the need for traditional marketing supplies, such as Show Case Creative.
This means that you’ll quickly find the services you require, both in your backyard and online. That ability to access marketing needs online, however, is why digital marketing is becoming so competitive.

The Advantages of Digital Marketing

Perhaps the biggest advantage of digital marketing is its ease of use. With the right budget and targets, you can reach millions of people in a very short time.
There are both organic and paid forms of digital marketing – depending on your needs, approach and budget – that provide an easier pathway toward being exposed than traditional marketing provides.
Additionally, the cost per impression via most digital marketing efforts is substantially lower than efforts associated with traditional marketing.
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The Disadvantages of Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing efforts can be expensive. Take a billboard for example. This conventional marketing approach might cost $5,000 per month in a desirable location.
For that same price, you could reach hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals via a digital marketing campaign.
Additionally, it ‘s hard to generate the same amount of meaningful impressions via traditional marketing efforts, in large part due to the amount of energy and possibly manpower that it takes.

The Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing examples can be found all around us and all over the internet. Many people have become desensitized to digital marketing in their emails, in social media feeds, and in a search.
This means that while digital marketing is cheaper per impression, you’ll likely need to make more impressions before actually resonating with a consumer.
Because of this, many people decide to combine both digital marketing and traditional marketing elements for success.
The truth is that both digital and traditional marketing solutions are needed for a comprehensive marketing strategy.
You want to make as many meaningful impressions as possible, and each form of marketing offers some advantages in this regard. Whether you already have a successful business or are planning out your new business’ strategy, consider both the pros and cons of each method.
By combining the two to maximize strengths and reduce weaknesses, you’ll have the most effective marketing campaign possible
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More reading on social media marketing and advertising from Digital Spark Marketing’s Library:
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Mike Schoultz is a digital marketing and customer service expert. With 48 years of business experience, he consults on and writes about topics to help improve the performance of small business. Find him on G+FacebookTwitter, Digital Spark Marketing, and LinkedIn.